The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is Right better than Left?

It has been about a month now that Baby Hahm really favors kicking, punching, poking etc in the right side.  I am not sure exactly what is being kicked, but it takes my breath away for a second each time.  It has increased in pain in the last week.  My theories are that whatever is getting kicked is becoming more sensitive or that Baby Hahm is becoming stronger or that there is even less room increasing the impact of each movement.  Luckily, it isn't all day and seems to happen a bit more at night.  I'll be mid sentence and then be like 'OUCH' and then finish my sentence.  Actually, as I sit here writing this I've said OUCH at least 2 times.  Maybe it is my liver or right kidney or intestine.... or just a simple muscle getting battered.  I have my routine doctor's appt tomorrow so I'm going to ask!  I'm not even sure what I'm getting poked with - foot, arm, butt???  Regardless, I'm happy Baby Hahm is moving around, painful or not it is somewhat reassuring :)

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