The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Great day --> Nightmare

Today started out great.  It had rained in the early morning so the air smelled great outside.  I hung out with the dogs in the yard for awhile taking in the smell and listening to all of the birds.  There seems to be so many birds right now.  There is a family of birds living in our dryer vent.  They made themselves at home while we were away on vacation.  You can see the mom bird bringing little branches etc into the vent.  We are pretty sure their might be little babies up there so we are going to get a light and look in there before doing anything.  The vent still seems to be functioning fine. 

After enjoying some outside time I put on my new maternity shorts (well and a shirt) and went and met a good friend for lunch.  We had a nice time chit chatting as usual.  I then headed over to West Nashville to go to a few stores where I had been wanting to pick up a few things (I live in south Nashville). 

WOW, on the way to West Nashville I realized just how many cicada bugs are actually in the area.  Cicada's only show up every 13 years and this year is the year here in Nashville.  (There are a 17 year variety but those are more commonly found in Northern US).  The shear amount of bugs flying at my windshield and dead on the side of the road was crazy.  These cicadas are LOUD too, if you are even close to an area full of trees it is just amazingly loud.  I am not looking forward to them in our area as I can just foresee all of these dead cicadas being appetizers for my dogs.... urgh ... I can hear them in our area already.

So things were going well, I was having a really great day and then all of a sudden I experienced the most crazy humiliating experience I ever have to date.  It was both humiliating and personally horrifying ..... related of course to pregnancy.  It is so humiliating the only people that will ever know about it are me, baby Hahm and the dogs.  I'm pretty sure the dogs could read my mind when I got home so I gave them the details.  I am now sitting on my couch planning to veg out for hours as I relive my experience over and over in my mind.  I decided it was best if I just don't do anything for the entire rest of the day and just start fresh again tomorrow.  Even as I write this I'm slightly spacing out just petting the dogs for emotional comfort.  Not the kind of emotional comfort like something horrible happening just the kind to help get your self respect back :)  .....  I'll never tell, but if you can talk dog Kona is kind of a blabber mouth.... oh oh oh how I wish I could have a glass of wine... alright I'm off to veg out and find some mindless show or movie to watch.  You may be wondering why include this at all (I am wondering that myself as I write this) but I decided as I reread this pregnancy memoir in 20 years this may be something I want to laugh about...... I doubt it though... I really doubt it

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