The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kick, Poke, Pop

I started to feel a poke, pop, poke, during week 17/18.  I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was a kick or just digestive noises.  My intuition said kicks, but I had read that most first time moms can't tell the difference so I figured maybe I didn't know.  My ultrasound on May 13th confirmed my suspicions that it was indeed kicking because I could feel and see the kick at the same time.  It definitely catches me off guard at times when I least expect it.  It takes awhile to get used to the thought of something inside of me, alien like, moving around. 

I feel the movement most routinely when it is quiet or I'm lying down.  I try to figure out what position Baby Hahm is in, but my visualization skills aren't cutting it and I have no idea.  I know that this will be short lived since Baby Hahm will have less and less room to do the acrobatics so I can really figure out a pattern.

The dogs of course will lay on my stomach and I can feel Baby Hahm moving and I want to know if they can feel it.  They are so much more in tune with the environment so I can only assume they can.  Baby Hahm tends to kick more often when they are lying close.  Why do you think... cuz of a love for dogs already?? (probably not), maybe the warmth of the cuddle, maybe because I feel happy with a cuddle... hhhmm

A mother's joy begins when new life is
stirring inside...
when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the
very first time,
and a playful kick reminds her that she
is never alone.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Heat??

I hope everyone is enjoying the Memorial Day weekend!!  Kevin's parents are in town and it has been great visiting with them.  Kevin's mom bought the cutest toy while we were out for Baby Hahm... it is a Gund brand stuffed dog and on the foot it says 'My first puppy' - very appropriate for me don't you think :)

Anyway, THE HEAT, yowser yowser is it HOT.  The last week or two hasn't been my healthiest of the pregnancy.  A couple of times while I've been out I just haven't felt quite right and just want to come home.  I get a little weak and my stomach is a little quesy.  But then I feel much better once I drink a bit of water, eat a little something and rest.  I am starting to think that the heat and my body just haven't found a comfort spot yet.  Going from the super AC'd stores, into the heat, back to the car AC back to the heat, is taking a toll.  I have been consuming more and more water, but honestly probably not enough :(  I am trying to work through this and am hoping it is a phase or I figure out if something I'm doing isn't Baby Hahm approved anymore like it was first trimester - picky little Hahm!  Overall though, it passes quickly and I'm still feeling pretty good.  I always have hated the heat and run hot so I need to really get a grasp on my outdoor time versus proper hydration and comfort levels.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pregnancy Pains for nothing???

I have seen tons of clips in the news recently about the Casey Anthony Trial.  The actual crime happened a few years ago, but it has gone to trial now.  This is the trial about a toddler who was possibly murdered by her mom.  The body was found months later after the mom was arrested.  The mom has said she didn't do it and the daughter drowned in the grandparents pool and they covered it up.. or something like that... of course there are a million other details. 

My thought as I hear this (and other stories whereby a mom has killed her kids) is 'What are they thinking' and not for the obvious reasons of this being completely unthinkable, which of course it is, but do they not remember the long pregnancy to have these kids.  Why put yourself through all of that just for nothing.  I am thinking as my body transforms and I dread labor and delivery that I'm going to do everything in my power to make this ALL worth it.  All of this is not going to be for nothing that is for sure.  Now I am not naive to the fact that actually raising the kid is full of all kinds of new stress etc., but by that point you've already given birth, might as well make the best of it now, right!! 

In Casey Anthony's case she was already tired of her by the time she was a toddler and it seemed like her life would be better not having this little girl, Really??  Maybe we just need to remind these moms what they went through to have that kid :) Baby Hahm is only half cooked, but I already feel like I put in enough effort that I can't imagine losing the kid when it is a toddler.... especially by CHOICE... there is some crazy crazy misguided people out there I guess. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Photogenic = NOT ME

Ok, so most of you know I am pretty much the worst picture taker ever (even though most of you try to be nice and say the pics aren't ever THAT bad, I know the truth).  I usually feel like Dorian Gray - you know where I look at myself and I feel like i don't look that bad, but then I look at the picture just taken and it is a disaster (in Dorian's case it is his portrait he looks at his reflection in, and well for different reasons if you remember the book, but you get the idea) No matter what I try I end up looking pretty awful.  If by chance I happen to look ok it is almost certain my eyes are closed... so I can't win.  Granted I don't do myself many favors by usually not having much make-up on, not doing my hair nicely or even having someone who knows how to take pics help me figure out what looks good.... regardless... I know I need to post a pic or two of the baby bump.   

