The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mocha WINS!!! - It's a Boy

On my Arizona trip my mom found out Baby Hahm is going to be a BOY!! I can officially announce it now. 

During the ultrasound where we found out the sex it seemed anticlimactic since Kevin and I seemed to be acting like it was a boy already - we always referred to the baby as a him.  Actually, we thought we'd go in and find out it was a girl since we had been saying it was a boy.  Of course we didn't care either way and would have been excited regardless.  As the day went on after finding out it was a boy I did start to panic a little thinking 'uh oh what am I going to do with a boy.... no crafting or shopping for clothes or hairdos or pink .... oh no', but then I started thinking about how cool it will be to golf with him and watch baseball games and I do love Star Wars type stuff .... NOT that for one second a girl can't do or like those things, but you know what I mean.  And the unisex basics like helping with science fair projects and reading with him will be so so fun.  My panic decreased the more I thought about it - don't tell kevin, but I hope he becomes a mama's boy ;-) haha 

It is weird how you start to wonder how you will connect with the opposite sex as a mom.  I am sure guys go through the same feelings when they find out it is a girl.  You realize you really only know how to be a girl (or boy).  I didn't grow up with a brother only a sister so I have very limited experience with what a boy goes through as he grows up.  Growing up it was always easy to talk to and relate to my sister since it was so familiar.  I wonder what my dad thought about as he raised us.  I never really saw my parents in a traditional boy or girl context, but they certainly had their niches.  You wouldn't catch me going to my dad if I had questions regarding bras or boys or crying for help on bad hair days during jr. high.  On the flip side I can't imagine growing up without learning about baseball and watching games and who would have taught me how to drive a stick shift or throw a water balloon.  All I know is that I look forward to this interesting journey with Baby Boy Hahm.

So much has happened over the last week and a half it will take me a few blogs to catch everyone up.  I had such a fun filled trip to Arizona... I saw so many great friends, had a 20 year reunion in Flagstaff and my sister's wedding CRAZY... all while being pregnant in the extreme heat. 

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