The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy 'almost a father's day

It is the last father's day for awhile that Kevin gets to spend childless doing whatever only he wants to do - sort of, Baby Hahm definitely changes our usual schedule.  I got a little 'daddy' themed onesie as a small gift to honor the occasion.  I was thinking about it and it is the first time my dad gets to think about being a grandpa too on this day - that is cool.  My dad and sis went to the Dbacks game today - wish I was there - one thing that totally reminds me of my dad is baseball.  I can't think of anything more relaxing than watching a game, with a beer in hand with my dad. 

Tomorrow I have another Dr's appt.  I can't believe it has already been a month since my last one.  I have to get a glucose test and I am crossing my fingers that the sugary drink they give you won't make my stomach feel icky before my flight.  I'm headed to Phoenix only a few hours later on a 3.5 hr flight.  I guess I'll have to 'women up' and just make it work.  What happens is I drink this sugary drink, wait an hour, they take some blood and I hope hope hope the results are that I am fine and don't have any indication of gestational diabetes.  Gestational diabetes doesn't always immediately show symptoms so even if I feel fine it could come back that I have to take the more comprehensive glucose screening test.  Let's hope not! 

As I mentioned I am headed to Arizona.  I am VERY excited as I FINALLY get to see some of my family and friends that I miss so much.  And it is a very special visit since my sister is getting married.  I am so happy for her and cannot wait to see her as a gorgeous bride.  On a side note: I will be going to my 20 year reunion - YES I'm that OLD!  Can you believe I'm going pregnant, crazy - most people lose weight and try to look their best, but not me I just decided to get a big ol' baby bump :)  

Needless to say, my blog will be very sporadic over the next week and a half, but there will be so much going on that I can't wait to share it with everyone.  Although a lot of you that read I will get to see anyway YAY!!!

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