The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Moves, Mumbling and Molars

So many M's so little time. I'm pretty sure M was the letter of the day on Sesame St. too. j/k i don't know, but I am always impressed with the guests that come on Sesame st. It always takes me by surprise if I look over and Ray Romano or Mario Lopez or Natalie Portman is talking to Big bird or something. It is cool that they do that - I hope it is as altruistic as it appears.
Ok, so what 'moves' am I talking about. The little man is starting to dance more. Now if he is anything like his mom or dad there is no real hope that he will be good, but we don't discourage him ;) His moves to date have consisted of bending at the knees and bouncing (kind of like Kevin). I wouldn't say he dances a lot, but at least there is some rhythm shining through. He has taken a big step though and has added spinning. He kind of bounces and then spins. I call it 'doing your circles'. I'm not even sure if it is actually dancing or if he just likes feeling dizzy. Probably the dizzy thing huh? Maybe he will surprise us all and pull out a John Travolta next. I'll make sure to get a video if that happens.
At least several times a day I feel so bad that I can't understand what Nathaniel is saying. His words sound so much like real words, but sadly they aren't words yet. His mumbling is so full of inflections, attenuation and different sounds. Lately, he looks at you with this stink look like, 'Come on man, what are you not getting here!!' He even walked up to Kevin and I when we were watching him say something and he kind of looked at us, swung his arm in disappointment and walked off frustrated. Of course we thought it was super cute.
He is maybe a little behind in speech since he isn't around a lot of people talking, but we aren't concerned since he is still along the usual path. I've read some stuff and nothing screams red flag at me yet (let's hope it stays that way). Almost everything says all kids are pretty much equal by kindergarten (given normal circumstances) and you can't even tell who was an early or late talker since talking by itself isn't really an indicator of intelligence. There is a lot written about memorizing versus context. Lots of kids can rattle off flash cards apparently, but can't really translate the words or phrases into different scenarios. I don't know since i have zero experience with this, but it is kind of interesting to think about. I actually read something about people hiring tutors during preschool just to make sure their kids were excelling. Tutoring in preschool - talk about pressure. I think it is just all of the parents feeling that competitive pressure to have the smartest kids. Let's hope it doesn't cloud our ability to also let them have fun.
I think I'll just stick to the basics... reading to him and narrating our lives :) Regardless, his upswing in seriousness when he says something to us indicates he is ready to communicate! It is hard not to feel bad when you can't understand him. Whatever he is saying is said with such conviction; yet you stand there staring at him. When he is finished you say something probably totally unrelated like, 'that was a good book, or that dog did walk by you' and he just walks off. haha he probably thinks we are idiots :)
Molars! He is getting a molar or two. It appears that the left side is getting teeth faster than the right. But, it is hard to confirm that since the only glance I get is when he is laying down and I make him laugh and I quick look in his mouth. He isn't a fan of me sticking my fingers in his mouth and has no idea what open your mouth means. The only signs have been a bit of drooling here or there and chewing on some stuff more than he had been. Although every time he is a little grumpy, which really isn't very often I like to blame it on his teeth. I have to be right at least once right? He does have 3 teeth on the front bottom (the right side is lagging behind) and 4 on the front top.
Big M, little m... M m M (loosly taken from the Dr. Suess ABC book) This is one of those books you memorize because it is brought to you all the time and you read it several times in a row.  I hid it one day just because I wanted a day off from the book .... ssshhh don't tell Nate

