The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Artist

Nathaniel got his first taste of art today. He finger painted. I made some homemade finger-paint.

I decided to make it because he still puts stuff in his mouth. At least if I made it I'd know what was in it and it wouldn't hurt him. I know the finger paints say non-toxic, but I figure while he is still so young I'd just make it. Plus, I saw a zillion recipes on Pinterest so I figured Why Not? The recipe had corn starch, sugar, salt, water and food coloring. I barely added food coloring so that it wouldn't stain. I'm not sure how colorful it will be dry, but it is mostly for sensory fun.
I was hoping he would really dive in and spread those colors around. But, as you can see he kind of just poked at it.
Then I was putting his fingers in it and he got a kick out of it. I was hoping I had the next Michelangelo, but I think I have more of a Ruby. Do the Arizonians know Ruby? Ruby the elephant. She was an elephant at the Phoenix zoo that painted. Actually Ruby was great...
Then after a few minutes he lost interest. The picture below is of him trying to look around me at what is on TV. Little punk! We will keep trying.
Maybe he was really looking at a squirrel like these two are.

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