I am starting to think some of you don't actually believe that I am pregnant since you haven't seen me - actually I've heard this more than once.  It does still seem quite unbelievable that I am pregnant.  It is kind of like if someone told me that Mocha was left out of his kennel while they ran to the store and he didn't counter surf...  pretty much seems impossible unless there is video taped evidence.  I would have to see it to believe it.  My Nashville peeps have seen the changes, but everyone else just imagines what I might look like as a preggo person.  So with much reluctance, but knowing it is good for this journal, here is a ~ 20/21 week picture.  I know I know I need to go get a cute maternity shirt or something that looks a little more stylish, but hey I tried!!  At least this fits sort of tight so you can see the bump :)  Also, don't laugh at my hair, I am putting off getting it colored until right before heading to AZ for my sister's wedding.  I figure the less hair chemicals I'm exposed to the better so I just put it off.     

Notice my deep dark tan I got in Florida...hahaha... I was so proud to have properly put on my sunscreens!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

There is an app for that

Something that has been fun is listening to Baby Hahm's heartbeat through my iphone.  There is an app called 'Mybabysbeat'.  I put on my headphones and place the microphone of the phone over my stomach and you can hear the baby's heartbeat.  Of course, Baby Hahm is still pretty small so I don't find it every time I try, but I do sometimes and it is neat.  It all depends what position the baby is in whether or not it is easy to find.  I tend to have the best luck in the morning and late at night.  I have attached a link to the recording of the heartbeat recording below.  I can't seem to get the volume loud enough to hear just sitting at your computer, but if you put your headphones on you can hear it.  I can hear it great on the iphone w/o headphones, but not the computer. 

I've listened to my heartbeat and the dog's too.  I'm really starting to believe there is an app for everything!!  Can you imagine what will be possible in a few years you will probably just be able to wave a phone over a stomach and see an ultrasound.

Here is the recording

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Great day --> Nightmare

Today started out great.  It had rained in the early morning so the air smelled great outside.  I hung out with the dogs in the yard for awhile taking in the smell and listening to all of the birds.  There seems to be so many birds right now.  There is a family of birds living in our dryer vent.  They made themselves at home while we were away on vacation.  You can see the mom bird bringing little branches etc into the vent.  We are pretty sure their might be little babies up there so we are going to get a light and look in there before doing anything.  The vent still seems to be functioning fine. 

After enjoying some outside time I put on my new maternity shorts (well and a shirt) and went and met a good friend for lunch.  We had a nice time chit chatting as usual.  I then headed over to West Nashville to go to a few stores where I had been wanting to pick up a few things (I live in south Nashville). 

WOW, on the way to West Nashville I realized just how many cicada bugs are actually in the area.  Cicada's only show up every 13 years and this year is the year here in Nashville.  (There are a 17 year variety but those are more commonly found in Northern US).  The shear amount of bugs flying at my windshield and dead on the side of the road was crazy.  These cicadas are LOUD too, if you are even close to an area full of trees it is just amazingly loud.  I am not looking forward to them in our area as I can just foresee all of these dead cicadas being appetizers for my dogs.... urgh ... I can hear them in our area already.

So things were going well, I was having a really great day and then all of a sudden I experienced the most crazy humiliating experience I ever have to date.  It was both humiliating and personally horrifying ..... related of course to pregnancy.  It is so humiliating the only people that will ever know about it are me, baby Hahm and the dogs.  I'm pretty sure the dogs could read my mind when I got home so I gave them the details.  I am now sitting on my couch planning to veg out for hours as I relive my experience over and over in my mind.  I decided it was best if I just don't do anything for the entire rest of the day and just start fresh again tomorrow.  Even as I write this I'm slightly spacing out just petting the dogs for emotional comfort.  Not the kind of emotional comfort like something horrible happening just the kind to help get your self respect back :)  .....  I'll never tell, but if you can talk dog Kona is kind of a blabber mouth.... oh oh oh how I wish I could have a glass of wine... alright I'm off to veg out and find some mindless show or movie to watch.  You may be wondering why include this at all (I am wondering that myself as I write this) but I decided as I reread this pregnancy memoir in 20 years this may be something I want to laugh about...... I doubt it though... I really doubt it

