The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sing, Sing Out Loud, Sing Out Strong...

That is exactly what he did... Woo Hoo Woo Hoo!!  Nathaniel had his first school program.  A Christmas program called 'It was kind of Quiet'.  They sang ~5 songs.  

1) "I'm ready to take a step" 2) "Mary Gave Her Boy a Name" 3) "It was kind of quiet" 4) "Sparkle and Shine" 5) "Get Excited/Go Tell it on the Mountain" 

He tends to still be a little uncomfortable in large crowds so I was unsure how he'd do with all the parents in the audience, plus all the other kids in the program.  It was his class plus all the other preschool classes.  That is a lot of kids.  

I honestly wasn't sure if he would even get up there.  Or maybe once he was up there if he'd see me and look a little like a deer in headlights.  Or cry.  Or just stand there.  Or the one thing you never want to see a nervous picking of the nose.  I tried to stay a little towards the back so he wouldn't see me directly hoping it would help.  

I was so proud of him.  He actually sang and looked like he was having a good time.  He swayed to the music and looked around at the other kids during the songs.  As soon as he rushed off the stage when it was over to me he was ready to go (not the social butterfly) but I was so happy he pulled it off.  Another big milestone as a parent - the FIRST school program.  I can't wait to see a million more :)  I remember going and watching my sister in programs more than actually being in them myself.  Funny to be on the other side watching your kid up there.  I of course took him for a special treat afterwords to congratulate him on his big singing debut.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Freedom OH NOOO

Huge milestone for everyone in the house.  I'm not even sure we made the right decision, but it was starting to feel like we should just do it.  The minute we did it we immediately regretted it.  Then we didn't regret it.  Then we did again.  Then we didn't.  It hasn't even been a week so we'll see.  So what was this big milestone.

We changed the crib to a toddler bed ...EECK...  He was still fine in his crib, but we were wondering if we needed to make the switch.  One, so that he could start to learn how to go potty himself.  Since he isn't wearing diapers during his nap we thought maybe at night wouldn't be far behind (who knows) Two, he is starting to possibly grow out of his nap so we may transition to quiet time.  I wanted to give him some room to roam his room if we move to quiet time.  

To say the boy doesn't like change is an understatement (mom and dad too).  In preparation for this I showed him pictures of a toddler bed and asked if he wanted his bed to look like the one in the picture.  He said yes and got excited.  I did this over a few days.  Then Kevin got out the parts to do it.  Mini meltdown one night so we didn't push it.  Then he was excited about it again so we made the change.  It hasn't been a week yet so I hope over time it gets better, but bedtime has been a bit rough.  Kevin has dealt with the brunt of the nighttime routine so I have to thank him for that, it can really test your patience.  He likes to put his legs in the slats of the crib so this has changed for him and I think he can't quite find his comfort level. He is mostly just grumpy and whiney and fights to go to sleep.  Plus he is 3 - enough said.

The nap routine hasn't gone much smoother, but really hoping we find a good rhythm (I hope it still includes some naps) I feel so unprepared about how to handle stuff like this.  I don't read nearly the same amount I used to when he was smaller, but there are times I wish I did.  Now that I want to learn how to do it better I'm trying to read some stuff at night.  So much is so dependent on the kid though.  Each kid is so different that the vanilla type advice isn't always helpful, but sometimes there are nuggets of info.  

Anyway, I can't believe I have a kid that is free to roam the house.  I don't have a baby gate on the stairs even which slightly freaks me out.  He goes down stairs great, but in my head I see him walking aimlessly at night and we don't hear him and he falls down.  Also, what are the odds he listens and stays in his room for quiet time or at 2 am in the morning??  We have always kind of taken the philosophy that we will first try to get him to listen to us.  So we talk about staying in your room etc. etc.  But, because I'm a mom I just might put a gate on his door so he is contained haha.  

Well, wish us luck on this new (pretty scary) adventure.  

Friday, December 5, 2014


I have noticed something lately that cracks me up.  And no it's not the obsession with Taylor Swifts 'Shake it off'...but boy is he cute singing that...  and it's not the way he has to have everything in a place and a place for everything (I move one Christmas decoration or something while he naps and next thing I know it is right back where it was originally)... tiny bit of OCD perhaps... I'm certainly not to blame for that ... Right? Right? Anyone?  Anyone?  

Ok, what cracks me up is how he will ask me something like..'What marble do you want' and I'll say, " The blue one' and he goes 'how about the orange one'.  He will say what color do you want...I'll pick (fill in the blank) and he always says 'how about (fill in the blank, but never the color I picked).  Whether it is a snack or where to go or what to do it is always a similar choice but not the one I chose.  Cracks me up because he says it so innocently.  He must really like to pick.  It never really affects anything so for right now I just take whatever he gives me.  It is a new thing and like everything else (well some things) it usually just disappears so I just chuckle under my breath and observe.  :)

First School Picture

Thursday, December 4, 2014

No Diapers

Ok so the headline is a little misleading.  Nathaniel has been potty trained for awhile, almost a year, but he has continued to wear a diaper when he sleeps (nap and at night).  Well (drum roll please) he isn't wearing them anymore during naps.  His choice.  Kevin and I have been kind of relaxed on this and one day he just decided he didn't want to wear them anymore during his nap.  I was skeptical at first, but he has been doing great.  Honestly, I haven't pushed it because I figured he might sleep better with it on.  I, of course, need to cut back on his liquid intake before he sleeps and make sure he tries to potty before he naps, but I'm impressed.  Mostly because he was the one who decided haha.  Now the less great news is that it seems like he may be growing out of his afternoon nap..... YIKES.  I have no idea what we will do with ourselves.  That is my *me* time.  I usually eat lunch and watch some show Kevin hates or nap myself.  

