The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Urgh time is just flying by...

Birthday, Halloween and well into the new school year. Yikes.  Seriously, every time I look up another month has gone by lickedy split. 

Let's start with the new school year.  Nate is in an early/young pre k class.  We started at a new school this year that has been both a good and bad decision.  I decided he needed a bit more of a challenge in class and an extra day of school which is what led to the change.  I enjoyed his old school it just didn't have an in between class I was looking for.  The new school has been a little stressful - while the curriculum (whatever a curriculum can be in a pre k class) is exactly what I want the chemistry of the class and teacher is iffy.  That being said Nate seems to still enjoy going and is having enough fun that I haven't switched him.  Think some good thoughts that the school year will get better and that I haven't ruined my kid for life ... of course now that I have switched schools I have become better friends with the moms from the old school... go figure.  Some things just don't make sense and apparently getting older doesn't help when making these types of predictions.  At least I have a few peeps that enjoy grabbing a wine here or there and have similarly aged little guys - that is a huge thing for me, sometimes nothing soothes like some wine and learning what other 4ish yr olds do :)  

Switching schools confused me in party planning and I ended up just not planning anything for Nate's big turning 4!  I feel a little bad - he doesn't really know he missed out on anything, but seeing him enjoy another little boys party made me feel sad.  Regardless, he is always spoiled and his dad and I made it a special day for him.  He got a space cake and decorations everywhere and a visit from Aunt Krista right before his big day.  I mean the kid isn't lacking any L-O-V-E that is for sure.  He got to be the Miracle for the day in his class and I brought a special school approved snack (man the rules are very particular in schools... no nuts, nothing that is made by nuts, nothing homemade, only fruit cut super small, no overly sugary stuff, basically only cheddar crackers and cheese is approved hahaha.. maybe not cheese if there are dairy allergies... oy vey) Anyway, Happy Birthday Little dude, little schnizzle, sweet sweet...  You continue to be the best thing I could have every hoped for, dreamed of, wanted, knew was possible and your goofiness continues to make us laugh all the time.

Star Wars has finally entered our lives.  That was what we got him as bday gifts since the new movie is coming out and it seems like Star Wars stuff is everywhere and who could pass up buying some stormtroopers and a Millennium falcon... Not that he really knows what Star Wars is or can even see the new movie, but we got a book or two and now he is into it.  Another great gift he got for his birthday was a fire truck/bus fort, fire themed book and outfit from his grandma mimi.  This would become his Halloween outfit too.  

Aahhh Halloween.  Nate still isn't really into playing dress up.  He doesn't particularly like anything on his head or face which makes Halloween ... um ... let's say... interesting.  He also doesn't particularly like things on our heads or faces.  He looked super cute as a fireman though and headed out for trick or treating.  It was super rainy so kids came in between downpours.  He made it to the 2nd house and a moving character kind of scared him and that pretty much ended trick or treating for him - Kevin coaxed him into a few more.  He was pretty proud of the candy he got from the houses nearby.  Handing out candy became the highlight.  He enjoyed putting candy into the sacks.  Success!

Friday, October 2, 2015

London Bridge

London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.... oh wait, that is just Nate.. off of his bed. He first fell off the bed in Orlando right after his 2nd birthday.  We were visiting Disney World and he would not sleep in a pack and play anymore so we put him on the bed between us to sleep.  He scooted all the way down and fell off the bottom of the bed. Big THUMP.  He was fairly unphased (not so much me though) THUMPs are scary.

The next fall was this past Feb in Boulder City NV.  It was just me and Nate in a big bed and he just fell right off the side.  He cried a bit, but relatively unscathed.  

He has been in a toddler bed for awhile, but it has had a toddler rail on it.  We decided to take the rail off about a month or so ago since he kept bumping his knee on it.  Well, just in the last week or so he keeps rolling off the bed.  Luckily, it is only 8 inches off of the ground so he just kind of grumbles and keeps sleeping.  Totally cracks me up.  There is a blanket and pillow etc by his bed in case we lay there with him so when he falls it is like falling on a cloud (assuming he doesn't hit the bed frame). We've moved him back on the bed on occasion, but have left him on the ground too and he eventually finds his way back up.  Super funny.  If I get a pic I'll post it :) 

This kid brings up every detail of everything all the time, but has yet to bring up falling off the bed.  Does he not notice?  Does he not remember?  I don't bring it up because I don't want it to become a big deal or anything.  I guess we won't be moving him to a higher bed quite yet.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Possible Performer??

