The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Very Vocal Kona

My baby girl had to get surgery today.  She had two bumps on her that had mast cells in them.  Without going into a scientific discussion mast cells are not a great thing.  Mako actually had similar bumps that had to get removed so unfortunately I'm all too familiar with these.  On a positive note, Kona has had a lot less of them.  She has had 2 removed once before, but those were a grade 1 so let's hope they stay that grade (grade one is the best grade you can get, it means the bad cells haven't travelled anywhere and are localized)

The funniest part about picking Kona up from the vet is the lecture you get on the drive home.  From the second she gets in the car she is talking, talking, talking.  Not barking, but that true dog talk that sounds like a well put together sentence.  I'm pretty sure I'm getting yelled at about what just happened - especially about having been put in a cage!!  She HATES cages.  She hates cages so much that she whines the entire time she is in them.  It is the same kind of whining that I get on the way home so I'm pretty sure she is lecturing the vet and her staff - so much so the vet took her out of her cage and let her roam around with her and eat lunch with her.  The vet was laughing and said she was much happier once she was out of the cage. 

What adds to her little conversation is that she looks slightly drugged and not herself so it is funny.  She is still waking up from being put under for surgery and has some pain killer to boot.  It is like talking to a drunk friend.  I've been home about an hour now and she still on occasion goes to the garage door and says some stuff and heads back to the couch.  I think she is waiting for 'dad' to get home to yell at him.  I mean he is the one who dropped her off this morning at the vet so she has a bone to pick with him. 

Regardless, I always hate seeing the little surgery cuts on her :(  and I am showering her with all kinds of love.  She just raised her head as I am writing this... I asked her "how you doing" and of course she answered me "uuummm rewh rewh uuummm' and then laid her head back down.  Cute little thing!!

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

Love this post!! Too funny!