He is taking a nap as I write this though so lets hope I have a bit longer to enjoy some free time.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Negotiator

I don't quite remember this movie, but it had Kevin Spacey in it so it must have been good, right?  I love watching, learning, observing how Nathaniel's personality is forming.  It is hard to know now if things are a phase or if it is *him*.  I can tell the lines are getting blurred (not in the yucky Robin Thicke/Miley way) now that he is a whopping 3 years old.  The not so great things I tell myself are definitely a phase (tantrums, being particular, those kind of things) and the fun things (him putting weird stuff on his head and calling me in and laughing, cleaning up, etc.) are *him* haha... wishful thinking probably. 

One thing is for sure though... he is quite the negotiator.  Maybe he will be a lawyer or salesmen when he grows up.  It started out small.  I think I even mentioned it in a blog or two.  He used to ask for 'just a few more minutes' of iPad.  Or for you to stay laying with him 'just a few more minutes, ok mom'.  But, he has taken it up a notch for sure.  It is almost like chess.  He strategizes a few steps ahead of you now.  If you aren't paying attention 'WHAM' you've been had. He has pulled a fast one on both of us more then once ;)  

Couple pieces of evidence.  Just last night he had to go to the bathroom.  Dad was going to go with him.  Nate said, 'No, mom you come with me'.. I said, 'ok', but then quickly realized what had happened.  He didn't want me to start the movie. He had already told me this in so many words.  He knew if I went with him I couldn't start the movie.  

Another time we were doing something and he asks, 'Mom are the dogs ok?' I said,'I think so' he said 'I hear something, maybe you should go check'..... so I leave and quickly realize he did that to get me out of the room so he could do whatever he was doing a bit longer.... The dogs hadn't even moved off the couch....

He is always ready for some sort of reply or question too.  If we are headed somewhere he doesn't want to go... we will pull in the parking lot and he will say 'Is there any parking spaces mom' I'm driving around I say 'well it's pretty crowded' and Nate goes 'Guess we better go somewhere else.  Let's go (fill in the blank of wherever he really wants to go).  

Ok, so maybe these examples aren't so much negotiating as much as 'The Strategizer' I really like how he reorders our list of errands too.  I'll say 'We have to go to target, the grocery store and get gas'.  He will say 'Let's do this.  Let's go to the park first then target.  You can go to the grocery store tomorrow.  That's a good idea' Or he always says 'The store is closed we have to go tomorrow I guess' ... he has even used Kona's hurt foot to his advantage. When he didn't want to change out of PJs and wanted to stay home he said 'Kona (which is actually still kaka to him) is hurt today we better stay home'.... uh huh...

He does it with food too.  It is not uncommon for him to say 'I'll take 2 more bites and then I can get down, ok?'  Or 'If I eat my egg can I get a pickle'  

The kid hates wearing a jacket, BUT I will say 'We have to wear a jacket it is cold and he will stop whining and say 'Can I zip it half way, not the whole way'... just funny what goes through his head.

As I write this, I realize how I cant quite capture it. It doesn't quite illustrate how good at it he is.... it is so much a part of our daily lives you have to see it to believe it.  I know all kids negotiate so maybe Nate is no different, but I sure do feel like it is one of his better 'tricks in his bag'.  I'm always shocked when a few off beat questions lead to something I wasn't expecting and usually some sort of puzzle to get his way or avoid something.  I'll catch myself telling Kevin.... don't fall for it, he has an ulterior motive... 

Let's hope his skills don't get even better as he becomes a teenager.  He has only played us off each other a few times, but I'm ready for that too.  'Mom, dad said I could'... me 'Did he really?' ... probably not.  Little stinker. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

3 Year Appointment

9/30 - He was born and was 21 inches tall and 8 lbs 7 oz
10/11 - He was 11 days old and was 21 inches tall and 8 lbs 9 oz
10/24 - He was 3 and 3/7 wks old and was 21 3/4 inches tall and 9 lbs 9 oz
12/1 - He is 2 months old and 24 inches tall and 11 lbs 10 oz
1/20 - He is 3 1/2 months old and 25 3/4 inches tall and 14 lbs 8 oz
3/30 - He is 6 months old and 27 inches tall and 17 lbs 4 oz
6/28 - He is a lil under 9 months old and 28 3/4 inches tall and 20 lbs 12 oz
10/1 - He just turned one and is 30 3/4 inches tall and 22 lbs 11 oz
1/3 - He is 15 months old and 32 1/4 inches tall and almost 24 lbs
4/1 - He is 18 months old and 33 inches tall and 24 lbs 15 oz
10/17 - He is 2 years old and 34 1/2 inches tall and 29 lbs
10/3/2014 - He is 3 years old 38 inches tall and 35 pounds.

3, 3, 3 year appointment... wow... I was thinking back to the first trip to the pediatricians office.  I was all hunchy and slow from the c-section.  I was a little overwhelmed and nervous.  I didn't touch anything or anyone because I didn't want my perfect little guy to get cooties.  And now, here we are 3 years later at a NEW office.  

