The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 3, 2011


While I was in Arizona I hit a big milestone - 100 days left to my due date.  I was both excited and totally scared at the same time when I read that on my daily email.  100 days seems like forever, but also like tomorrow.  As of today I have 94 days left.  As of late I have felt definitely more pregnant.  I'm pretty sure that I'm getting bigger and bigger by the minute.  Painting my toe nails has become WAY more difficult to do comfortably.  Kevin hugged me tightly and whoops the belly was in the way.. that is a new experience.  I get up slower and bending down better be for something I really want.  Unfortunately, some of the less fun things have also crept up on me.  My posterior pelvic area is sore with every step I take and my abdominal area on occasion feels achy. Only on my right side - (knock on wood) but my left side still feels ok.  Apparently when you stretch out all your organs, tendons and stuff it becomes achy .... go figure.  A couple more milestones to go!!

On a side note: My poor little Kona is so scared of the fireworks - it is very sad to watch her panicking over every little snap, crackle and pop :(  We found her sitting awkwardly in our half bath a little while ago, I guess that is the room she felt was farthest away from the firework danger.  I just hope she doesn't give herself a heart attack 

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