Monday, May 23, 2011

Appt #5 and the Incredible Shrinking Belly

I had my routine appt with my Doc today (Dr. Cindy Woodall).  It is the usual, weigh in like a wrestler, blood pressure and pee in a cup (sometimes I forget this part and just hope I saved up enough...).  The main purpose was to go over the results of my ~ 20 wk ultrasound from my last appt.  So far everything is right on track, heart had 4 chambers, spine looked good, all of the parts that could be seen I guess were there (you know fingers, toes, etc) and Baby Hahm appears to be growing right on schedule.  Baby Hahm was tumbling all about during the appt, but the heart rate was about 146.  My next appt is in 4 weeks and I have my glucose test.  Here is another pic from the ultrasound (video clips are coming, but I haven't had a chance to sit down and watch the entire video to pick out the clips yet)

Look at the baby butt and foot.... hahaha

Now, for the story of the incredible shrinking belly.  It is amazing how I wake up and feel 20ish, almost 21 weeks pregnant, but I go to bed feeling 26 weeks pregnant (not that I actually know what that feels like, but I'm guessing).  It is the craziest thing.  I am wondering what I am storing up all day.  What the heck is in my belly.  And it is like magic I wake up and everything seems to be gone. Everything is all shrunk again.  This process happens every day.  I have been trying to find a correlation between what I eat or what I drink or how active I am that day, but nothing, there isn't a pattern.  It is every day.  At the end of the day I feel like Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movie ... remember how he always said ..."Get in my belly".  I'm just glad I wake up shrunk again, well shrunk is relative these days - I guess I'm a pregnant shrunk.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

End of Vacation

Well, it wasn't the end of the world, but it was the end of my vacation :(  I did think it was fitting that right around 6pm (the predicted end of the world) Kona was 'doo'ing her business at a rest area... haha...

A gender reveal blog coming soon with the pics, a lot of you already know hee hee

I am going to keep it short tonight and just show you the first gender neutral outfit that we bought for Baby Hahm.  The clothes are so so tiny and cute.  I've bought cute little baby clothes for friends (that is always so fun), but there is something different when you are looking for clothes for your own little one.  We were in GAP looking for some maternity shorts and I just couldn't resist looking at the baby clearance section.  Kevin and I both saw this outfit and decided it was too cute to pass up (and a good deal - and soo soo me) :)  We bought one other outfit, but it is a clear giveaway of the sex so that one isn't shown.

On a side note: I found some AWESOME maternity shorts at GAP.  They have a regular zipper and button, but are super stretchy denim and just a sweat suit type band in the back, they sit real low below the big belly and stuff.... I love them.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Greetings from Florida

AAaahhhh the ocean breeze - oh I have missed you!!  It is weird how different the humidity feels here versus Nashville.  I have no explanation about why, but I plan on researching it, it is possible maybe that my skin just likes ocean humidity more than mountain humidity.  Palm Beach Gardens/Jupiter is like I remember, casual, friendly and fun.  I forgot how friendly people are here - "hi's" from people for no reason, people start random conversations everywhere and are just generally considerate and it is a huge dog loving city, which is cool.   

I just wanted to check in and mention why I haven't revealed BOY or GIRL yet on is because I have a hold out.  My mom is deciding if she wants to be surprised at the delivery versus finding out early (she likes opening presents).  Since I don't want to take that special moment and memory away from her I haven't revealed anything - well a few peeps know (I loved how a few people were anxious and couldn't wait to find out, thx for making it exciting for me and Baby Hahm) If my mom decides to wait, I'll just facebook or email you guys :)

All I know is Baby Hahm is kicking up a storm and has been for a few weeks, but being a first time mom I wasn't sure that was what it was, but after the ultrasound it is confirmed.... more on that later, but YAY!

I got to run to the ocean now... woo wee 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Appt #4

The battle of Mocha versus Kona continues with the results to be announced eventually .... suspense

I just wanted to post a quick pic from the ultrasound appt today.  Looks like a smile. I'll post more and a clip or two from the video when I get back from vacation (Note: No blogs next week)

Am I a boy or girl???

