The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What's in a name?

 "That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet" is Juliet right?

Now that we have found out the sex, the question is asked quite often about whether or not we've decided on a name.  The real truth is that Kevin and I haven't really talked about it much.  We both personally think about it, but no real eliminations or searches have occurred.  Well, some eliminations have occurred in passing conversations - the obvious hit or misses each of us offer up.  One thing is for sure and that is Kevin and I have very different tastes in names so it will be an interesting process as we come to a decision.  I tend to like a little 'different' names, not real different like 'Soul', 'Trophimus' or 'Apple', but not in the top 20 either.  Kevin is more of a top 20 guy.  He figures it is a safer bet for ensuring Baby Hahm is not teased. 

In an effort to make this process a little more formal I have downloaded a baby name app. for my phone :)  I have started selecting a few of my favorites.  My dad offered a bunch of suggestions on the phone the other day, if you know my dad, some were meant to be goofy and some were serious!  The joke will be on him if I choose one of his 'goofy' names HA.

Now here is the other big dilemma as you choose a name...  Should you tell people and get either wanted or unwanted opinions?  Everyone has all kinds of memories of people and places so almost every name you choose someone somewhere will have an association.  This makes it easy to find someone willing to tell you what an awful name you chose.  Not because it is truly an awful name, but because it was the class bully they feared or the girl that stole someone's boyfriend or the smelliest person they used to work with... so do you tell or not?? 

1 comment:

Hope said...

Don't tell. I did both. When they are already out of the oven and named that only the boldest people will say anything. If you tell beforehand everyone has an opinion! You will still get to read their faces here and there but they will keep their mouth shut ;)