This kid loves to jam to music.  We usually start the day off by dancing and listening to some music videos.  Sometimes I'm allowed to join in sometimes he wants the stage to himself.  If he doesn't want me to jam with him he will say something like 'go get lunch ready mom' (remember the last post... I'm actually making breakfast usually)

So what kind of songs am I letting him dance to... hhhmm probably a lot of unapproved ones (well unapproved by the better parents)... whoops.  Sometimes he wants to jam to the Vacation Bible school songs, sometimes it is Taylor Swift.  Lots of Taylor Swift.  Shake it off and Bad Blood are his favorites right now.  He throws in a Pharell 'Happy' a lot.  He dances like a crazy kid to Bruno Mars 'Uptown Funk'.  Lately, he likes Maroon 5.  I can't argue with that logic.   See what happens is once you start a song on YouTube (or YoubaTuba as Nate would call it) other videos just start playing - that is how Maroon 5 got in to the mix. Once Again I see how YouTube can quickly get kids to the dark side and require lots of oversight.

Nate recently started playing with his umbrella.  Swinging it around, hanging it in various places... bothering the dogs... etc. Well, when I saw him dancing with it I couldn't help but show him the classic 'Dancing in the rain - Singing in the rain' with Gene Kelly.  He loved it.  Kind of cool.  So now he performs with props haha.

Does life get any better than just free styling it with your 3 year old in the morning??  It is fun to have dance parties - I get why all parents do it now.  I should add a lot of his dancing and singing occur while he is jumping on his trampoline.  Remember this all happens pretty early - could it be two night owls produced a a morning owl??? So.Much.Energy.  Don't forget to dance and sing in the morning - Nate won't!

Monday, September 14, 2015


Nathaniel can be pretty chatty sometimes.  One cute thing he has been doing is when making things past tense instead of saying for instance 'shared' he says 'share' + 'ed'.  I always repeat whatever word he says the proper way, but Kevin always says it the way Nate says it.  I told Kevin he won't learn that way.  But Kevin just said, "But it's cute"...... true, very true. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Mealtime Mix-up

What sticks and what doesn’t in a preschoolers mind is an outstanding guessing game.  Sometimes it is great and sometimes embarrassing…Things like the moon looks like a semi circle, or the phrase ‘let’s go get our freak on’ or counting by 5’s, or verses from ‘uptown funk you up’ or how a teacher bends her book to read (by the way he is ruining his hard cover books trying to bend them like you would with a paperback) or that he moves snails onto dog poop because I said once I saw one there or that a certain house matches ‘Caroline’s house’ (yes he is still stalking her) because of the trapezoidal front (yes he called it a trapezoid) or dogs names at the dog park or that going to pike market takes a long time or that we ate at the restaurant with the purple swirl.  I just never know what he is going to describe or remember and most of the time it is super impressive.  Kids are observant!

Having said that…. There is one thing he constantly says wrong and never remembers and it cracks me up.  He mixes up his mealtimes.  I don’t know if he just doesn’t find it that important and just really doesn’t care or if he wonders why eating has different names to begin with (to him food magically appears so who cares what time of day it is)

But, he will get up in the morning and we will go downstairs and he will say, “I’ll listen to camp discovery songs while you make lunch” or, Kevin will get home and he will say, “Mom is making breakfast” I honestly am not even sure he has said dinner… has he?, probably and I just don’t remember.  He never ever ever gets it right and I’ll correct him and he will repeat it and then get it wrong the next meal or day or week.  For some reason mealtimes do not stick.  It is a weird thing to not stick.  I’m going to start throwing in words like brunch, supper, early bird, etc. and just see what happens.  Maybe I can call it 1st meal, 2nd meal, 3rd meal.  What do you think, good idea?

So why does he remember the exact tree we saw a spider web on for weeks on end, but can’t remember that we need to go home and eat ‘lunch’.  Why?  Strange. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

'I'll be watching you"

Was Sting a stalker? I mean that song is soooo pretty.  How young is to young to be a stalker.  Can you be 3 and a stalker?? If so, I'm pretty sure I have one on my hands.  So who is this special lady that Nate is obsessed with??  I found a babysitter that lives a couple houses down.  She has come over twice, literally twice, and she is pretty much a topic of conversation all the time.  When is Caroline coming over?  Where is Caroline's house?  Will Caroline like this?  I'm cleaning up for Caroline?  I'm watering these flowers for Caroline? I'll ask 'Who do you love?' the answer 'mom, dad and Caroline'.  He even knows some of the lyrics to Sweet Caroline now (thanks to dad) We have to stop and look out of the window at her house whenever we can.  He was so emotional when I said she was busy this week and couldn't come over... devastation to this tiny stalker.  