Monday, February 25, 2013

outside, OuTsIde, OUTSIDE

Apparently collecting rocks is the best thing ever. Walking around the yard in search of rocks is so FUN. It is so much fun that if you bring Nathaniel inside you now get a mini tantrum. In the morning when you put his shoes on he heads for the back door in hopes of getting to go outside. When you head to the garage and to the car instead of the back yard he gives a little attitude. I think he even stares longingly at the dogs when I let them out, but he has to stay in.
This new obsession with the outside has come with a new development - the mini tantrum. He just gets so sad when we come in. He has only done this a couple of times, but it is something he hasn't done much of so I get to learn how to handle it. One thing I've learned is that outside activities have to come after lunch. The mini tantrum comes with a loss of appetite. It is hard not to sort of smile at him because he is crying and pouty and all boogery over not being in the back yard. I guess I should learn to enjoy myself out there more if it is worth all that emotional energy ;)
The next two weeks are going to be long and hard since the weather is suppose to be cold so 'outside' isn't going to happen as much. Poor Nate.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Driving Miss Daisy (well not quite)

That makes me Morgan Freeman and Nathaniel Jessica Tandy.  One thing I didn't anticipate changing after I had a kid was my driving habits.  But, they did.  It wasn't like I was all 'Fast and the Furious' before, but now I'm more like Hoke (Morgan Freeman) just taking my time and making sure Nathaniel gets to where he is going safely.  I have become the super annoying person on the road following speed limits and street signs (and nagging Kevin on occasion).  I certainly don't want to be responsible for hurting the little guy in a car wreck so I drive accordingly.  

So what has changed?  I definitely don't test my luck at yellow lights.  Actually I feel like the CIA observing intersections before I go through them.  I could tell you what shoes the guy on the corner had on, what dog is crossing the street, what car changed lanes last minute.  I keep a keen eye for all rogue cars.  I notice cars that slightly swerve or look like they aren't paying attention and I stay clear.  I always try and drive in the outside lanes of the freeway and don't drive next to big semi's.  Well, the semi thing isn't new, I've always been anxious next to them.  I have totally become the texting police too.  I honk at anyone I see not paying attention and texting while they are driving.  Sadly, I honk more than I'd like.  OK ok admittedly have been guilty of this on occasion, but it is dangerous and if all of us are looking down who is paying attention.  I have certainly become more adamant about not having distractions while driving.  (My mom would say she has witnessed me eating, drinking coffee, looking for directions, changing stations and driving at the same time)....  let's hope that doesn't happen again! Haha

It is funny to think about how this changed (instantly).  You always see the dad in the movies driving the new baby home from the hospital and he is going 10 miles per hour and doesn't care.  That is really what happens.  I double/triple check lane changes and pretty much any other movements I'm going to make.  I figure Nathaniel has no say so I feel this extra sense of responsibility to keep him safe. 

I guess keep a lookout and if you see someone beside/behind you honking, it is probably me telling you to get your act together while driving.  Nah, I don't know anyone who would get the wrath of the 'crazy honking mom'

Monday, February 18, 2013

What's Wrong with this Picture?

Do you see what is wrong with this picture?  Not that it is actually wrong, it is funny :)

Horrifying Haircut

So far I have been cutting Nathaniel's hair. When I say cut, I basically mean trimming above his ears and eyes - the two places that seem to annoy him. I'd try to cut more, but that little dude is a squiggle monster. The only way I've been able to cut that much is by doing it while he is listening or watching tv intently. If he is watching tv intently there is probably a song on. I'll get a good minute, maybe. Just enough. Lately however, I started to notice his hair was taking on a bowlish form and decided it was time for a real haircut.
I had no idea what to expect. What I was hoping for was that he'd be a little shy and just sit still for the stylist. Kind of in a state of shock. I wasn't even sure a haircut would be possible. On Saturday we decided to go for it.  We loaded him up and headed to Snip-its, a kid friendly haircut place. First, I was a little shocked it cost 16.99. Yep, I'm cheap. Although based on the kid friendliness of the place I get where the money goes and it is worth it. Plus, any unique service usually costs more. (then I thought about the cost of my own haircuts and got over it real quick!)

We sat him in the chair. The stylist belted him in. He looked ok, just ok though. Then she put on the cape/apron. The tears started. Super sad Nate pout face showed up.

