The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nothing to Pack

I am getting excited to spend a week relaxing in our old hood - Palm Beach Gardens.  We decided to rent a place there for a week and drive down there.  One of our favorite things to do down there is go to the dog beach so of course we are bringing the dogs.  Watching Mocha whine uncontrollably for us to throw his toy in the ocean so he can go retrieve it is so so fun.  And Kona likes to dig a big hole in the sand and sit in it after watching Mocha.  She isn't the best swimmer so she doesn't really like to go in very deep like Mocha.   Unlike some of the other beaches in FL the one in Palm Beach is usually not crowded making it perfect to visit.  (The pictures of the dogs to the right are all taken at Palm Beach)

We are going to visit all of our favorite places...square grouper, crab shack, jumby bay, water way cafe, hole in the wall restaurants that have the ABSOLUTE best fish, maybe go see some alligators... and generally just soak in the ocean breeze.  Granted some of these places were great to visit because we'd just sit back and drink land sharks for hours and watch the yachts go by.. which I'll just be watching yachts!!  I am going to expect the pelicans to be extra cute to make up for not drinking :)  Although fruity virgin beach drinks will do the trick to make the experience feel sort of the same.

I decided today I better see what shorts I can bring on this trip.  Well, let's just say I am not going to have a lot of shorts to pack for the trip.  If they are even a tiny bit high waisted they don't work with the baby bump.  Also, several of my shorts don't have buttons, but have those slide in clips so that doesn't work with the extender buttons or rubber bands.  So now I either need to grab a belly band or buy some maternity shorts (more about maternity clothes tomorrow).  Actually, Palm Beach has a Maternity section in its GAP so I'll be hitting that up once we get there.  YAY.  I have a gift card so GAP here I come.  

This will be the easiest packing job ever since it is balmy there leaving me with about 5 things I can bring down to wear that fit and still look cute and I won't die of heat in.  Lucky for me tank tops and shorts are my favorite for the beach and that is pretty much all I'll need.  Pregnant in Palm Beach - sounds like a reality show. 

Oh and I will be covered in sunscreen from head to toe wearing a gynormous hat due to the warnings about sun and something called a 'pregnancy mask'.  Apparently my hormones are capable of making the pigmentation in my face be darker in places if I expose myself to too much sun.  They call this splotchiness the pregnancy mask - I can get it even w/o the sun, but the sun makes it worse.  I am going to try and avoid looking spotted for my sis's wedding so I'll be covered up even more than my normal covered up, which is quite covered up. 

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