Or is it possible I don't have him around enough other kids/friends :( Poor boy just wants some fun times and people to pay attention to him besides me I guess.  Oh well, school will start back up soon enough.  (School is another thing weighing on my mind - I may switch schools on him - Yikes!!) 

The plus side to Nate being a tiny stalker is that I have someone so nearby to call on and Nate likes her (wait REALLY likes her) :) 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ketchup or Catch up

Oh Summer ... how you have come and almost gone.  It has been incredibly hot Hot HOT in Seattle.  A lot of high 80, low 90 days, which is quite high for this area.  People don't even have AC around here - we are lucky we got a house with AC or I'd be melting.  We'd go to the park and it would feel like the sun was burning my forehead on purpose to be mean ;) Nate and sunscreen were quick enemies.  I was slathering him like a warm sourdough roll every day!!  

Besides playgrounds and general tomfoolery Nate has gone to Vacation Bible School and Space camp.  We've flown to Florida twice in one month... that is a lot of air time for a 3 year old .... and his parents.  One time was for the untimely loss of grandma Hahm something that we are still trying to understand and I can't even capture in words yet and the other was to go on a Disney Cruise with Kevin's immediate family.  Both trips definitly deserve their own posts.

Nate has found a friend named Bob.... yep Bob.  Not to be confused with my grandpa Bob.  This is a different Bob.  And he is imaginary.  Yep, my super literal boy has a friend.  Bob showed up in Florida on the lanai.  Kevin asked who Nate was talking to ... he said his friend.  Kevin asked if his name was Bob and Nate said yes... so Bob it is.  While Nate seems to have found some imagination skills he still lacks independent creativeness ;) Bob made it home to Seattle and lives down the street.  He doesn't make as many appearances as he did in FL.  

Nathaniel still insists on having his shoes off the majority of the time.  That is sooooo different than me.  I have no idea how he walks on our gravelly patio, it hurts my feet.  On the positive side there are no wardrobe limitations anymore - the stripe affinity is a thing of the past.  He still doesn't like button up dress shirts or things he deems 'not spiffy' I always say he looks so 'spiffy' so he uses it against me now... little buggar.

Nate is still our pretty happy go lucky guy, but there has been an uptick of angry Nate episodes when he doesn't get what he wants.  Only child syndrome... maybe ...or just him being 3 and knowing what he wants or doesn't want and getting a little more confident in his ways.  It can be a little frustrating on days he hasn't slept enough (or I haven't slept enough), but otherwise nothing too bad.

What am I missing in this quick update... probably a lot.  Be back soon!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Rock Star

Nathaniel did something today that I can barely do... go to the dentist.  Boy, he was a rock star.  I was nervous.  I had gotten a book about going to the dentist so he'd know what to expect.  We read it over the last couple of months.  The week of the appointment I reminded him several times so he could mentally prepare.  He certainly never seemed excited about it and actually would make an excuse or two about why we didn't need to go.  This made me a little worried that he'd be scared.  

The day arrived.  We headed in.  He got right up on the dentist chair.  He was a little scared to lean back into the chair and especially looked scared when they moved it mechanically.  The hygienist asked him to pick a cartoon to watch (they had a tv on the roof for him to watch) He just said 'Yes' to everything.  It was funny.  It was his nervous 'Yes' He said yes to cartoons I know he hasn't heard of.  Finally I picked Lilo and Stitch for him.  Not exactly his favorite, but the best choice I saw.  

What was especially funny is that every time the hygienist would start to talk to him he'd open his mouth up real wide.  It was cute.  He was ready.  The hygienist said 'Good job opening'.  Then the cleaning started.  Nate asked me to hold his hand, which I did instantly.  He would follow the instruments with his tongue.  You can tell the hygienist was used to kids as he would just move to another part of the mouth.  Then trying to explain the sucky up tool to him was funny.  Nate didn't really know 'put your lips around it like a straw' meant.  A vacuum for your mouth was quite funny to him.

The cleaning was finished and we had a bit of a wait for the dentist to come in - It took all the patience Nate had.  I let him get up and move around etc etc.  He enjoyed looking at the tools.  Then the dentist came in.  She was super nice.  Again, he was a rock star.  He sat pretty still let her look at everything.  She went over a few things and we were on our way.  No cavities, overall no big dental issues at this point to watch for.  Woo Hoo.  He then got to pick a toy from the treasure chest, which he loved.  Then he got a sugar free rainbow sucker.  Then he got a token for another free toy.  Then he got a free sonic care toothbrush.  He thought it was Christmas.  