Boy or Girl?

I couldn't blog yesterday since the site was down...  but today it isn't :)

So I have overheard a conversation this morning between Mocha and Kona.. it went something like this...

Mocha - "I have sat on mom's belly a lot and think it is a boy"
Kona - "No way - girl's rule, it is a girl I can tell by the smell"
Mocha - "But I want a boy to play rough with and throw the ball to me"
Kona - " Ball shmall, I want a girl that buys me fancy pink collars and pets my belly and makes cookies for me"
Mocha - "BOY"
Kona - "GIRL"
Mocha - "BOY for sure, plus look at the votes they think so too"
Kona - "GIRL - that poll is wrong"

Who will be right?  Stay tuned,,,

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Maternity Clothes

I have read and heard several different methods of how to hold up your pants while you are pregnant.  This is a popular topic because it is nice if you don't have to break down and buy maternity clothes.  A lot of people wear their own pants for as long as possible using various methods. 

The jerry rig method - this is a method where you find anything you can to use to hold up your pants.  This could be pony tail holders, safety pins, twist ties, extender buttons, duct tape, etc.  With this method you hope that what you've conjured up holds together if you have to bend down.

The belly band method - this is a method where you spend ~$20 and you put a tight wrap around your pants hoping it hold everything in place w/o buttoning.

The tank top method - similar to the belly band but you use the bottom of the tank top like a belly band.

Misc method - there are several other products out there that do similar things - a triangle you add behind a zipper, etc

Now having heard of all the various ways of keeping your pants up I can't help but stare at pregnant women's pants everywhere we go.  I look at them and wonder what they are doing.  How many pregnant women are walking around with their pants just about to fall down.  It is like we are all walking around with our pants undone hoping for the best.  You hope that your shirt doesn't raise up and expose your secret. 

I must admit I don't want to spend money on pants that I'll only wear for a few months and I don't want to look like I am wearing ugly, pleated flat butt pants.  Since everyone seems to not want to wear maternity clothes I am expecting the worst in fashion.  But......having tried on maternity pants I don't know why I am even trying to walk around with my pants undone hooked together by strings hoping for the best.  These maternity clothes feel like sweat pants..... they are sooooo comfortable.  Anything comfortable nowadays seems like a blessing.  I am here to declare that I will be wearing maternity clothes with the huge belly covering sacks and I don't care if I'm a nerd :)  Actually, the under belly ones that just fit real low and are higher in the back are pretty awesome too.  I may not be the cutting edge of fashion, but I've given in, at least a little - I will still wear some of my stuff until I no longer can jerry rig them.  Looking forward, I'm all about draw strings and elastic!  And cute sundresses and tshirts with the elastic ruched sides...    

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nothing to Pack

I am getting excited to spend a week relaxing in our old hood - Palm Beach Gardens.  We decided to rent a place there for a week and drive down there.  One of our favorite things to do down there is go to the dog beach so of course we are bringing the dogs.  Watching Mocha whine uncontrollably for us to throw his toy in the ocean so he can go retrieve it is so so fun.  And Kona likes to dig a big hole in the sand and sit in it after watching Mocha.  She isn't the best swimmer so she doesn't really like to go in very deep like Mocha.   Unlike some of the other beaches in FL the one in Palm Beach is usually not crowded making it perfect to visit.  (The pictures of the dogs to the right are all taken at Palm Beach)

We are going to visit all of our favorite places...square grouper, crab shack, jumby bay, water way cafe, hole in the wall restaurants that have the ABSOLUTE best fish, maybe go see some alligators... and generally just soak in the ocean breeze.  Granted some of these places were great to visit because we'd just sit back and drink land sharks for hours and watch the yachts go by.. which I'll just be watching yachts!!  I am going to expect the pelicans to be extra cute to make up for not drinking :)  Although fruity virgin beach drinks will do the trick to make the experience feel sort of the same.

I decided today I better see what shorts I can bring on this trip.  Well, let's just say I am not going to have a lot of shorts to pack for the trip.  If they are even a tiny bit high waisted they don't work with the baby bump.  Also, several of my shorts don't have buttons, but have those slide in clips so that doesn't work with the extender buttons or rubber bands.  So now I either need to grab a belly band or buy some maternity shorts (more about maternity clothes tomorrow).  Actually, Palm Beach has a Maternity section in its GAP so I'll be hitting that up once we get there.  YAY.  I have a gift card so GAP here I come.  

