The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Picking Paint

We started to think about paint colors for Baby Hahm's room.  I'll visualize something in my head and think 'Yep, that is it', but 5 minutes later I'm on to something different.  In part because as I start to look at the different shades of a certain color I decide on something else.  This one is too light, or too bright, or too dark... Should we do two shades and make it fun and add some stripes, etc.  But, something too fun feels like a bad idea for reselling your home.  Not that we plan on selling anytime soon, but you never know. 

Also, as I think of paint colors, I'm also thinking of some sort of theme for inspiration.  The themes I like change daily too so then my paint colors change along with them.  I want something cute, but classy, but whimsical and kid-like too.  I don't want any over the top, in your face themes, but there is a lot of cute stuff out there. 

Every once in awhile Kevin will say 'I like this color', but then I'm not sure if he just picks something to be done with it or really likes it....hhhhmmm.  I do have a pretty good idea of what themes he likes since he is vocal about that.  But, on the other hand, he tends to get one thing in his head and that is it for him... I like a little more squish until we nail it down :) 

The only thing set so far is our crib furniture that we already ordered so at least we have one thing that remains a constant as we consider all of this.  It is fun, and I love thinking about this stuff, but I also want to make sure I love it so it is sooo sooo hard to commit to anything.  I figure we just started so we have awhile, but I'd like to paint when we get back from my sister's wedding so before the end of June I'd like to have some direction, any direction. ;) 

I was reading an article about how decorating nurseries can easily go from tasteful to tasteless quickly.  They showcased one in particular, it was a Mario Bros themed nursery... it was funny and true.  One example clearly looked better than the other. A poorly planned out theme really can look pretty hideous when overdone.  Side note: Looking at this theme made me think of my sis and how often we played this game, especially her! hahaha

Ideas anyone, my email is open for submissions :) ??

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