The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Nursery Rhyme Amnesia

I was glancing at some baby stuff online and I noticed a few nursery rhyme wall decals.... and I started to think to myself, which ones are these.  Wow, I couldn't sing a whole nursery rhyme to save my life right now.  I couldn't think of any, I mean I could think of a few titles and lines, but not a whole rhyme.  Twinkle twinkle doesn't count by the way.  Old mother hubbard went to a cupboard... what did she do after that.  Some old lady lived in a shoe with too many children, but Why I ask??  Little Bo Peep had some sheep, but what did she do with those sheep? Count them? 

I decided to see if my other half could do any better... so when Kevin was asked if he could rattle off any, this is what I got - a series of more random phrases.. we are doomed.  He was like Hickory dickory dock a mouse ran up a clock and then humpty dumpty fell off a wall..

I have concluded we need a crash course in some kid stuff.  We should at least familiarize ourselves with a few kid things so we have something to sweetly say to Baby Hahm.  Otherwise, Baby Hahm is going to get rap song verses from Kevin and from me it will be made up lyrics as I look around a room.  Such as, the dog is sleeping on the floor - she is grey and pretty - Mocha is here and he is brown - yada yada lamp! 

1 comment:

Hope said...

My friend wrote on Facebook the other day that her husband was singing, "The farmer and his dog, the farmer and his dog, high ho, hillario, the farmer and his dog". I laughed so hard I cried. High ho, hillario!

Ryder thinks I am the smartest person ever because I can make up songs :)