This will be the easiest packing job ever since it is balmy there leaving me with about 5 things I can bring down to wear that fit and still look cute and I won't die of heat in.  Lucky for me tank tops and shorts are my favorite for the beach and that is pretty much all I'll need.  Pregnant in Palm Beach - sounds like a reality show. 

Oh and I will be covered in sunscreen from head to toe wearing a gynormous hat due to the warnings about sun and something called a 'pregnancy mask'.  Apparently my hormones are capable of making the pigmentation in my face be darker in places if I expose myself to too much sun.  They call this splotchiness the pregnancy mask - I can get it even w/o the sun, but the sun makes it worse.  I am going to try and avoid looking spotted for my sis's wedding so I'll be covered up even more than my normal covered up, which is quite covered up. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekend Shopping

Happy late Mother's Day.  Even though I'm only a half a mom at this point - I took the day off of blogging :)  I wasn't able to see my mom over mother's day, but my sister filled in for me. The hard part of living in TN is being so far away from family.  I'll admit that when we were out looking at some baby stuff this weekend I was a tiny bit jealous of all the daughters there with their mom and sisters.   

Yes, you read that right, we actually looked at some baby stuff this weekend.  There is a big sale at this place down the street next weekend so we went there to see if we should buy anything during that sale (crib, stroller, etc).  It was still hard to really decide on anything since we don't know the sex.  Since we won't be in town this weekend if we want anything the sales lady said we could get the sales price before we leave sat.  Well, this means we would have to do it Friday night after finding out the sex so we are thinking the best strategy is to put together a girl list and a boy list and we'll be set to decide quickly.  Now, we haven't for sure decided if we want anything since it still feels real early, but that is the plan for now (It is hard to not take advantage of a good sale).  In an effort to competitor shop pricing and quality we made the rounds to the typical places over the weekend (Babies R Us, Target, Sears, websites..).. 

By the end of looking at everything and the million safety concerns and recommendations that are listed for all the products we were interested in we started to wonder if just having an empty room and laying the baby in the middle of the room with ZERO things around would be the best option.  This method would certainly be cheaper.  oh oh oh I just thought of something while the baby is just laying in the middle of the carpet, we could add a motion sensor invisible fence that makes about a 1 ft perimeter around the baby so we can instantly run to the rescue if the baby makes a coo or any slight movement during the night.  Oh man I forgot about the chemicals in carpet - I'm not sure this is an option anymore either, the baby will somehow have to figure out how to hover above the carpet.  The packaging on the sleeping coozies they make for the baby so they can't move their arms while they sleep so that the sheet or whatever can't go over their head and suffocate them makes me chuckle a little bit.  I'm thinking the baby is in what I will now call a 'baby straight jacket' freaking out wondering why it can't move.  I know I know there is good and serious reasons for all of this stuff, just funny to see and think about - Kevin and I just laughed and wondered how we survived.  

Friday, May 6, 2011

Baby Bump

I guess I haven't really written about it yet, but I indeed have the baby bump.  A little mini bump.  I know for sure because even Kevin notices it sometimes and he isn't the most observant person in the world.  In certain clothes it still just looks like I may need to be buying bigger pants or go on a diet.  But, now in just a t-shirt or similar - something with thinner material - then there is no hiding the bump.  I especially notice it at night when I have my pjs on.  I think the growing bump is making me a little more tired on occasion in the afternoons.  It seems like a lot is going on in there based on my weekly "what is happening this week" emails.  Or it could be I am sleeping a little lighter at night so a nap is very welcomed - either way I still don't have many complaints YAY - well maybe one complaint - I am starting to have less shirts that work with my jerry rigged pants.  The bigger the bump the shorter my shirts seem to be getting :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Such Cute Stuff

I haven't done any shopping for baby Hahm yet.  Kevin and I glance at some stuff if it happens to be around, but mostly we are waiting to find out if it will be a Boy or Girl before we really start to look at anything. 