I just can't believe how well he did.   So happy his first dental experience was good.  In 6 months I'll let you know how it goes - it will be interesting to see if he wants to go back.  That will be the real test.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Play Date Deep Thoughts

School's out for summer - School's out for ever... not really and Nate's been out a few weeks already, but it's always fun to sing that song.  The big news is that we had a play date or two.  I know, crazy!  I was both excited and nervous since we haven't had too many of those - especially with people we just barely know.  On the positive side we had a great time - the negative is we haven't gotten together again.  Hopefully soon.  

The first playdate was at a nearby splash park.   We met some of Nate's classmates for a picnic and some goofing around.  The second was at a different park and we met two of Nate's tball teammates.  Having some grown up conversation with other mom's was quite enjoyable for me.  I definitely plan on doing it again soon, weather permitting.  It's been quite hot here for the Seattle area.  

The interesting thing was that I got my first glimpse of watching your kid in a somewhat difficult situation.  I must admit I'm not looking forward to many more of these even though I know there will be a lot more - it's a part of parenting life I guess.  So as most of you know Nate is a little on the shyer side with other kids.  If he doesn't know the kids at all he pretty much goes the other way.  Since these were his classmates he warms up quicker.  I'm always curious to see how he is going to do in social situation because I don't get to witness it too often.  I'm always pleasantly surprised by the way.  He can be quite chatty and outgoing once he is warmed up.

Well, at the first play date two of the boys are pretty good friends - they are neighbors.  They are also about 6 months younger than Nate.  This makes Nate a bit of a 3rd wheel.  Now these boys are just being 3 and they are as inclusive as you'd expect.  After a little while I saw Nate go up to one of the boys and ask, 'Want to play something?' and the boy kind of just looked at Nate.  So Nate asked again ' Do you want to play chalk?' and nothing really happened.  I just sat back to see what would transpire.  One, I was super proud that he actually took some initiative and asked a kid to play.  I haven't ever seen that so it was very cool.  School last year really did bring him out of his shell.  Second, I didn't want to over mommy - he has to find his way around a playground and people.  What was funny is that he then looked at me.  I got up and went over there just to kind of move things along.  About a minute later some girls brought over a caterpillar and the whole scene was over.  He loved hanging out and watching the older girls.  They were the sisters of his classmates.  

But, it was hard to watch your little guy try something and not get the reaction he was looking for.  He is too young to really care and didn't seem moved by it a bit, but it got me thinking to school days.  What do parents do if their kids can't make friends or get teased etc.  It must be hard.  You can only do so much.  I hope as a parent I'll be able to recognize if those things are happening and also make sure Nate (once he can understand the concept) is as inclusive as he can be with everyone.  Now, while I was thinking about this stuff, Nate could've cared less and had a really great time.  

We have a long ways to go social wise, but I'm just happy we actually have people to meet at a park - its a huge step for me (I'm as scared of people as Nate is haha - genetics I guess)    

Sunday, June 7, 2015


This is that sound you make when you are a little annoyed/frustrated/confused.  You know the sound where your hands are in the air and you look up a bit and then say 'AAURGH' There is a Subaru commercial with a little blonde boy that shows this expression perfectly when he drops his groceries.  

Nate does this exact same thing.  It is a total crack up.  Whether it is Mocha running off with a toy or me saying we are out of apple juice or the trash being too full or too many people in line at the store.  Sometimes he is just my shadow making the sound as I also make the sound.  

Case in point...  I had to take Kona to the vet the other day.  We stopped at a park beforehand.  I got a little cranky because Nate was wanting to go on the swings and he was asking a million times, but it was hard to do that with Kona and so many people at the park.  Kona is fine around kids, but just logistically with moving swings and running kids... yada yada... you get the point.  So I made that 'AAURGH' sound and kind of stomped off to find a tree to tie Kona too as Nate continued asking if he could ride the swings.  I know I made the AAURGH sound because following 1 foot behind me was this 3 yr old boy doing the same thing.  Why it was so funny (at least to me) was because I was making the sound cuz of him, yet he was also making the sound.  I guess you'd have to be there to get the full comic picture.  

Hopefully he won't have grown out of this before some other witnesses witness it :) It is such an adult expression.  Really does put some humor into an annoying situation - you can't stay annoyed for long that is for sure!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Big Boy Changes

Potty training... oh the joys of potty training.  Basically there as many definitions of 'being potty trained' as there are flavors of ice cream.  I don't know how anyone teaches any boy how to consistently aim and focus by the way.  'Fire Away' is a common saying around here... the joy of raising a boy.  Also, in case you are wondering...pulling your pants down by any old tree and peeing is fine (according to Nate)... this can be a tree in the middle of the park or the backyard or right outside the library....we have some learning to do.  BTW, he doesn't actually do that, but suggests it from time to time.  

