The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pregnancy Glow

This is an idea I've heard in the movies, in articles and people say since I have been of child bearing age.  Over time (before I was pregnant) I have been a part of conversations that start off by saying, "Wow you are glowing".  I myself have never said that because I have never really understood what it meant.  I thought it was just something you say to make pregnant ladies feel good about themselves in pregnant speak.  Believe me, now that I am beginning to understand how much your body changes having someone give you a confidence booster here and there is definitely not unwelcomed - even if you don't see a glow.  Which for the most part from what I have read, TONS of women sure don't feel glowy with the pregnancy acne, morning sickness and body puffiness.

So is the glow real or just a *pregnant* compliment?? A lot of my friends who I have seen pregnant do look beautiful, I guess glowy, but it is usually because they seem to be smiling and looking generally happy and excited.  For once, they were enjoying the whole piece of cake without guilt, their jeans were snug and they didn't care and the positive thoughts of a child just made them look healthy and good. 

Now, science says there is some truth to the concept of a glow.  Pregnancy brings on a lot more blood production and volume, this volume does make your blood vessels in your face put off a little blush/reddish hue.  Also, the oil glands in your face secrete more oil (hormones are to blame again) so there is a greasy glow :)  Now, not all women experience either of these things, but there could be a biological basis to the glow.   

The question I ask myself when I look in the mirror is if I have the glow.  The answer is probably yes... but, it is from an 80 degree temp and 90% humidity and I am thinking my glorious *glow* will only get *glowier* in summer.  I naturally run hot and since I've been pregnant I am running a little hotter so my glow is probably sweat HAHAHA... I am going to start carrying around a towel like the sports guys do once the summer months hit j/k

<<< Historical Note for Little Hahm: Usama Bin Laden is dead 5/1/2011.  An almost 10 year quest for the US troops. >>>

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