Well today I met a friend for lunch and decided to look at the occasional dresses at another maternity store called Pea in the Pod.  This store is a little higher end and is located at a mall called Green Hills.  I ate lunch sort of by there so it was a perfect opportunity to look for a maid of honor dress.  Well, they didn't have anything, but..... I stopped in at Pottery Barn Kids since it happened to be just right there...

First off, this store has a secret bathroom in the back that is clean and nice.  This is something I will remember.  Second, I kept oohhing and aahhing at all of the cute things.  I had been in here once before with a friend (she went with a Dr. Seuss theme that turned out so colorful and fun).  During that visit I hadn't really been paying attention to prices or other items, but now I get the draw to this store.  They have lots of different kid themes, but more my style.  The themes aren't overdone for the most part, but understated and what I'll call *kid classy* (translation: some might find the style boring).  The only bad part is that it is pottery barn, which means it easily becomes pricey quick.  I do hate spending a ton on things that for the most part are for me since the baby doesn't care and probably won't remember :)  I'll have to think of some sort of compromise and find a few cute and key items from there and then fill in the gaps with some less expensive alternatives.  I really did enjoy starting to think about these things and looking at such cutesy stuff. 

Is it bad I thought about buying a Darth Vader beach bag for myself that was there - so cool (and yes possibly geeky) 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sneaky Dog

One of the spoiled things our dogs get to do is sleep with us at night on our bed.  I always allowed Mako on the bed pre-Kevin.  Then Kevin came in to the picture and liked cuddling with Mako at night too so that luxury continued.  When we got Kona obviously 2 dogs on a bed are a little different, but we couldn't resist and she was allowed up.  Now I'm so used to a doggily do by my feet at night I'm not sure I could sleep w/o that comfort.  So of course Mocha was grandfathered in to this sleeping habit of ours as well.

This is where the story starts with all 4 of us nestled in bed.  In the middle of the night I make what has become a routine trip to the restroom (thx little Hahm).  Now this has been a new part of the nightly routine for the dogs since usually there isn't a lot going on in the middle of the night.  I have learned that these dogs watch and observe everything and seem to know how to take advantage of good opportunities.  A good opportunity mixed with me being a sucker for their cuteness works for them on many occasions.  Well, Kona has a new thing she does every time I get up to use the restroom - Every time is not an understatement. 

I sleep with one pillow under my head and one beside me for comfort now that my back hurts a bit with the pregnancy.  Well, Kona has decided that the spot in between these pillows  (in the 90 degree angle spot) is an ideal sleeping condition for her.  When I leave the room it looks like no one is paying attention at all, but when I come back there is always a sneaky weimaraner in the space created by the two pillows.  Every night now I come back to this cute little circle shaped weimaraner in between my pillows.  It is amazing how she can form such a tight little snuggily circle so quick.  I get back every time and she acts like, "what, nothing new here to see".  The first couple of nights I made her get up and move, but now I realize her determination is stronger than mine so I just start with my pillow farther over so we both fit when I get back.  I know I'm a huge sucker.  But, to be fair I love having her all cuddled up with me so it kind of works for both of us.   

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Time Machine

Every so often I like to give myself a dose of reality by watching shows where reality is shown in all its glory (good and bad).  I am sensitive to animal rights issues for instance so I do watch shows on rescues of abused animals, puppy mill atrocities, factory farm clips, etc. even though it churns my stomach and makes me cry.  I watch so that I don't forget that these issues continue even if I don't witness them everyday.  For a lot of people it is easy to cope with certain realities if they can't see them, but for me out of sight is NOT out of mind.  I totally understand that we all choose our own moral compass to live by and for me seeing *reality* is a way I choose to keep my compass in check.  Actually, viewing these types of things has allowed me to form my compass and allows me to feel good about my decisions.