Starting all over looking for doctors etc. is not my favorite thing.  It is always harder than I think to find information, good information.  Usually it is 2 people complaining about something at an office etc etc.  Nothing overly helpful to make good decisions from.  Sometimes I get good leads from somewhere and then go and look at those websites.  We never know a ton of people right away so it is hard to get a lot of good 'word of mouth' recommendations.  Anyway, you get it - not fun.  One of the first things I did when Nate started preschool was hit up the other moms for some info.  One pediatrician office came up quite a bit so we went there.

Pediatric Associates Inc. ... our old office was Pediatric associates of Franklin.  Is it a sign? Or just coincidence? Or is every office everywhere named that?  The assistant in the front office mentioned that picking a male doctor was good sometimes for boys so as they get older they will feel comfortable talking to them - I had never thought about that, but figured, maybe - so I picked a youngish male doctor that went to Yale (the office is fairly big and they have a lot of off hours and weekend appts so I like that)  Anyway, back to Yale - that is where Rory from Gilmore Girls went so I figured it was another sign.  I know, I know Rory really wanted to go to Harvard, but Yale ended up being the best choice ;) 

The appointment day finally arrived.  Nathaniel, true to form, wasn't super excited to be somewhere having a stranger look at him.  He even tried to negotiate a few times (more on his stellar negotiation tactics later).  The doctor was very nice and seemed to be great with kids (you hope so right) We were pretty much in and out.  Nothing to crazy to report.    I hated that I didn't really have any questions either - I like questions - NO, I LOVE questions.  The doctor wasn't rushed or anything, I just really didn't have much.  Basically, Nate looks to be in great health (so grateful, so grateful, so grateful)!!!!

I know some things I'd like to do before his 4 year appt since this year kind of got away from us with all of the chaos. More structured reading/learning time, less tv, hopefully get him involved in a sport (hopefully a little sluggers or maybe gymnastics - soccer might be a little confrontational for him, he is a cautious guy, we will see) Regardless, I am so so happy we had another healthy year and here is to hoping this pediatrician and office works out great!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Class Mom

Yep, that's me.  I waited a week before I offered, but apparently no one jumped at the opportunity so I got the position.  I got the position even with zero experience haha.  Now, when I first told Kevin he was like 'What, you finally got some free time and now you are working in the class'... Nope, not that kind of class mom.  I basically only have to help organize a few parties throughout the year - easy easy (I think).  

I remember my mom always helping out in my class.  I'm a little fuzzy on the details of what she did, but I do always remember her volunteering for stuff like that and being there for parties.  Actually, that is a subject for another blog - How you spend so much time and energy on doing things and your kids just forget (Sorry mom.... ok more about that later) My mom had to do that stuff before Pinterest and Google ... Crazy!... although she probably didn't have to worry about gluten and peanuts and wheat and egg and high fructose corn syrup and GMOs and artificial colors and whatever else people can't or won't eat... Honestly I was surprised we were allowed to have food. 

I showed up to my pre-party meeting with the teacher with a list of Halloweeny activities to do for the party.  I didn't bring one food idea because I just assumed no food.  I assumed this because you weren't allowed to bring in anything for birthdays etc.  BUT, the teacher was like 'yeah we can have food and no one in our class has any allergies' I don't think that is very common nowadays.  The teacher basically had a list of good ideas and the basics of the party planned, I added a few things and off I went.  

My first duty was to send out an email to the parents about the party date, etc.. Did that.  Next, I made a quick Excel spreadsheet for a sign up sheet.  Listed 'how-to-links' to the party items the parents could volunteer for so that people would know what I was talking about :) People signed up and that was that.

The Halloween Party was here.  We had 15 min to decorate and get things set up.  I had two moms help me decorate.  Then we dressed the kids in costume and the party started.  I made a pumpkin golf game, pumpkin bowling and pumpkin cracker pumpkin patch snacks.  We had a pumpkin face photo booth, spider oreo cookies, banana ghosts and a spider on a web craft.  Only one mistake was made - 2 moms brought pumpkin mandarin orange cups (whoops one mom forgot she was monster juice boxes) .... lesson learned, I should have sent a reminder email.  Owell.

Anyway, I had the only kid who wasn't particularly fond of being in a costume.  Nate got a little overwhelmed with everyone in their costumes and so many parents around.  And as he would say 'I got sad'... yes you did.  I let him put his regular clothes back on and he rebounded and had some fun playing the games.

I enjoyed being class mom and carrying on the tradition :)  I can see why my mom always wanted to do it - I had fun! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fall Fun

We have been to a couple of pumpkin patches this year.  He sort of likes picking out a pumpkin.  He kind of sees a pretty good one and that is it - that's the one.  He mostly just says - that one is too big, or that one isn't square (he likes the cartoon Spookly the square pumpkin) He remembers the corn tubs from last year and we keep looking for one here, but can't find one.  A corn tub is just where you dig and scoop feed corn.  They were everywhere in Nashville, not sure why we can't find one here.  O-well.  What he does enjoy this year is the corn maze.  He has a lot of fun walking through the maze.  He thinks it is funny when we run into a dead end.  I was waiting outside the maze when we went as a family and when they came out, Nate was running, he was so excited he made it out.

