The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, February 18, 2013

Horrifying Haircut

So far I have been cutting Nathaniel's hair. When I say cut, I basically mean trimming above his ears and eyes - the two places that seem to annoy him. I'd try to cut more, but that little dude is a squiggle monster. The only way I've been able to cut that much is by doing it while he is listening or watching tv intently. If he is watching tv intently there is probably a song on. I'll get a good minute, maybe. Just enough. Lately however, I started to notice his hair was taking on a bowlish form and decided it was time for a real haircut.
I had no idea what to expect. What I was hoping for was that he'd be a little shy and just sit still for the stylist. Kind of in a state of shock. I wasn't even sure a haircut would be possible. On Saturday we decided to go for it.  We loaded him up and headed to Snip-its, a kid friendly haircut place. First, I was a little shocked it cost 16.99. Yep, I'm cheap. Although based on the kid friendliness of the place I get where the money goes and it is worth it. Plus, any unique service usually costs more. (then I thought about the cost of my own haircuts and got over it real quick!)

We sat him in the chair. The stylist belted him in. He looked ok, just ok though. Then she put on the cape/apron. The tears started. Super sad Nate pout face showed up.

We distracted him with a turtle and the cartoon and he stopped crying. He was never really comfortable sitting there though and looked on the verge of tears pretty much the whole time. She even used the clippers around the edges (I'm pretty sure that was overkill). Luckily, the 'whole time' was only about 5 minutes total. I'm sure it isn't the best haircut in the world, but a lot better. It was a little hard to get a good after shot since he is constantly moving.
All that and all I got was this army duck?!?

We were teasing when we got home that he looks 32. The haircut made him look so much older.

He is already getting gas and driving cars... he grew up so fast


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