The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Greetings from Florida

AAaahhhh the ocean breeze - oh I have missed you!!  It is weird how different the humidity feels here versus Nashville.  I have no explanation about why, but I plan on researching it, it is possible maybe that my skin just likes ocean humidity more than mountain humidity.  Palm Beach Gardens/Jupiter is like I remember, casual, friendly and fun.  I forgot how friendly people are here - "hi's" from people for no reason, people start random conversations everywhere and are just generally considerate and it is a huge dog loving city, which is cool.   

I just wanted to check in and mention why I haven't revealed BOY or GIRL yet on is because I have a hold out.  My mom is deciding if she wants to be surprised at the delivery versus finding out early (she likes opening presents).  Since I don't want to take that special moment and memory away from her I haven't revealed anything - well a few peeps know (I loved how a few people were anxious and couldn't wait to find out, thx for making it exciting for me and Baby Hahm) If my mom decides to wait, I'll just facebook or email you guys :)

All I know is Baby Hahm is kicking up a storm and has been for a few weeks, but being a first time mom I wasn't sure that was what it was, but after the ultrasound it is confirmed.... more on that later, but YAY!

I got to run to the ocean now... woo wee 

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