The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Whoops I forgot

I completely forgot to write my blog yesterday ...  I remembered once I went to bed... whoops.  This begs the question about whether pregnancy brain or 'momnesia' is indeed fact or fiction. 

Supposedly, women experience lots of forgetfulness while they are pregnant - the location of car keys, what was on the to do list, why they entered a particular room, to feed the dog (which never happens to me because Kona stares at me at exactly 6 am and 6 pm with intense determination so it is impossible to not remember), but you get the point.  None of these tasks are major life changing things, but can cause one to start thinking they are losing their 'edge'. 

There are a couple schools of thought about this particular subject.  The first is that it is a real thing (supported by TONS of pregnant women) and that something physical is actually occurring that alters your state of mind.  The second is that it isn't anything scientific happening just a myriad of life changes that are clouding your mind and usual focus.  There have been some studies that show that a pregnant women's brain is unaltered and thus no proof of actual changes to explain momnesia.  However, there are lots of secondary changes like up to 40% more progesterone and estrogen running through the body including the brain, which while not proven could have an impact.  The impact may even be to spatial parts of brain function that may explain forgetting where things are located. 

On the flip side, lack of sleep, new priorities and anxiety about the future could be what is causing the forgetfulness.  I think we've all experienced how lack of sleep impacts how fresh and focused you are at work.  When you are well rested (for more than one night) you just seem to make smarter and quicker decisions.  You feel on your game.  Conversely, when you are sleepy or stressed about something you find yourself making a silly statement or two and you can't explain it.  Also, it seems like you end up being off the whole day, it isn't easy to get out of the funk immediately.  

My take is that I do think that everyone, similar to a computer, has only so much memory and capacity to function properly and efficiently.  There is a logical process to our everyday and when we throw to much at ourselves we overheat and lose our most efficient way to process (our focus is split in too many directions).  We cope by finding shortcuts, reaching out for help or just simply running at 80%.  Now whether this overheating can be explained scientifically (TONS of pregnant hormones) or not, it all seems to contribute to momnesia.  I just think it is cool that I have a ready made excuse if I'm absentminded - yay me!  'Don't blame me, blame Baby Hahm' ;) 

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