The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Photogenic = NOT ME

Ok, so most of you know I am pretty much the worst picture taker ever (even though most of you try to be nice and say the pics aren't ever THAT bad, I know the truth).  I usually feel like Dorian Gray - you know where I look at myself and I feel like i don't look that bad, but then I look at the picture just taken and it is a disaster (in Dorian's case it is his portrait he looks at his reflection in, and well for different reasons if you remember the book, but you get the idea) No matter what I try I end up looking pretty awful.  If by chance I happen to look ok it is almost certain my eyes are closed... so I can't win.  Granted I don't do myself many favors by usually not having much make-up on, not doing my hair nicely or even having someone who knows how to take pics help me figure out what looks good.... regardless... I know I need to post a pic or two of the baby bump.   

I am starting to think some of you don't actually believe that I am pregnant since you haven't seen me - actually I've heard this more than once.  It does still seem quite unbelievable that I am pregnant.  It is kind of like if someone told me that Mocha was left out of his kennel while they ran to the store and he didn't counter surf...  pretty much seems impossible unless there is video taped evidence.  I would have to see it to believe it.  My Nashville peeps have seen the changes, but everyone else just imagines what I might look like as a preggo person.  So with much reluctance, but knowing it is good for this journal, here is a ~ 20/21 week picture.  I know I know I need to go get a cute maternity shirt or something that looks a little more stylish, but hey I tried!!  At least this fits sort of tight so you can see the bump :)  Also, don't laugh at my hair, I am putting off getting it colored until right before heading to AZ for my sister's wedding.  I figure the less hair chemicals I'm exposed to the better so I just put it off.     

Notice my deep dark tan I got in Florida...hahaha... I was so proud to have properly put on my sunscreens!


Kiera and Joe said...

Yay!! I am so happy you posted a picture!! You look SO GREAT!! Love the bump :)

Shannon said...

You are adorable!! Love the little bump :) Make sure to take lots of pics of yourself and the bump..even if they don't make it to the blog ;)