The other pumpkin patch we went to was with his preschool class.  We took a hay ride, which he was sort of hesitant about.  We then picked out a pumpkin.  All was good.  He could care less about me in the pumpkin patch - he just kept wanting to show his teachers a pumpkin.  He sure likes them.  I'd be looking down at a pumpkin and he'd be walking towards his teacher.  We headed to a train ride next.  All the other parents set their kids on the train so I figured parents weren't allowed on... Nate was very very very hesitant.  I just sat him up there next to a kid in his class and walked off.  I was secretly cringing knowing that this would be the very VERY first time he did anything like this alone.  Milestone right? or child abuse?  hhhmmm  The train took off.  I waited there so nervous not knowing if there were tears or yells or who knows.  The train pulled around and he wasn't crying, but he was mad at me.  He had a mean look on his face.  The look had went from scared when they took off to just mad. I just made a big deal about it - "Wow, Nate that was so brave" and kept smiling headed to the next scheduled activity.  

Next, we ate snacks in a pretty little log cabin farm house.  We sat by a fire pit and ran around Christmas trees.  At Christmastime this farm is a Christmas tree farm.  The other kids were in the bouncy house and big slide (Not Nate's cup of tea) I didn't even try to force him.  It was a really beautiful day and our first field trip.  Our first field trip!

There is a Daddy and Me pumpkin carving activity coming up at his preschool so that will be fun for the both of them.  It will be Dad's first time to participate.  It feels pretty good.

The beginning of the train ride

the end of the train ride

Corn maze

Saturday, October 18, 2014

My Little Chef

Play kitchen, real kitchen he can be a chef anywhere.  We got him a little play kitchen for his birthday to add to his fun.  He seems to like it, especially the mini appliances.  Mostly the mini appliances.  They are super cute though. They are a mini coffee maker, blender and mixer.  You can actually put water in them and turn them on.  Pretty cute.  

What I really enjoy is having him help me in the real kitchen.  We've been doing this more and more.  Pancakes are a real easy one for him to help me.  He likes to sit up on the counter and mix stuff.  Muffins or banana bread work really well too.  They aren't complicated and he likes dumping the ingredients in and mixing.  Now the funny part is that he hates to get stuff on him.  Yep, I'm to blame for that I'm sure.  He is just a clean kid.  He is a pretty clean eater too because of this same reason.  Besides using his shirt as a napkin he leaves the table pretty spot free.  Anyway, while he is mixing if he gets even a little on himself he stops and waits for me to get him a napkin or wipe it off haha.  I definitely don't have the kid covered in spaghetti or mud.  He does get his hands a little muddy when we are throwing rocks, but its throwing rocks he makes exceptions ;)  

Now, I just let him help me mix and pour... the easy stuff.  I don't have him around heat for sure yet.  He gets excited when I bring it up and usually interests him for at least 15 min (long for a 3yr old, my 3yr old anyway).  We made something new the other night - Pizza.  He spread the sauce on the dough, sprinkled the cheese and put on toppings.  He plays with a pizza food toy my mom got him where you put on toppings and cut it, pretend pizza... I think he really liked playing the real thing!

Do the recipes come out perfect when he is helping - No... some flour does't make it in the bowl or flings out when he is mixing, lots of things are under/over mixed,  there was more cheese on certain sections of the pizza... etc. etc. but it is sure fun watching him take it all in.  From the little I know about toddlers/preschoolers (observing Nate really) you can't underestimate how much it means to them to feel useful and helpful.  On the days we make something he can hardly contain himself when dad walks in the door - he wants to show him what he made.  The smile, the excitement, it feels so confidence boosting.  

I just hope he continues wanting to be my sous chef until he gets .. um ... forever!  

Monday, October 13, 2014

Take me out

to the ballgame... take me out with the crowd .. buy me some peanuts ... Of course, there are a million things (well maybe a thousand) (actually maybe a hundred, my memory is starting to go) I remember about my childhood, but one of the most consistent is baseball.  My dad has always been a baseball fan for as long as I can remember.  I know he loved it growing up and still does.  It may seem weird that listening to a baseball game on the radio in an old tan ranchero brings about a smile instead of a boring eye roll to a little girl, but it does.  I tease about it, but it is a piece of my childhood with my dad that feels like home.  We had baseball on the radio a lot and we had it on the tv as well.  Dodger Blue is what I remember cheering on - this was before Phx had a team. 

We didn't just listen and watch baseball, we went to batting cages all the time too. I still have a great time going to a batting cage.  I remember playing in the park when my dad had softball games.  Baseball is just in my dad's blood.  I guess since I have a little bit of that blood I have a soft spot for baseball too.  

As I got older I enjoyed grabbing a beer and watching a spring training game, or a real game.  The first thing that comes to our minds when thinking of a present for him is tickets to a ball game, or a shirt with his favorite team logo.  It shouldn't be any surprise to me that Nate likes to throw rocks.  I think baseball will be in his blood too (Kevin liked to play baseball too so I guess he will have a little influence haha). 

Well, my dad just added to my fond memories of him and I and baseball when he came to visit.  He bought Nathaniel his first glove and ball.  I can't tell you how much I loved's one of those things that you imagine and when it happens it is better than you imagine.  It happened quick and fast and I'm sure no one even noticed how much it meant to me, but it did!  My dad had bought Nate a brewers outfit (Nice of him to think of Kevin) and he has bought him Dbacks stuff.... but the glove and ball just felt so cool.  I remember thinking when we found out we were going to have a boy that my dad would have someone to throw the ball to (not that he couldn't to a girl, but you know what I mean)... Anyway, we did a lot of fun things in Seattle (Pike Place Market, Snoqualmie Falls, The Aquarium, Ferry ride to Bainbridge Island, Monorail ride, drinking beers and visiting and playing play doh), but I will definitely remember Nate getting his first baseball glove from Grandpa Davis the most :)  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

20 Questions

Well, actually, maybe more then 20 questions.  Like a million questions.  I'm not sure when questioning is a thing for toddlers, but boy o boy has something new begun here.  It isn't the 'Why is the sky blue?' "Why does grass grow?' 'How do cars work?' The questions are more 'Why did you say that?' 'Why did you go this way?' 'Where is my school?' 'What is this?' (this is an interesting one because a lot A LOT of the time he knows exactly what it is that he is asking about) 'How is it raining?' 'What did that lady say?'

