The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, November 28, 2011

Regular Day and Socks

Thanksgiving is over so Kevin is back at work. Plus, my mom left.  I was getting used to her being around during the day when Kevin was working.   So today felt like a boring Monday. The dogs are complaining too, not only has it rained all day so they are bored, but my mom showers them with love and they are feeling *lonely*.  Also, who am I suppose to take with me on super quick trips to stores? Who is going to rock, walk and talk to Nate when I do a few things around the house? Needless to say I am missing the company of my mom; I wish she lived closer. It had been awhile since she had been around a baby, but I think all of the baby skills came back quickly. I'm sure she misses seeing that baby face everyday :(

One thing I thought was really funny is that Kevin's mom always thought Nate looked cold and so did my mom... I have decided that maybe this was a grandma thing haha!! My mom would say ..'maybe he needs a blanket on his legs' once I put a blanket on she would say, 'see he looks a lot more comfy'.

This brings me to a somewhat clunky transition to the topic of socks. Yes, it is a transition since socks keep you warm, right? Anyway, while Nathaniel still runs hot (like his mom) his feet do get cold at night.  Because of this we try and put socks on more (unless of course he fell asleep without them because we don't chance waking him up). Side Note: This kid still doesn't get enough sleep during the day (~ 16 hrs is what he is suppose to get and he usually gets several hours less)  Ok back to socks. Nathaniel kicks a lot. It doesn't matter if they are excited happy kicks or grumpy kicks of fury. He always looks like he is marching or headed somewhere. This constant kicking movement really tests whether or not a pair of socks is on for good or just for looks. We do find a sock here or there and luckily Mocha hasn't eaten one of them.... lucky lucky.  Not all socks are created equal and a lot don't pass the kick test for sure.  So far the best ones I have bought have been the Target brand ones.  These ones are pretty basic, but they stay on longer. 

Now I do have a beef with the variety of socks offered. There is only like 3 colors offered in boy socks. Even at target there is a whole end aisle of socks and they are 85% girl colors. I can get grey, white or red.. (and I'm pretty sure the white and red were for girls too) I don't even think there was a blue. But, every other sock or sock pack is blue socks. Some green would be nice or tan perhaps. Maybe it is the girl in me, but he looks cute if his socks sort of match his adorable onesies ;) Side Note: It is hard to cover those super cute baby feet - baby feet are the best, they are so so small.

Nathaniel's 2 month appt is Thurs - the dreaded ** shots ** :(

Grandma Johnson and Nathaniel

Nathaniel stares at Kevin endlessly when he holds him in this position
Nate loves it (and so does Kevin)

He looks so small in his swing

1 comment:

Amie said...

Nathaniel is so cute! I feel your frustration on the sock thing and just wanted to recommend Robeez socks...they are awesome! They stay on AND have a great variety of colors (not all blue!)! I've gotten some on Amazon, but sites like Baby Steals for boys and Zulily often have them at a discount :)
Amie (krista's friend)