The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, February 22, 2013

Driving Miss Daisy (well not quite)

That makes me Morgan Freeman and Nathaniel Jessica Tandy.  One thing I didn't anticipate changing after I had a kid was my driving habits.  But, they did.  It wasn't like I was all 'Fast and the Furious' before, but now I'm more like Hoke (Morgan Freeman) just taking my time and making sure Nathaniel gets to where he is going safely.  I have become the super annoying person on the road following speed limits and street signs (and nagging Kevin on occasion).  I certainly don't want to be responsible for hurting the little guy in a car wreck so I drive accordingly.  

So what has changed?  I definitely don't test my luck at yellow lights.  Actually I feel like the CIA observing intersections before I go through them.  I could tell you what shoes the guy on the corner had on, what dog is crossing the street, what car changed lanes last minute.  I keep a keen eye for all rogue cars.  I notice cars that slightly swerve or look like they aren't paying attention and I stay clear.  I always try and drive in the outside lanes of the freeway and don't drive next to big semi's.  Well, the semi thing isn't new, I've always been anxious next to them.  I have totally become the texting police too.  I honk at anyone I see not paying attention and texting while they are driving.  Sadly, I honk more than I'd like.  OK ok admittedly have been guilty of this on occasion, but it is dangerous and if all of us are looking down who is paying attention.  I have certainly become more adamant about not having distractions while driving.  (My mom would say she has witnessed me eating, drinking coffee, looking for directions, changing stations and driving at the same time)....  let's hope that doesn't happen again! Haha

It is funny to think about how this changed (instantly).  You always see the dad in the movies driving the new baby home from the hospital and he is going 10 miles per hour and doesn't care.  That is really what happens.  I double/triple check lane changes and pretty much any other movements I'm going to make.  I figure Nathaniel has no say so I feel this extra sense of responsibility to keep him safe. 

I guess keep a lookout and if you see someone beside/behind you honking, it is probably me telling you to get your act together while driving.  Nah, I don't know anyone who would get the wrath of the 'crazy honking mom'

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