I can't think of all the examples from today right now... of course(distracted by catching up on DVR'd shows maybe)... but it never stops... all day.  What is amazing is that he can ask the exact same question 10 times in a row.  I don't know if he doesn't like your answer or just wants to confirm it 10 times.  I sometimes don't even notice I'm answering it that many times.  Sometimes I catch myself changing the subject.  We will see where this new thing goes.  As a scientist I don't mind the incessant questioning and exploring.  BUT, I could see how a year, or two, or three of this could start to drive you mad.  

On a side note: I've noticed a very literal side of Nathaniel lately.  I held a banana up like it was a phone and he said 'No mommy that's a banana' or when I tried to put duck feet on my hands he really wanted them on my feet.  Or when we drive by this castle looking house I say 'Aunt Krista is a princess in the castle, say Hi to Aunt Krista' and he immediately goes 'No, Aunt Krista is in Arizona' ... This makes me laugh and then quickly realize the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ...hhhhmmm

Friday, September 26, 2014

Unlocking the Mystery

Nate has been in school 3 weeks ( 5 classes) ~Knock on wood~ it is still going well.  I wouldn't say he is overly excited to go, but he doesn't resist either.  There are a few 'I want to go to the park mommy, no school' type things said.  He doesn't say it with a lot of passion and doesn't seem to mind when I say 'maybe after school we can go to the park' so I'll take that as a good sign.  

Side Note: I went to my first *Back to School* parent night.  I feel so official, like I'm part of some bigger system now.  It was a huge milestone for me.  Me, a parent, sitting with all kinds of other parents.  Yes, saying that at my age seems funny, but it's true.  Basically, I learned that these parent nights are just to tell you how to be civil in the parking lot, pay on time, don't send your kids to school sick and by all means no goodies for bdays and if you even bring a peanut into the bldg you are out ;)

Ok, back to the mystery... what are the best mystery novelists? Agatha Christie? Mary Higgins Clark? Michael Connelly? Fyodor Dostoyevsky? I'm not well read anymore... I should probably watch less tv in my 10 min of free time at the end of the day and start a current bucket list book list.  I tend to read articles instead of anything substantial nowadays... :(  Maybe I'll put that on my new year's resolution list.... ahahaha like I make one of those ;)

Oh yeah, back to Nathaniel and school.  When I pick him up from school my mystery solving skills come alive.  The mystery is 'What the heck did he do for the last 2 hours?' I get a bit and piece on the way to the car.  These are usually what you might call 'give me's' since I base the question on the worksheets/artwork in his cubby.  For example, he had a square dobber project and a cut out shapes project.  So I say, "Did you learn about squares today?" and he says "Yes, we did".   Another give me is, "Did you eat your snack today?" 

After the first round of questions I try to dig deeper.  What did you do on recess?  He usually mentions not wanting to wear a sweatshirt and that a bell rings and they have to go in.... no activities mentioned.. so I say, "Did you play with sand?" or "Did you play with a ball?" every once in a while I'll get from him "soccer ball and I made baskets" Ok well that's something.  

I ask if he went potty... and a couple of times he has said 'I stand and aim'.... ok great!  No wet or poopy pants have come home so that's good (for everyone!!)  

If I'm lucky he sings a little bit of a song... I don't always catch on to what it is though, but he sings it kind of low and smiley and then stops.  I assume he doesn't know whatever he is saying very well so he just kind of muttles through it.  At least I know there was a song.  I know they've used maracas and egg shakers too.

I get glimpses of rules he is learning very randomly.  For instance, we walked up stairs and he said "Hold on to the rail for safety mommy" ... I know I haven't said that so that is new.  He also said "I don't want to stand on the Dr. Suess head"... ok .. well I learned this is how they line up to go places... haha (he already wants to break the rules)  

I think the hardest part of the mystery so far is figuring out what they read.  I have gotten ZERO hints about any books on any day.  I am sure they read at least 2 a class.  I'm wondering what he is doing during the story... is he listening?  He doesn't sit well at home for books so who knows.  He is always listening to the story, but he likes to move around.

One of the most funny answers I've gotten so far was this - I asked "Do you play with any friends in class" and Nate said "Yes, 2".... I was excited, huge progress from a boy who was mortified at the thought of a kid in line behind him at the slide at the park.. I asked "Do you remember their names?" and he said "Yes, my teachers Miss Lisa and Miss Diane"..... well ok, at least I know he likes his teachers haha!!  He does call visitors friends lately.  When Kevin and his parents left for the airport a few weeks ago Nate said "I only have one friend left, meaning me (mom)" and he called my sister 'his friend' when we were in the car going somewhere.  Kind of cute and possibly sad for him.

