The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Heat??

I hope everyone is enjoying the Memorial Day weekend!!  Kevin's parents are in town and it has been great visiting with them.  Kevin's mom bought the cutest toy while we were out for Baby Hahm... it is a Gund brand stuffed dog and on the foot it says 'My first puppy' - very appropriate for me don't you think :)

Anyway, THE HEAT, yowser yowser is it HOT.  The last week or two hasn't been my healthiest of the pregnancy.  A couple of times while I've been out I just haven't felt quite right and just want to come home.  I get a little weak and my stomach is a little quesy.  But then I feel much better once I drink a bit of water, eat a little something and rest.  I am starting to think that the heat and my body just haven't found a comfort spot yet.  Going from the super AC'd stores, into the heat, back to the car AC back to the heat, is taking a toll.  I have been consuming more and more water, but honestly probably not enough :(  I am trying to work through this and am hoping it is a phase or I figure out if something I'm doing isn't Baby Hahm approved anymore like it was first trimester - picky little Hahm!  Overall though, it passes quickly and I'm still feeling pretty good.  I always have hated the heat and run hot so I need to really get a grasp on my outdoor time versus proper hydration and comfort levels.

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