The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 29, 2011

What is on my Belly

I was making banana bread and looked down at my shirt and 'oh my' my belly had sugar, flour, water everything on it.  Apparently, the new bigger belly rubs along the counter a lot more than more normal belly.  I guess I need to be a little more aware of what I'm doing while I'm mixing stuff up.  Well, at least in the end the banana bread tastes good even if I had to change my shirt :)

Side Note:  Kevin's sister's family is in town from Antigua.  They are only in the states every so often so it is great that they were able to stop by and visit us.  They have 4 kids so that is a new and VERY fun experience for our dogs (and me and Kevin really).  I'll let you know what kind of fun is had in one of my upcoming blogs. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Turn down the oven

Too HOT to eat
Too HOT to walk outside (poor dogs will have to deal w/o a walk tonight)
Too HOT to think
Too HOT to eat lunch in crowded restaurants
Too HOT to talk to someone outside at the front door (yes this happened)
Too HOT to get off the couch (yes this happened too)
Too HOT to cook
Too HOT to keep grass or outdoor plants alive
Too HOT to have pregnancy swag
Too HOT for soup, coffee, or anything that puts off even a hint of heat
Too HOT to use the laptop on your lap
Too HOT not to stand in the Costco freezer for the whole time you are there
Too HOT to wear your hair down
Too HOT to be in the third trimester (the sweaty pregnancy glow is alive and well)
Too HOT to care about the debt ceiling (our debt rating will probably go down with any of the plans anyway, maybe not, who knows it is too HOT)
Too HOT to write a blog ;-)

Too HOT to do anything, but complain about being HOT

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

30 weeks

Wow how time flies!  I'm 30 weeks, which means 7 more to go until I'm considered full term.  Baby Hahm should be around 3 lbs - I just bought 3 lbs of fruit and thought about all of that stuffed in my belly.  He is definitely moving around and hiccupping and doing whatever he does in there quite often.  At this point I feel like he could be in any position because of all this movement.  I just hope he knows how to end up once he can't move this much :)  The movement doesn't necessarily have a pattern either he doesn't seem to care if I'm eating or shopping or sleeping.  I've heard I can gain 1/2 lb to 1 lb a week from here on out - I'm trying to figure out where all that weight would go - I feel like my skin will tear open if those growth spurts actually happen (probably not though since a million people have done it).  So ladies is that true?  

On a side note Kevin seems to think he has (and will) have a calming effect on Baby Hahm since whenever he reaches over and feels all the movement the baby tends to simmer down a bit....hhhmmm ... I don't know if I'm buying in to that or not.   

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Diaper Bags

I haven't really thought much about diaper bags yet, but today I saw a pretty good deal.  I was undecided though and passed it up.  I like to carry big purses so a diaper bag shouldn't be much of a stretch for me.  Although carrying a big purse and a big diaper bag doesn't make sense.. huh...  do you just combine them?  I know I want a separate pocket for wet items, an insulated area for food or bottles, a compact changing pad and the rest is negotiable.  I guess it is for those reasons my big bags won't work even if I just throw in some diapers, wipes etc.  The bag I saw today was quite girly in style (a skip hop bag for 1/2 price).  I don't think that the style will work for Kevin.  I would probably be carrying it the majority of the time, however, if he is around he might as well be carrying it!  So then I thought I better get a unisex one so there can't be ANY excuses ;)  We did register for a unisex one at babies r us and this may very well end up being our top choice.  I need to start looking at people and note which diaper bag they are carrying around - I love being nosey. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

One Fancy Dog Crate

We have our first real piece of baby furniture in house.  Our new Pack n Play (if you remember from a very early post I wasn't even sure what these were, but now I own one).   Kevin's parents got us this as a present and we are so thankful.  We are going to use it as the bassinet for however long parents do that for and then for its normal purpose later :)  As you can see I'm not real sure what to do after the baby is born - I'm still trying to figure out the pregnant part!  Our master bedroom is downstairs so this will make it easier for us for awhile until we start using the crib, which will be upstairs.  The little cuddle bed comes out and you can bring it to another room and use it as a rocker, it even has a vibrating function. 