We distracted him with a turtle and the cartoon and he stopped crying. He was never really comfortable sitting there though and looked on the verge of tears pretty much the whole time. She even used the clippers around the edges (I'm pretty sure that was overkill). Luckily, the 'whole time' was only about 5 minutes total. I'm sure it isn't the best haircut in the world, but a lot better. It was a little hard to get a good after shot since he is constantly moving.
All that and all I got was this army duck?!?

We were teasing when we got home that he looks 32. The haircut made him look so much older.

He is already getting gas and driving cars... he grew up so fast


Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Valentine

Nathaniel and I went to the zoo to celebrate Valentines day. I asked him to be my date with a balloon :) On a side note I had no idea that Valentine's day has turned into a second Halloween. The loot kids get (based on facebook posts and hearing from my mom) is basically the same amount as Halloween. I remember just handing out a little card to each kid in class. You would make a heart shaped folder for your desk so that kids could put your Valentine in it. There wasn't any candy. Now parents are making personalized fancy valentines with all kinds of goodies. The pressure the pressure!

Of course he had to have a dog Valentine's shirt

At the petting zoo

A worn out explorer

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Artist

Nathaniel got his first taste of art today. He finger painted. I made some homemade finger-paint.

I decided to make it because he still puts stuff in his mouth. At least if I made it I'd know what was in it and it wouldn't hurt him. I know the finger paints say non-toxic, but I figure while he is still so young I'd just make it. Plus, I saw a zillion recipes on Pinterest so I figured Why Not? The recipe had corn starch, sugar, salt, water and food coloring. I barely added food coloring so that it wouldn't stain. I'm not sure how colorful it will be dry, but it is mostly for sensory fun.
I was hoping he would really dive in and spread those colors around. But, as you can see he kind of just poked at it.
Then I was putting his fingers in it and he got a kick out of it. I was hoping I had the next Michelangelo, but I think I have more of a Ruby. Do the Arizonians know Ruby? Ruby the elephant. She was an elephant at the Phoenix zoo that painted. Actually Ruby was great...
Then after a few minutes he lost interest. The picture below is of him trying to look around me at what is on TV. Little punk! We will keep trying.
Maybe he was really looking at a squirrel like these two are.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Toddler Food Expansion Paradox

First of all, it seems weird to use the word toddler.  Is Nathaniel a toddler?  I don't know, probably, so I guess I'll use that term to describe my little baby boy.
Ok, to the topic at hand.  The toddler food expansion paradox.  It was just a hypothesis in the beginning, but now I'm convinced. The theory is that babies/toddlers can turn a tiny portion of food into a much larger portion through some sort of magic. A portion of food - through magic - ends up being 10x more than when it started once the food touches the toddler. The key is that the food has to touch the toddler for the expansion to occur. While the expansion part of the theory can clearly be seen, more research will have to be performed to figure out the exact mechanics of the magic.
For example - Nathaniel usually gets a little oatmeal around his mouth when I feed him in the morning. Let's say a little amount is roughly the size of a small pea. Somehow he can rub that little bit onto his hand and smear it on his eye, through his hair and by his ear. The oatmeal clearly multiplies. If I took that same amount off his face and rubbed it in my hair, eye and ear, I wouldn't even have enough to show up in my hair. Now, he has roughly 15 bites of oatmeal, let's say half of those are messy. This amounts to basically a full facial and hair mask by the time we are done eating. How does such a little amount of oatmeal end up everywhere. It seems impossible. Clearly toddler magic is happening.
Another example is spaghetti sauce. I barely add enough sauce to even have sauce on each noodle. But afterwards it looks like he had an entire jar of sauce. Seriously, I add probably 2/3 of an ice cube of sauce to about 15 noodles. That sauce is everywhere staining everything.
Have you experienced this? Is my toddler the only one that holds the power of food expansion magic? Overall, Nathaniel is a pretty clean eater, which is why I'm always amazed at how much still gets in his hair etc. I don't get it. How does such a little amount of food get everywhere..... I'm telling you toddler touch + *magic*

