The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Such Cute Stuff

I haven't done any shopping for baby Hahm yet.  Kevin and I glance at some stuff if it happens to be around, but mostly we are waiting to find out if it will be a Boy or Girl before we really start to look at anything. 

Well today I met a friend for lunch and decided to look at the occasional dresses at another maternity store called Pea in the Pod.  This store is a little higher end and is located at a mall called Green Hills.  I ate lunch sort of by there so it was a perfect opportunity to look for a maid of honor dress.  Well, they didn't have anything, but..... I stopped in at Pottery Barn Kids since it happened to be just right there...

First off, this store has a secret bathroom in the back that is clean and nice.  This is something I will remember.  Second, I kept oohhing and aahhing at all of the cute things.  I had been in here once before with a friend (she went with a Dr. Seuss theme that turned out so colorful and fun).  During that visit I hadn't really been paying attention to prices or other items, but now I get the draw to this store.  They have lots of different kid themes, but more my style.  The themes aren't overdone for the most part, but understated and what I'll call *kid classy* (translation: some might find the style boring).  The only bad part is that it is pottery barn, which means it easily becomes pricey quick.  I do hate spending a ton on things that for the most part are for me since the baby doesn't care and probably won't remember :)  I'll have to think of some sort of compromise and find a few cute and key items from there and then fill in the gaps with some less expensive alternatives.  I really did enjoy starting to think about these things and looking at such cutesy stuff. 

Is it bad I thought about buying a Darth Vader beach bag for myself that was there - so cool (and yes possibly geeky) 

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