The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Good Grief

Today was a Charlie Brown kind of day.  I didn't want to write a complainy blog, but it wouldn't be honest if I didn't, so here I go...

It started with a bad night of sleep.  Well actually a normal night of sleep that had a weird twist.  I was feeling uncomfortable and I kept just moving around and not finding a good position so I decided to sleep out on the couch since it is nice to have the back support of the couch.  I fell asleep only to have a bad nightmare.  A nightmare that actually made Kevin run out of the room and wonder what the heck was going on - he actually thought something bad was happening with the pregnancy since I was yelling.  Once I cleared that up very quickly I went back and fell asleep just fine.  I woke up though with a case of the pregnancy Blahs.  I call it the pregnancy blahs because I truly don't have a better word.  I had no real reason, but just felt blah.  I don't know if it is the lack of continuous sleep or the pain I have in my side or the anxiety of being in my last trimester or the heat etc.  We ran out on a few errands, but I just wanted to come home since I was just a big ol' blah lump.  We grabbed a starbucks and headed home.  While enjoying our starbucks we watched 2 lessons of a childbirth class I got at the library.  I gave Kevin a few pop quiz's throughout ;)  He even found a good contraction Ap on his iphone that we can use during labor. 

Finally, I was feeling less blah - I was feeling energized, played with the dogs, did some stuff around the house and decided to go to Costco.  Had a nice trip there and got a lot of yummy fruit. 

We noticed a rabbit in the yard as we drove up from Costco - there have been tons of little baby rabbits around lately.  They are so super cute.  You all know I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE sucker for animals - any kind, any type, any where.  We went out in to the backyard with the dogs to let them out since we just got home.  This scared the rabbit right in to the road and a jeep (not the first time this jeep has been going way to fast) ran right over it.  Right in front of me.  I have zero ability to not just have my heart sink to the ground.  I cannot stand anything innocent in pain.  I just had seen it all alive and cute and commented on it in our yard and now BLAM :(  I know not everyone feels the same way I do about animals, but it is something embedded deep within my soul.  Needless to say, the case of the Blahs was back... I could have really done with out that... throw in some pregnancy hormones and there you have it...   a complainy blog ...   It was just a "Good Grief" type of day for me.   

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