I've heard the mystery of what happens at school is a never ending battle so I have that to look forward too!! But for now I think it is so fun and cute to try and piece together what happened.  I eavesdrop on his conversation with dad before bed as they 'recap' the day.  Sometimes I learn even more stuff... and I almost have a partial picture of what happens.  Partial at best. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Daddy Daddy Daddy

This is what Nathaniel likes to say A LOT.  Where's Daddy?  I want Daddy? So how do I feel about Nate being a daddy's boy???  

There are days I get annoyed.  For instance, when I tell him, "No" or discipline him for something he tends to want *Daddy*  (Is Daddy more of a pushover (I mean nicer) than Mommy?..... uh yes.  ;)  Daddy hugs are also more comforting for some reason - I think its because of the bigger arm reach, right? right? 

There are also days I am not annoyed at all.  For instance, at 3am when he wakes up he yells for *Daddy* While I never ever want Nate scared etc. I don't mind sleeping while *Daddy* checks on him.  He also likes *Daddy* to put him to bed...yep, free time for mom (well sort of, I end up vacuuming or doing laundry, things off the to-do list or I get to give the dogs some extra love and attention which is great or catch up on a DVR'd show... ok yep the to-do list sometimes gets ignored)

I guess some Mommy's would never ever admit this, let alone blog about it, but it's all in good fun.  How can I ever mind my son loving his dad.  I'd rather have a dad that pays his son so much attention that he has become a Daddy's boy than a loser deadbeat dad.  Plus, I get a lot of hugs and 'I Love You's' (even when Dad is around) so I'm not to jealous.... YET.... I can't wait to use the line "I labored for like 16 hours and had a major surgery for you yada yada yada" :)  

Friday, September 12, 2014

Nate Goes to School

Well, sort of... It's a 2 hour 2 day a week preschool thing.  It is a class called 'Older 2's' He has not had a lot of opportunity to be around a lot of kids his age - that's what we get for moving around a lot and being away from family :(  We thought it might be a bit of a confidence booster if he had some socialization and a chance to be around someone other than us (we aren't that exciting).  He tends to shy away from crowds and kids at the park and stuff.  Now that I write that though it could be about me or Kevin too hahaha... it is definitely in his genes.  

The meet and greet with the teachers was on Tues and his first *alone* class was today (Thurs).  At the meet and greet he held my hand the whole time and any time a kid came close he would say 'Let's get out of here'.  I was extremely nervous/anxious/mortified/stressed out/sweaty/etc. etc. - was this the right thing to do? Should I wait a year?  Am I setting him up to be on a future episode of Dr. Phil where he recalls his traumatic experience at 'Older 2's' class???!!! 

So Thurs came.  First of all, I didn't plan very early and his backpack I ordered isn't here yet so his bag was an old beach bag I had with a masking tape across it with his name on it.  It looked pretty jalopy, especially since the tape wasn't sticking that well haha...  I know the kids don't care, but I'm sure some mom probably noticed :)  The whole way there he said 'We can stay one minute mom' .... I was thinking to myself .. it's going to be a bit longer than one minute.... 

We were at the classroom door.  We hung his stuff up and quick like ripping off a band-aid I said "Bye, have a great time, I'll be back soon" and left.  That is how we were instructed to do it, of course I follow directions ;)  I walked off.  No tears (me or him).  I then, like a good sneaky mom does, peered through the foggy glass blocks hoping to get a glimpse of him.  It looked like he was playing, the teacher was kneeling beside him.  So off I went.  I crouched the whole way up the walk way looking into the window.  There are 2 teachers and 8 students.  

Any guesses as to what I went and did??  Yep, Starbucks.  Then I went and looked at a pediatrician office, went to the grocery store and picked up Kona for a vet appt (Kona broke her toe and is in a cast for 6 weeks - that is for another blog).  The 2 hours was over.... I had the Imperial March theme song in my head as I walked towards the school.  I walked up to the classroom door and the teacher was walking him out to the hallway.  He looked at me and shouted "I did it, I did it mom" and was smiling so big and running towards me. Yep, I was teary eyed.  I looked over at the preschool director and she was a little too (I had met here a few times prior) It's possible she just had allergies.  That was definitely a Hallmark moment for me.  I was just so relieved and proud and excited for him.  I was so scared he'd hate it and be sad.   

He then was talking and talking and talking.  About how a bell rings and light comes on and that is when recess is over... and that he ate all his popcorn at snack time... they read a book.... they had circle time... I just loved that he was so chatty.

I could breath again - for the 2 hours he was in there I didn't.  

I liked that he was jumping :)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Our First Visitors

Not the alien kind, although that would be pretty cool... well if they were nice :) A visit from Grandma and Grandpa Hahm has already come and gone.  They were our first visitors in Seattle (my sis was a little jealous the title wasn't going to go to her (she is headed here in mid Sept).  We had a big project list for Kevin's dad.  We got a lot of things done; however, not as much as we'd have liked because me and Kevin were behind getting stuff (knobs, faucets, stuff like that) OWELL, we had fun being tourists instead of working!  The biggest thing was that Nate's room got painted (the reveal will come when the decor is all up) It's similar to his last room, with some changes.  

Besides just hanging out and catching up (which really consists of watching and playing with Nate) we did all sorts of Seattly stuff.  When people visit it forces you to learn your new city.  Well the touristy part of it anyway.  We went to the Woodland Zoo, Snoqualmie Falls (top and bottom), Space Needle, Olympic sculpture park, Pike Place Mkt (twice), The Aquarium,  A one hour boat tour along the cityscape, Boehm's chocolate factory, Kirklands' waterfront, Wine tasting at Chateau Ste Michelle, Shopping in a couple of places, Museum of Flight, Hiram M. Chittenden Locks/fish ladder, quick tour of UW campus, I think we saw almost every lake around us (sammamish, pine, union, washington), puget sound, a golf tournament (The Boeing Classic) a 1000 Starbucks runs and a ton of restaurants.  Oh how could I forget the rock throwing.  Almost everywhere we went we tried to find a rock throwing spot.  Nathaniel really likes to throw rocks.  He collected a few everywhere we went with the hopes of finding water.  