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Snow Day (Sort of)

It snowed in Franklin. Yay! The sky looked pink the night before so I was hopeful that it would snow. Remember the pink sky theory? Is it a common thing or a Flagstaff thing? The sky always looks pinkish if it is going to snow. You always knew you could sleep in instead of going to school depending on how pink the sky looked. You knew they would either call a snow day or snow schedule. Those were some of the best words you could hear as a kid.
The good news is that it snowed and was beautiful. The bad news is that it barely snowed and melted quickly :( But, we took advantage of it while it was there.
This was the first time Nathaniel had been in snow. At first he just stood there and didn't move. He wasn't sure how to walk in it. Not because it was incredibly deep (only an inch or so), but i guess because it looked different. Then he fell over. He didn't have gloves on so this brought immediate tears. He decided quickly that he didn't like the feeling of the cold snow on his hands. We went and grabbed gloves real quick. He mostly still just stood in one place and watched the dogs run around. He was smiling and enjoying himself, but afraid to move.
The dogs on the other hand were running around like fast crazy beasts.

See Kona running full speed behind him?

There isn't a dog behind me is there? Sneakster Kona

HHHHmmm what is this stuff


Monday, February 4, 2013

The Superbowl with a Toddler

The Superbowl just isn't the same with a toddler around. Now being different isn't necessarily a bad thing. It is just that convincing a 16 month old that you want to watch a commercial doesn't really work. Nor does telling him it is 3rd and 1 and you want to see what happens. As the game started Nathaniel didn't grab a beer (root of course) and a plate of munchies and sit to watch... nope instead he ran laps upstairs hoping Mocha would chase him. Our discussion wasn't about the funny commercials or best beer, but more about when we thought we could squeeze in a bath for Nate...halftime during Beyonce perhaps?? We didn't go to a party, but even if we did we'd have to leave before halftime to get Nathaniel home and in bed.
I think back to previous Superbowl parties I attended and wonder how many parents with young kids weren't there. Now I get it. I didn't really notice then, I probably just thought they had other plans. They were most likely home figuring out when to put their toddler to bed. You can't really take your youngish kid out to all hours (by all hours I mean 9pm) while drinking and throwing back burgers (veggie of course) and nachos. Some people are lucky enough to have baby sitters nearby (by this I mean grandparents) and get to go anyways. Not that we had anywhere to go or would have gone anyway.
We did end up bathing him during the halftime show. In hindsight we should have waited for the black out :) (Historical note: The lights went out for over a half hour during Superbowl 47 in New Orleans) Once Nathaniel went to sleep we ate and had a beer. Yep, I had a beer. One beer. Uno cerveza. I feel like there was a time that I'd maybe have a beer a qtr. Now not only would I have a horrible hangover from that it seems like so many calories haha. Also, there wasn't any loud cheering because you don't want to wake the sleeping baby. Granted it was two teams Kevin and I didn't really care about.... there may have been some loud cheering (or swearing) if the Packers were playing.
Regardless, I saw most of the commercials and game while smiling at Nathaniel running around making noise and distracting Kevin from watching the game.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Kisses Again

Hershey kisses are good (especially the dark chocolate and carmel ones), but Nate kisses are even better. He used to give kisses - Well, open mouth slobber fish lick type kisses - but stopped. Nathaniel would push you away if you asked for a kiss. I was so disappointed. Although, the push away was kind of funny. I gave up even trying for a bit, then all of a sudden out of the blue he has started giving kisses again. Yay! It is more of a lean in and slobber on you move, but I'll take it. My favorite part of the bedtime routine is my *kiss kiss* from my boy. I say *kiss kiss* because there is a book he likes with that same title by Margaret Wild. So kiss kiss and sweet dreams!