Some of you may be wondering, 'Why is she talking about potty training?, he's been potty trained for awhile' Well, true... Nate has been wearing underwear since right around 2 and basically has been potty trained (well depending on your def).  My def is that he doesn't pee his pants for no reason.  That being said, he was too young to be very good at pulling up his pants or some of the other little things. So yes I still went with him to the potty.  Also, you couldn't make him hold it for too long at first so you'd run to find a bathroom.  Always fun in big places!  He still waits too long to tell you, but can hold it much longer haha.  

Now, he still wore diapers at night and at nap time.  So some people don't call that potty trained.  I don't know.  We still gave him a bedtime milk and didn't watch his liquid intake very well so why rush it.  Now ( I think I even mentioned this in a previous blog, shocking since there are so few) he gave up diapers during nap time a while back.  Every once in a great while he makes a mistake, but overall success!   Well, the BIG news is that it's been a week without diapers at night either.  His decision - he just said I don't want to wear them anymore.  Ok. There has been a mistake or two, but overall better than expected.  We try and keep an eye on liquids at night and hope for the best.  

Now, to be fair he doesn't just go in and go to the bathroom by himself yet.  We still help him with his pants and definitely wiping. So some may say he isn't fully potty trained yet ...I guess.  Truth be told he might be a little lazy (or a spoiled only child) (or a mini dictator) ...Because when he isn't in a hurry he can go to the bathroom by himself and does a pretty good job.  It's kind of like when it looks like the dog can't do something, but you hold up a treat and suddenly they are experts.  So yes he can do it.  But, sometimes he just wants it to be quick (truth be told sometimes me too... or I prefer to make sure things stay clean.. is that so wrong)

Anyway, looks like Nate is towards the end of the potty training continuum.  I guess with boys there will be accidents and that whole wiping thing... ewh.. oh and snapping/buttoning pants that aren't just stretchy waistbands.

That wasn't the only change.  He is officially brushing his teeth.  No no no... he wasn't just not brushing his teeth, but we were using swallowable toothpaste.  Probably for far longer than we should have been.  I haven't really pushed the drinking out of a real cup thing... I know I know... but its not like he is going to be drinking out of a sippy cup when he is in high school.  Brushing your teeth is much easier if you can take sips out of a regular cup though.  Well, he has gotten better at drinking out of a cup recently so we just made the change. (This was another big boy, big change - he has been filling up a cup at the fridge and then drinking it.  Drinking this way is still pretty slow for him so if he is really thirsty he grabs his sippy/straw cup)  

It was funny watching him try to brush and spit at first.  He would put water in his mouth and swoosh.. but then he'd swallow it.  And he'd look a little surprised every time he swallowed it.  You can tell in his mind he was trying hard not to swallow, but his instincts kicked in and just made him swallow.  After a day or two I'm pretty sure I cracked the code and got him to finally release the water (Kevin may disagree and say he did it).  Instead of making him try to form his mouth in any certain way I just said lean over and open your mouth.  For some reason that just clicked and more water came out then was swallowed.  Woo Hoo.  Now he loves to practice.  Next up, going to the dentist.... I've put that off far too long for him ... probably because of my own fears.  

After having reread this once (sorry not much editing its getting late) I realize these are sure not glamorous topics.  Funny how they are such a big part of overall independence though.  It is a big deal to do some of this stuff and the look of confidence he gets when he is successful is pretty darn neat to witness.  Parenting isn't always glamorous, but sure feels like you and your little one should be on the cover of a magazine.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Grandma and Grandpa Hahm Visit

Another visitor has come and gone.  We love having visitors as we don't have very many people over - yes me and Kevin aren't great at making friends apparently (are we weird??, wait, don't answer that) Anyway, it's always a great time because it's an excuse to check out new stuff.  Plus, Nate loves being showered with attention.

We did some new and old things.  
We, of course, visited Pike Place Market again and had the chowder, cheese curds, bought beautiful flowers and people watched.  I think you have to do that every time people are here - it is such a cool place to go and we don't get down there as often as we'd like.  

