The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pregnancy Pains for nothing???

I have seen tons of clips in the news recently about the Casey Anthony Trial.  The actual crime happened a few years ago, but it has gone to trial now.  This is the trial about a toddler who was possibly murdered by her mom.  The body was found months later after the mom was arrested.  The mom has said she didn't do it and the daughter drowned in the grandparents pool and they covered it up.. or something like that... of course there are a million other details. 

My thought as I hear this (and other stories whereby a mom has killed her kids) is 'What are they thinking' and not for the obvious reasons of this being completely unthinkable, which of course it is, but do they not remember the long pregnancy to have these kids.  Why put yourself through all of that just for nothing.  I am thinking as my body transforms and I dread labor and delivery that I'm going to do everything in my power to make this ALL worth it.  All of this is not going to be for nothing that is for sure.  Now I am not naive to the fact that actually raising the kid is full of all kinds of new stress etc., but by that point you've already given birth, might as well make the best of it now, right!! 

In Casey Anthony's case she was already tired of her by the time she was a toddler and it seemed like her life would be better not having this little girl, Really??  Maybe we just need to remind these moms what they went through to have that kid :) Baby Hahm is only half cooked, but I already feel like I put in enough effort that I can't imagine losing the kid when it is a toddler.... especially by CHOICE... there is some crazy crazy misguided people out there I guess. 

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