The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dogs and the Beach

We have been back almost 2 weeks now, but me and the dogs are still missing the beach.  Mocha just stares into our willow tree at all of the loud cicadas and Kona barely lasts 10 minutes outside without panting.  It makes me want to take them back to the beach and have that full and free spirited fun again.

I have attached a video of Mocha getting his toy in the ocean.  He would get so excited he'd whine until you threw the toy in the water again.  He would then run and flop in the wave after it.  He wouldn't ever show any slowing either, we basically had to cut him off every day so that he wouldn't hurt himself.  We'd go to our rental and a few hours later we'd take the dogs to the park and he barely could move he was so tired.... but, that didn't phase him, by the next day he was ready to swim swim swim. 

Kona on the other hand does not like to swim, but she runs up and down the beach after the ball until she drops.  She on occasion steals the toy from Mocha as he would run out of the ocean, but drops it pretty quick. 

The dogs least favorite part was getting washed off in the shower afterwards.  Kevin had to basically pick up Kona and put her by the water faucet, she always had so much sand on her belly that she had to get washed off.  ** One memory I have is this dog running up the stairs from the beach to the sidewalk by us and I am panicking thinking this dog is going to run right into traffic.  I could see the owner on the beach and she didn't seem to be panicking at all.  Then I realized her dog just goes straight to the shower and sits in it.  It was the funniest thing.  When the owner got up there she said 'yah' he never goes anywhere else and just loves the shower **  I guess this dog was a TRUE beach dog through and through.

The enjoyment I get from watching the dogs frolic on the beach is just so great - I enjoy it so much I can barely imagine being on a beach w/o them.  It is nice to just watch another living thing just have pure joy in their faces.  These dogs don't care what happened before or after the beach just that they were at the beach, living up every minute of it - truly living in the moment.  When is the last time you enjoyed something that much??

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