The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feeling like a pancake

Whatever muscle, tendon, bodily thing that is around my hip area really just doesn't like to be in one position for very long while I'm sleeping.  The dull pain creeps up on me.  I'll sleep on the left side at a 40 degree angle, a 60 degree angle and 90 altering leg off bed or bent or straight, but no matter what I then have to move to the right side and do the same thing.  This dance routine happens a countable # of times a night.  Flip, flip, flip, flip.... With the flip comes the repositioning of the pillow that I sleep on lengthwise.  Sometimes with the flip comes moving a dog around or off the pillow.  Kevin sometimes gets hit in the face with a pillow and sometimes not... it all depends... of course never on purpose ;)

One of the only positions that makes the dull pain go away is sleeping on my back, which of course is not recommended once your in your second trimester and beyond.  I will cheat and lay on my back for a small bit here and there, sshhhh!  Luckily, (knock on wood) I haven't had any back pain or this side pain while sitting, standing or during any waking moment.  But, the flip, flip, flip at night is annoying.  I am suppose to be getting the last bit of sleep I can before the baby, right, or maybe it is nature's way of giving me practice of only sleeping in 1-2 hour time blocks. 

On a side note: Now that I mentioned pancakes I literally feel like eating banana pancakes - I'm thinking that isn't what Kevin is going to want for his Birthday dinner, although a pregnant girl usually gets what she wants ;)

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