We took a ferry to Bainbridge Island - in a car.  Woo Hoo.  I always have wanted to take my car on a ferry.  When my dad was here we went down and looked at the car levels, but we walked that time.  This time we could lolly gag around the island farther than the little downtown area.  That led us to Bloedel Reserve a flower garden with some great views.  Then, we headed across the bridge to a little Viking town called Poulsbo, ate lunch and went to a free little aquarium.  We made it back to Winslow for some ice cream (Not to be confused with Winslow AZ)  There were so many flavors at this place.  It was yummy.  We managed to get on the ferry at the right time.  It broke down after we had went on it - luck was on our side!  

We checked out Mt. Rainier park from the South side.  We saw a few beautiful waterfalls and played in the snow.  Nate loved loved loved making snowballs and still talks about it.  It was a clear day too, which is unusual, so we could see the mountain in all its glory.  Towards the end we were on a bit of a goose chase trying to find this one waterfall, we eventually found it, not without some groans from the tired driver ....  the groans were deserved as I made him turn around about 5 times :)  

We ate on Alki beach over in West Seattle.  Nate played in the sand forever.  It is a fun laid back place to hang out.  

We made it to the fancy Starbucks.  This is its roastery location that just opened this year.  It was fancy.  We weren't sure how to order or what to order.  But it was neatly laid out and you could see the bean roasting process.  There was a little noise that came with that, but Nate liked seeing the beans go through the tubes.  

As usual, we always had a laundry list of 'to-do's' for Kevin's dad while he was here. We tend not to get projects done around the house because with Nate it is just hard if something takes two people.  But, with grandma to babysit that leaves 3 of us to work on stuff.  Pictures got hung, new faucets got put in to our new countertops... oh boy oh boy was that a process.  I'm pretty sure they didn't travel here to go to Home Depot 20 times, but that is what they did haha... on one of our Home Depot trips grandma and Nate got stuck in the car while the alarm was going off... fun stuff... and they were trying to get out because Nate had to go potty... so extra fun times.  Grandpa Hahm managed to fix the train my grandpa gave to Nate so that was neat to finally have that working.  OH and this huge shelf got put up in Nate's room.  Kevin didn't think it would work, but it seems to be staying up.  It is heavy.  Nate's airplane room is almost complete.  

Otherwise, we ate out and went to parks and generally enjoyed ourselves and the perfect weather.  They did get to see Nathaniel play tball in all of its chaotic goodness too.  

So who is next... c'mon ... anyone ... anyone want to come visit???  I know Krista and I are figuring out some dates.  Can't wait!!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Say What?

Every day I go about my daily business not knowing what impact it's having on a 3yr old.  I never know exactly what Nate is retaining.  How much of the tv shows does he comprehend, how much of what I say does he pay attention to, what interests him... he surprises me sometimes and other times I think he is all *boy*.  You know the Y chromosome lacks that listening gene ;)  

I especially like when he changes the title of something.  For instance, he still calls dandelions *flower bubbles* and when he cries he says, 'wipe my drips'  not tears or face, but drips.  Yesterday (or last wk) (or last month) is still 'one last day'  He will say, 'Did we go to the store one last day?' Kona is still being called 'Kaka' and he talks really well so it's not because he can't say Kona... whenever her image and name formed a link in his brain it is forever kaka.  

Besides changing titles I've learned he is a quiet observer.  We were standing outside his classroom the other day with his teachers and they asked him 'what did we do today' and he went on and on about a worm activity.  There was a big one and small one, they live in the dirt... yada yada... but the teachers were impressed because he doesn't say too much during the activity.  I have no idea how to gauge that, but they said he basically recited all they said... you just don't know when he is listening.  Sometimes I'll ask a question and he looks at me like I"m from the planet Mars and other times he will know everything.  BTW, if I said I was from the planet Mars he would be quick to correct me and say I live on Earth (Nate is a very literal child haha)

Here is one that caught me totally off guard.  We got some castle molds for his kinetic sand the other day.  He opened them on the way home.  He yells from the back seat, 'Look mom Taj Mahal'.  I know I never taught him that, so I asked, 'What did you just say?' I figured I just heard him wrong.  He repeated Taj Mahal.  I got home and looked at it and gosh darn it, it was a little Taj.  I asked where did you hear that?  He said Little Einsteins.  Ok.  Guess those cartoons aren't totally bad for you!    