One funny thing is we think Nate thinks the space needle is actually Seattle.  There was a Little Einsteins episode where they fly to Seattle and go to the space needle.  After we toured the needle he said Seattle was fun.  Another great moment was when the bears at the zoo put on quite the show for us.  They were real active and one was swimming right in front of us... really cool.  The chowder we ate at Pike Place chowder was pretty tasty.  Nate had to have raspberries while we were there so Kevin found him some.  The market is so full of stuff you never know what Nate zeros in on.  

I think grandma/grandpa really enjoyed aimlessly driving while Nate napped.  We were out and about up until his nap time a lot so he'd fall asleep in the car and I'd keep driving so that he got a little rest.  They got the full tour of a road here called the 202 :)  

It's always hard when they leave.  Not only because of their great company - love our coffee conversations, but you get used to having a helping hand around pretty quickly.  It is so great to see Nate's face light up when someone else gives him all kinds of attention and love.  It was great to watch him point out things to grandpa at the toy store 'Look at this grandpa' I could listen to that all day.  Of course, me and Kevin were chopped liver anytime grandma walked in the room.  'Play with me grandma' 

A couple of the days we had fun relaxing after a day of touring with some rum and coke happy hours.  Nate played with his water table and new kickball game they bought him and we enjoyed the great weather.  Here are a few pictures from our fun times.  Fun times that seemed to fly by.

Kirkland Waterfront

Funny bench Kirkland Waterfront

Wine tasting Chateau Ste Michelle

Nate watching an iPhone at the aquarium (hhhmmm)

Bottom of snoqualmie falls

Grandpa showing Nate the bears

Boat tour with the Space Needle in the background

3 generations throwing stones

Museum of Flight

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Tude is Alive

Attitude that is.  Nathaniel seems to be getting very comfortable as the boss of the house.  HHhmmm that isn't right, is it?  It is very possible that Kevin and I are totally in over our heads with an almost 3 year old.  

Here is a sampling of the best, most used sayings

- "That's enough mommy" or "That's enough dad" with a slight hand extension.  Now, this is usually us tickling him or chasing him.  He may actually have had 'enough'
- "That's a pretty good idea"  Of course this is usually his own idea that most likely contradicts what I've suggested.  For example... I might say, "Get ready to go to the grocery store" and he will say "No grocery store, Let's go to the park, that's a pretty good idea" Another favorite is
- "Don't say that anymore"  This is usually after I've told him not to pinch the dog or to finish his lunch or something.  
- "NNNNNNNOOOOOOOO" ok this one isn't used a lot, thankfully, but boy is it a doozy when he does use it.  His face gets red and he means business.  I feel a little bad because it is so hard not to chuckle a little because of the drama of it all. 
-"I want to hit you" This is one we are working on.  He is definitely trying to learn how to deal with his frustrations.  He is a bit of a hitter when he gets mad.  This is actually a step in the right direction since now he just says it instead of trying to hit.  It can also be a little scary because he says it so calmly haha, like he is calculating some bigger revenge.  Nothing like a little guy to look at you straight away and say 'I want to hit you'.  Oh toddler rage!
-"Mommy (or Daddy) go away" This is how he directs us who gets to play with him at any one time.  For some reason he likes us only one at a time.  So if dad is the playmate choice I'm told 'Mommy go away'... which is usually fine since I need to go do stuff anyway.  

Nate certainly knows what he wants.  I have a feeling he may have my opinionated outspoken side of the gene pool ;)  or it is possible he is a spoiled only child.  HHhhhmmm.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Not the Bill Murray movie, but you know the long horizontal lines.  Somehow Nathaniel has become obsessed with stripes.  Maybe it was a line from a book we read called 'Taking a bath with the dog'

Little girl: "What makes you happy?"
Guy sitting on bench: "Stripes" (the guy is wearing stripes, has a striped cat and hat)

We were reading that book a lot and all of a sudden he only wears stripes... who knows?!?  When I say he only wears stripes.  He only wears stripes.  I guess it isn't a whole outfit of stripes, it is limited to tshirts right now.  If you pick anything other than a stripe shirt it is a tantrumy grumpy little guy.  I'm just rolling with it hoping it will pass like so many other quirky things.  

There are two shirts that somehow are *ok* which is funny.  It's a dusty shirt from the movie airplanes and an airplane shirt from gap.  So I guess airplane shirts are also ok haha.  What is not *ok* is striped shirts with something else on them.  Being 2 almost 3 has some funny thinking :)  You will notice any pictures I post or send he will be wearing stripes.  It started a couple weeks ago.  I wonder how long it will last... hhhmmm

Note:  I still want/love/need to blog, but have been on a long, stressed out hiatus.  Now that some of that is behind us I'd like to get back in the groove... we will see!

