The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Snow Day (Sort of)

It snowed in Franklin. Yay! The sky looked pink the night before so I was hopeful that it would snow. Remember the pink sky theory? Is it a common thing or a Flagstaff thing? The sky always looks pinkish if it is going to snow. You always knew you could sleep in instead of going to school depending on how pink the sky looked. You knew they would either call a snow day or snow schedule. Those were some of the best words you could hear as a kid.
The good news is that it snowed and was beautiful. The bad news is that it barely snowed and melted quickly :( But, we took advantage of it while it was there.
This was the first time Nathaniel had been in snow. At first he just stood there and didn't move. He wasn't sure how to walk in it. Not because it was incredibly deep (only an inch or so), but i guess because it looked different. Then he fell over. He didn't have gloves on so this brought immediate tears. He decided quickly that he didn't like the feeling of the cold snow on his hands. We went and grabbed gloves real quick. He mostly still just stood in one place and watched the dogs run around. He was smiling and enjoying himself, but afraid to move.
The dogs on the other hand were running around like fast crazy beasts.

See Kona running full speed behind him?

There isn't a dog behind me is there? Sneakster Kona

HHHHmmm what is this stuff


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