Now for the worst part of him listening to everything (well everything that he chooses to listen to... y chromosome remember).  Kona came to the door with a dead bird in her mouth (long story.... we have a salmonella outbreak maybe, I think..) anyway.  The minute I said 'Oh No' I realized the 3 yr old next to me said something else 'OH Sh*t'...  While impressive that he used it in the right context, not impressive that I've probably said that at some point.  I don't cuss often, but when I do there is probably a 3 yr old picking up on my every syllable.  Oy Vey

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I guess it has started.  You know the endless hours of watching your kid in sports.  Practices, games, getting snacks...  It's both exciting and daunting.  Luckily at 3-5 year old T-ball there isn't much of a time commitment.  He has practice right before they play a game.  The coach focuses on one skill each practice.  There has been 3 games so far.  

Now the word *game* is used very loosely here.  It is more of an organized chaos... nah it's mostly chaos.  One team hits (all the batters get a chance, no score, nothing) and one team catches. So a tiny person hits the ball and ALL of the other tiny people rush toward the ball.  Tears are shed sometimes if the kid who wanted the ball didn't get the ball and usually whoever has the ball has no clue what to do with it.   

So while everyone is watching the team try and get the ball, the batter (now runner) is just randomly running.  Sometimes they stop at first base, sometimes they just keep running, sometimes they don't run at all, sometimes straight to 2nd base.  You can't help but laugh the entire time... the cluelessness is so cute.  Of course there are always a few who totally know whats going on, but for the most part its hilarious.

Nate one time was so focused on holding his batting helmet on he just ran right over first into outfield and just continued running.  I was laughing because 'where did he think he was going?, was he going to ever stop?'... total crack up.  

There are definitely a few meltdowns every game (a few from Nate).  Unfortunately Nate hasn't totally warmed up to Tball.  He clings to Kevin and just kind of is on the brink of sad for the first part.  We give a little tough love and after one round of batting he starts having fun.  We are hoping the sad part will be shorter and shorter over time.  He also isn't a huge fan of wearing the hat (or any hat... ever ...since birth practically)   

This is sad Nate - he didn't want to be out in the field (cutest sad kid ever)

It is cool Kevin is helping coach.  Well, I use the word *coach* loosely since really he is a cheerleader who rounds up confused kids ;)  I think once Nate is a little more independent and not clinging to Kevin for part of the practice it will become more fun to coach. 

The best part is, no matter what, Nate always says how much fun he had.  I will think it looked like the worst time ever and he is like 'wow, that was fun' so you just never know what is going on in that preschooler head.  It usually ends on a good note where he is having fun so that is what he remembers I guess.  All I know is I enjoy watching this pint size bobble head playing baseball and I can't wait to watch for years to come.

C'mon looks like a pint size bobble head right? :)

He loves to bat and run the bases

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Helping Out

I've read more than once that preschoolers like to help out and feel useful - it builds confidence.  Because of this I try and always think of things he can do.  Things like putting the dishwasher soap in and starting the dishwasher.  Letting the dogs in/out.  Putting clothes in the washer.  Sweeping in the garage.  Refilling the bird feeder.  Putting things in the recycle bin.  Adding ingredients when I cook (yes yes yes I cook... no matter what Kevin says, don't believe him... or maybe believe him, everything is unconfirmed at this point) 

One of the cutest things he helps out with lately though is handyman stuff.  We have been hanging a few pictures up (it only took almost a year of living here.. whoops) and he follows with his measuring tape, hammer and screwdriver ready to help.  Grandma Mimi (my mom) gave Nate a tool set for Christmas and he uses it all the time when he is *helping* out.  His measurements are still a bit off, but he is coming along nicely.  He hammers pretty straight on actually, I was worried about the wall, but the walls haven't been too beat up.

He gets excited when we mention household projects.    Let's hope he keeps that attitude when he has to pull weeds and mow the lawn as he gets older :) We bought a few seeds to put in the yard and I think its warm enough to plant some flowers so I'm looking forward to working with my preschool digging assistant.  I can see how it is easy to not let the little guys help since it does take longer and sometimes you don't even get to finish, but I assume it will all payoff one day and what else do I really need to rush off to...  plus seeing a 3yr old with a  power drill thinking he is fixing stuff could not be cuter.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hi my old friend

Hello is there anybody out there... just blog if you can hear me...  urgh I'm so mad at myself.  Not sure why I haven't blogged.. lots of excuses , but no real reason ... lazy at night, too many day naps ;), too many chores at night, he is growing up so fast I can barely keep up... who knows.  All I know is I hate that I'm not blogging. hate hate hate it.  It is one of the few things I really really enjoy doing (writing) and it helps me keep a little bit of me during the busy preschooler days.  