Sometimes it is stripes top and bottom

Here is one of the 'make an exception' shirts Dusty

Thursday, June 19, 2014

I'm sitting here feeling alone.  I feel more alone than usual.  Kevin has been working awhile in Seattle and I'm used to *that* alone.  But, tonight feels especially empty.  It's the last night in my home in TN and the dogs aren't even here.  It just doesn't feel right to not be petting them and letting them snuggle me when I feel sad.  It doesn't seem like a fair farewell to not have them here.  This was the first house they had with a backyard where they could run after a ball and actually get tired out.  We've moved to a lot of places over the years each with its own fun memories and experiences, but we always moved on fine.  This is different.  This one is so much more personal.  Our house became a real home.  It is so cliche, but so true.  I can't explain it any other way.  The house isn't a shell of wood and brick to me, it is a living memory and I'm thankful to it for being ours.

The absolute best thing to ever happen to me happened here.  When I think of Franklin TN I think of Nathaniel. This city and this house will always just hold that special non replaceable thing... Picking out colors and painting his nursery.  Bringing him home to meet the dogs at like midnight (we were crazy and unrested obviously since we decided to do that).  Having my sis visit me and help me while I recovered and meeting him for the first time.  There is no feeling like handing over your heart for your sister to hold.  My sister sat on my boring bed with me for days on end keeping me company as I healed. Rocking Nate to sleep in our master where he spent 8ish months sleeping with us.  Five of us every night sleeping peacefully (well sort of peacefully haha).  His first roll over in the den.  His first real crawling all over upstairs.  His first steps (or should I say run) around our downstairs hallway and kitchen area.  His nautical first birthday.  His pumpkin party second birthday.  Christmas and Easter mornings.  Visits from Grandma and Grandpa Hahm - he recalls every park and restaurant they went to with him.  Watching him help them get coffee in the morning in our kitchen.  Playing playdoh tea party under the dining room table.  Running with Mocha in the backyard after walks and chasing him away from his water table (Nate needs some work in the sharing dept) Moving rocks from our neighbors flower bed to the top of the electrical boxes in our yard.  

Our daily walks with the dogs around the neighborhood (either the loop around the big tree or the loop by the preschool)  The turning on and off of light switches and fans.  Watching the Mickey Mouse Club on the floor in the great room.  Playing with his trains and food set up in the loft.  Filled, half filled, out of air balloons creeping out from everywhere every room... sometimes scaring me because I think its a person.  This boy loves his balloons.  The baths in our master tub (he never took one in any other bathroom). Mocha drinking out of the tub faucet (he loves that water for some reason). The turning off and on of the lamp in the Africa room and his phase of taking out and smelling every candle in the closet in that room.  His jumpy jumpy thing that hung in the craft room doorway while he swung around mostly on it.  Kona sleeping on the ottoman in front of the windows in the loft keeping watch over the neighborhood.  Looking over at Nate singing and bouncing in his monkey bouncy chair as I showered.  That thing was a lifesaver. Oh so so many visualizations I get as I walk through the house. 

Watching Mocha and Kona fight over the sunny spots in the house every day.  I know exactly which blinds to raise so they can get the most warmth.  One of the greatest joys and adrenaline rushes is to run up the stairs and go get Nate when he wakes up from his nap or overnight.  Kevin and I have raced many times to see who gets to go hug him first.  We peek around the corner and run in.  The quiet times reading stories in his room by lamplight before bedtime (sometimes it isn't so quiet).  Usually the same story over and over for nights on end.  Laying with him for a *couple minutes* before leaving his room.  I've laid on that floor so much over the last couple of years.  It is comforting and feels like *home*  I'll miss 'US' here and all that has happened.  I know great memories are coming, but I know that once we leave here the everyday will start to fade and its that everyday that has made living here so special.  This house has been something else and I will miss her.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Sleeping Through the Storm

No, not the storm that is our life right now.... (he won't remember the last few months, but they have been a little crazy stressful, crazy boring and just crazy) Maybe, I'm just describing myself.  Yes, I'm best described as a crazy person.  It's hard to decide where to move, if you should move, sell your house, rent or buy a new house, some other stuff, all while trying to live a normal life while *dad* is 2600 miles away some of the time.  Making decisions cross country is also crazy... anyway, back to the storm at hand.  Literally a storm haha.

Nathaniel has always been a great sleeper.  Not always a great napper - he was a bit of a cat napper in his baby months.. but always a great sleeper at night.  And to be fair a pretty good napper once he was out of the baby baby stage.  Naps have always been a little touch and go because he wakes up pretty easy if a random loud noise happens or he hears some rustling.  I think he is afraid to miss any action... Also, he is used to a pretty quiet household.  Most of the time it is just me and the dogs and we are really quiet during nap time.  Luckily, he doesn't ever usually wake up crying and he while it takes forever to get him to bed... it's not a lot of whining or anything just chit chat and games and stalling :)

I am thankful for his sleep habits during big loud storms.  The other night was one of the brightest loudest storms I had witnessed in awhile from about 12:30am to 3am.  I couldn't even sleep through it and I can sleep through anything. Seriously, I can sleep anywhere.  Maybe it was because Kona was scared and laying on me shaking from fear.  She wasn't quite that bad, but she wasn't having any fun that's for sure.  

The continuous white flashes were too hard to sleep through.  Every once in awhile the crack from the lightening was so loud it sounded like it was right outside the house.  I kept looking at the monitor thinking he is going to wake up - he has got to - there is no way he can sleep through this - then nothing - maybe a slight roll here and there - but overall no waking up.  I couldn't believe it.  I'm hoping his non fear of storms will last (knock on wood) I know things can change in a blink with kids.