The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beware of Belly

It's official my belly is completely changing the way I do things.  I have reached 'that' stage.  The stage where seemingly everyday activities have become much more complicated. 

Let's start with eating.  We tend to eat in front of the tv a lot.  I usually lean forward and eat on the coffee table.  This is no longer an option.. leaning forward is so uncomfortable.  Silly me thought I'll eat on a lap tv tray.  Oh I forgot that the tray will be sitting about 10 ft away from my face.  I end up dropping and dribbling things all over myself just trying to get the food from the tray to my mouth.  On a positive note the dogs love it since there is an ample amount of things for them to scavenge afterwards (off my shirt alone).  I guess eating at a real table may be my new thing!  (Probably TMI, but I do find crumbs down my shirt on occasion when I go to put my pjs on for the night). 

Next are tight spaces.  I no longer can squeeze anywhere.  There is no sucking it in or maneuvering.  If I park close to a bush or a car parks too close to me, I'm basically stuck.  There is no worming your way around the door.  I was trying to get by the ladder in our doorway the other day and I had to go around through the bathroom.  I tried and bumped the ladder and then thought to myself 'duh'.  Even tonight we were hanging a picture and I was going to lean over the dresser and hold it up for Kevin and I couldn't reach it (and not cuz I was short) my belly kept me too far from the wall.

And what about rolling over in bed.  Rolling over is a multi step process these days.  Rolling over can be defined using this formula

Perfect pregnant roll = 1) % ability to stay straight (lack of twist in body as to not irritate the round ligament) + 2) % ability to bring the pillows with you on the roll w/o having to reach back + 3) % ability to place body in a comfortable position among new placement of pillows with least amount of fidgeting + 4) % ability of not actually falling off the bed if sharp pain does occur if factor '1' is a low %

** extra credit % .... a slow and steady sitting up from a lay position from a roll so a bathroom trip can be had in the middle of the night **

And last, but certainly not least is bending over.  I mean I can do it, but 'why'??  And even if I can do it, I can't without at least a slight verbal groan.  My iphone dropped on the floor of the car and I just decided to leave it there until I got out of the car.  It was just too much effort.  Painting toe nails....hahahahaha...  I even double check my tied shoes before I slip them on to make sure there isn't a chance that I would have to bend down to tie them once I'm out and about.  I was at Kohl's the other day (using my free $10 coupon) and I bent down to look at something on the lowest shelf and I almost got stuck down there since I had nothing to use to help me back up.      

There are a ton more things, this is definitely not an exhaustive list.  It is funny how you forget about the belly bubble sticking out until you do something that doesn't work anymore.  I do laugh at myself quite often these days.  I find it amusing to just start singing my new song... (my take on a classic song.. 'the humpty dance'.. try to imagine these words w/ that tune while I do a little dance jig in the background)

Baby belly is your chance to do the bump
Do the belly bump, come on and do the belly bump
Do the belly bump, just watch me do the belly bump
Do ya know what I'm doin', doin' the belly bump
C'mon baby do the belly bump, let's all do the belly bump

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