And boy are they busy.  I often think how nice it'd be for Nate to have a live in playmate... well that isn't Mocha or Kona haha.  He wants to play and isn't quite ready to be independent so that means I'm his best friend (which I love), but doesn't give me much free time to get anything else done during the day.  Of course 98% of the time it's a great fun, but I won't lie, there are a few mornings I wish I could finish one cup of coffee before playing.  Now he still naps, which is awesome and I hope by typing this I don't jinx myself, but I usually eat and watch a show (you know the shows Kevin won't watch) and have some downtime during that time.  For some reason it is like the twilight zone though - that time just zips by.. an hour feels like 5 min.  The dogs get a little one on one time then too - snuggling with the pups is always one of my favorite (and necessary) things to do.  

The weather is starting to get nicer and we have already been going outside more. I've seen more bees already - BOOO! He started baseball (more on that later... hopefully... don't hold your breath, but hopefully).  It is amazing how much he is taking in and asking about and he really is starting to crack me up.  He does things on purpose to make me laugh, cracks me up.  It wasn't like before where he just did funny things by accident, he knows he is being silly.  For instance, he beat me to the garage to go to preschool and he had the dog cone on his head (I have big dogs so it covered his entire head and face).  He turns to me and says I want to wear this hat to school and he was all serious...  and then busted out laughing.  

He LOVES school still too.  He is finally getting a little more social at school - At least that is what the teachers feedback is.  He gets excited for show and share every tues. - He loves to pick out something.  Which brings me to his latest hobby SPACE.  He brought a solar system model in one week and space books from the library the next week.  It's possible the other kids are bored with his show and share ;) He is really into space right now though.  Which as you could guess I don't mind - I'll talk science any time!! 

It's pretty cool how he can name all the planets and just gets so excited to talk about them.  He knows the proper order from the sun etc. etc.  I've also learned stuff - I can't wait to relearn all the little stuff I've forgotten over the years.  That might be one of the most fun things about parenting - learning.  I had no idea how many moons Jupiter had or that the spot on Neptune is a storm as big as the Earth. 

I was trying to think what he was really into before SPACE, but I can't remember... hhmmm  I mean he has been obsessed with Easter eggs since visiting Arizona in Feb.  He loves putting stuff in them and opening them.  Marbles, bouncy balls.. whatever.  We've have probably hidden and opened a million eggs since Feb.  Also, that kid peeks when you hide them ... lil sucker :)  

So many milestones... too many to remember as I write this right now.... First Birthday party with a kid from school, first time playing an organized sport (tball), first time going to the bathroom solo (although this doesn't happen a lot, but it happened)  I may coddle him more than I should still ... c'mon he is an only child.  First time traveling with only me on an airplane (Feb to AZ) and he was awesome (once again I hope I don't jinx myself for the next trip)... First time swinging on a big boy swing alone and liking it... I'll remember more, but that's a start

There are two side note things: 1) He insists on taking his shoes off immediately when he gets home, I mean I can't even get in the door and they are off and 2) He loves to say, "Why do you always want to (fill in the blank)"  This is usually not a good thing...  Here are some examples "Why do you always want to go to the bathroom before nap" "Why do you always want to see baby animals" "Why do you always want to go to bed""Why do you always want me to wear sweet shirts"... basically anything he doesn't want to do... so funny.  He says it in the most whiney voice too.

Ok well there is a quick update.  Like I said, hopefully more to come.... and more specific not so much in one post.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sweet Moves

Every single visit to The Villages to see grandma and grandpa Hahm includes visits to Lake Sumter (Sumter Landing) for Starbucks.  We turn Kevin's parents (well at least his dad) into Starbucks addicts like we are while we are there.  I like to visit the square for obvious reasons (sbux), but also because it is actually a pretty lake with fun little walking paths.  There are some fun shops and lots of people/dog watching. You just never know what you'll see turtles, birds and fish... or maybe a 3 year old busting out some sweet moves to some classic rock.  

We were headed up some stairs from the dock area and Gator's dockside restaurant had the patio music playing.  Watching this little guy at this moment was one of the best memories of the entire trip.  This is not something he does a lot so it caught us by surprise.  The solo break out portion is not to be missed ;)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I Miss 'The Office'

I really enjoyed the tv sitcom 'The Office'.  Probably my favorite character was Dwight, which might actually be unusual.... not sure.  I liked his quirky ways and black and white thinking :) So I find it funny that one of the things that Nathaniel has been saying is, "Mom, I have a question" or "Dad, I have a question" ... you see..  one of Dwights famous things he says on the show is ... "Question: (fill in the blank)".  It cracks us up.. because of the Dwight thing and because Nate saying he has a question is kind of hilarious.  

We always reply "What is your question?" ... I'm glad Nate is curious :)