The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, February 25, 2013

outside, OuTsIde, OUTSIDE

Apparently collecting rocks is the best thing ever. Walking around the yard in search of rocks is so FUN. It is so much fun that if you bring Nathaniel inside you now get a mini tantrum. In the morning when you put his shoes on he heads for the back door in hopes of getting to go outside. When you head to the garage and to the car instead of the back yard he gives a little attitude. I think he even stares longingly at the dogs when I let them out, but he has to stay in.
This new obsession with the outside has come with a new development - the mini tantrum. He just gets so sad when we come in. He has only done this a couple of times, but it is something he hasn't done much of so I get to learn how to handle it. One thing I've learned is that outside activities have to come after lunch. The mini tantrum comes with a loss of appetite. It is hard not to sort of smile at him because he is crying and pouty and all boogery over not being in the back yard. I guess I should learn to enjoy myself out there more if it is worth all that emotional energy ;)
The next two weeks are going to be long and hard since the weather is suppose to be cold so 'outside' isn't going to happen as much. Poor Nate.

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