The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Back home - or am I?

How do you define 'home'?  To be home is an interesting concept.  A concept I struggle with every time I come back from a trip to Arizona.  Everything in Arizona is so comfortable to me and familiar.  I lived somewhere in AZ for over 30 years.  My family all still live there (for the most part).  A lot of people leave their home states because they don't like the weather or it is too small or just want a new adventure.  I always loved living in AZ, but really liked the idea of experiencing new places.  However, I would have been fine staying in AZ too if we wouldn't have had the opportunity to leave. 

So do you think you need a house to be at home?  I know I feel 'at home' in AZ even though I do not have a structure/house that I actually call home there.  On this recent trip I went to Flagstaff and saw even more surroundings that make AZ feel so comfy to me.  I had seen some great college friends right before seeing high school friends so this trip was just chalk full of things that make AZ special.  It is hard to fight memories - those memories are what give you that 'at home' feeling.  Familiar faces and places are invaluable.  Couple that with seeing my sister get married and having my family see me pregnant for the first time and suddenly Tennessee feels far far away from everything I know.

Having said that, I was ready to get 'home' to TN.  I could not wait to sleep in my bed and just get back to my routine with Kevin and the dogs.  I could not stop petting and cuddling Kona and Mocha once we got back.  It isn't this structure/house I particularly missed, but my everyday with my little family.  While I love the desert landscape (our little side drive to the superstition mountains was gorgeous) I did like returning to the green of TN.  And TN will be special in a very different way because it will be where our little family will soon grow by one.

Even though I ALWAYS come back homesick for AZ since it is hard being away from my family, I guess in the end I'm just glad I have two wonderful places I want to be at the same time.  Each place I call 'home' mean so many different and great things to me that I just feel lucky.     

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