I use this same philosophy for other parts of my life - for instance what it is going to be like to be in labor .  I tune in to some of those shows on TLC that show women in labor to prepare myself for this day.  Yep, it is true several people have told me this is a bad idea, but for me, I like that in your face reality so I watch anyway.  I figure if I see all of these different women over the next few months going through this ordeal I can at least form a baseline to go by.  You can read all you want, but hearing and seeing real experiences brings it home.  I like to expect the worst and then be happy if the worst doesn't happen to me.  I watched a show today that followed 2 women and I'm pretty sure that between the 2 of them "this hurts" was said 100 times in a 1/2 hour.  I also heard an "I can't do it" "Get it out of me" and the nurse stated at one point you are in the "ring of fire" stage.  Anything called ring of fire sounds pretty pretty painful....  Now of course they survived and looked fine a few days later with their bundles of joy.  However, I'm still stuck on the "ring of fire" comment.... so I've decided that mentally today I am going to focus my efforts on creating a time machine so that I can go back to january and maybe rethink this whole thing.  We all know I'm a super wimp so what was I thinking when I thought I could handle this... I shake with anxiety just going to the dentist.  Kevin must have used some voodoo magic to talk me in to this - that is the only rational conclusion.  So I'm off to watch the Back to the Future movies so that I can create a flux capacitor and create my own time machine.

Yep, I know I am having one of those ...first timer nervous days... this won't be the last post to have that as a subject I'm sure.  I mean don't underestimate my wimpiness - I don't even get flu shots cuz that would mean getting a shot. OUCH

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pregnancy Glow

This is an idea I've heard in the movies, in articles and people say since I have been of child bearing age.  Over time (before I was pregnant) I have been a part of conversations that start off by saying, "Wow you are glowing".  I myself have never said that because I have never really understood what it meant.  I thought it was just something you say to make pregnant ladies feel good about themselves in pregnant speak.  Believe me, now that I am beginning to understand how much your body changes having someone give you a confidence booster here and there is definitely not unwelcomed - even if you don't see a glow.  Which for the most part from what I have read, TONS of women sure don't feel glowy with the pregnancy acne, morning sickness and body puffiness.

So is the glow real or just a *pregnant* compliment?? A lot of my friends who I have seen pregnant do look beautiful, I guess glowy, but it is usually because they seem to be smiling and looking generally happy and excited.  For once, they were enjoying the whole piece of cake without guilt, their jeans were snug and they didn't care and the positive thoughts of a child just made them look healthy and good. 

Now, science says there is some truth to the concept of a glow.  Pregnancy brings on a lot more blood production and volume, this volume does make your blood vessels in your face put off a little blush/reddish hue.  Also, the oil glands in your face secrete more oil (hormones are to blame again) so there is a greasy glow :)  Now, not all women experience either of these things, but there could be a biological basis to the glow.   

The question I ask myself when I look in the mirror is if I have the glow.  The answer is probably yes... but, it is from an 80 degree temp and 90% humidity and I am thinking my glorious *glow* will only get *glowier* in summer.  I naturally run hot and since I've been pregnant I am running a little hotter so my glow is probably sweat HAHAHA... I am going to start carrying around a towel like the sports guys do once the summer months hit j/k

<<< Historical Note for Little Hahm: Usama Bin Laden is dead 5/1/2011.  An almost 10 year quest for the US troops. >>>

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lazy weekend days

Sleeping in, watching pointless movies you've seen a million times, eating whenever you feel like it, watching endless sports events on tv, taking an extra nap, lolly gagging around town randomly deciding where to go and what to do, dog walks whenever we feel like it, no schedules and did I mention sleeping in??  As I was enjoying a cheesy lifetime movie before we left to enjoy an art fair in downtown Franklin, before taking the dogs for a walk... I started to wonder how little Hahm was going to change all this...  every once in awhile it hits me about how things are really going to change.  I am not one to take things for granted, but as I think about how fortunate I have been to have these relaxing weekend days - I start to REALLY not take these days for granted. 

I know little Hahm will fill up my days in a different type of way that I won't take for granted either, but right now I'm going to enjoy all of these little unscheduled moments.  As most of you know, I'm kind of a 'go with the flow' kind of gal so little Hahm will definitely be a game changer for me (and Kevin as he is even more easy going than me).  Now don't get me wrong, I'm quite organized, on time and I get things done and am still VERY type A (I do like things a certain way), but in a non structured or scheduled way if that makes sense.  I am hoping though that maybe this kind of relaxed approach to daily stuff that Kevin and I both share personality wise will rub off on little Hahm and he/she will become a fairly chill dude or dudette. (Translation: little Hahm will sleep and eat on a slightly squishy (yet healthy) schedule - here is to hoping!!)