Kevin put it together under the watchful eyes of the dogs.  They were both interested in this new piece of furniture.  They didn't quite get it - I could see Kona thinking to herself you can't sit on it so how is this thing possibly used??  I think Mocha figured he was getting a new cushy kennel.  It really does look like a kennel/crate - a baby crate I guess.  We have it sitting in our room now so the dogs can get used to it being there.  It is a new experience to have a kid thing in our house especially one I see when I go to bed and wake up - as every day passes this whole thing becomes more and more real.  Look how cute these guys are checking it out - such cute little beasts.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beware of Belly

It's official my belly is completely changing the way I do things.  I have reached 'that' stage.  The stage where seemingly everyday activities have become much more complicated. 

Let's start with eating.  We tend to eat in front of the tv a lot.  I usually lean forward and eat on the coffee table.  This is no longer an option.. leaning forward is so uncomfortable.  Silly me thought I'll eat on a lap tv tray.  Oh I forgot that the tray will be sitting about 10 ft away from my face.  I end up dropping and dribbling things all over myself just trying to get the food from the tray to my mouth.  On a positive note the dogs love it since there is an ample amount of things for them to scavenge afterwards (off my shirt alone).  I guess eating at a real table may be my new thing!  (Probably TMI, but I do find crumbs down my shirt on occasion when I go to put my pjs on for the night). 

Next are tight spaces.  I no longer can squeeze anywhere.  There is no sucking it in or maneuvering.  If I park close to a bush or a car parks too close to me, I'm basically stuck.  There is no worming your way around the door.  I was trying to get by the ladder in our doorway the other day and I had to go around through the bathroom.  I tried and bumped the ladder and then thought to myself 'duh'.  Even tonight we were hanging a picture and I was going to lean over the dresser and hold it up for Kevin and I couldn't reach it (and not cuz I was short) my belly kept me too far from the wall.

And what about rolling over in bed.  Rolling over is a multi step process these days.  Rolling over can be defined using this formula

Perfect pregnant roll = 1) % ability to stay straight (lack of twist in body as to not irritate the round ligament) + 2) % ability to bring the pillows with you on the roll w/o having to reach back + 3) % ability to place body in a comfortable position among new placement of pillows with least amount of fidgeting + 4) % ability of not actually falling off the bed if sharp pain does occur if factor '1' is a low %

** extra credit % .... a slow and steady sitting up from a lay position from a roll so a bathroom trip can be had in the middle of the night **

And last, but certainly not least is bending over.  I mean I can do it, but 'why'??  And even if I can do it, I can't without at least a slight verbal groan.  My iphone dropped on the floor of the car and I just decided to leave it there until I got out of the car.  It was just too much effort.  Painting toe nails....hahahahaha...  I even double check my tied shoes before I slip them on to make sure there isn't a chance that I would have to bend down to tie them once I'm out and about.  I was at Kohl's the other day (using my free $10 coupon) and I bent down to look at something on the lowest shelf and I almost got stuck down there since I had nothing to use to help me back up.      

There are a ton more things, this is definitely not an exhaustive list.  It is funny how you forget about the belly bubble sticking out until you do something that doesn't work anymore.  I do laugh at myself quite often these days.  I find it amusing to just start singing my new song... (my take on a classic song.. 'the humpty dance'.. try to imagine these words w/ that tune while I do a little dance jig in the background)

Baby belly is your chance to do the bump
Do the belly bump, come on and do the belly bump
Do the belly bump, just watch me do the belly bump
Do ya know what I'm doin', doin' the belly bump
C'mon baby do the belly bump, let's all do the belly bump

Friday, July 22, 2011

3D/4D Ultrasound

We got another view of Baby Hahm today.  We went to a place called Focused Imaging.  I drank a starbucks (Decaf) on the way just to give him a little dose of sugar before we started.  He wasn't super active, but active enough for some good shots and supposedly the most active baby of the day.  I guess several of the people before us couldn't get many shots because the faces were covered and the baby wouldn't move. 

Anyway, what I found the most comical was that the guy who answers the phones, does the ultrasound, creates the DVDs, checks you in and out, etc is all the same person.  For me I couldn't get the picture out of my head of that cartoon character that has drums strapped to his shoulders, a microphone, a harmonica and marches along in a one man band.  Regardless, he was nice and everything seemed to go smooth. 

All of the grandparents were logged on to the online portal so they could view it with us.  They could hear us and see the ultrasound as it was happening.  This was the next best thing to having them here in person and really made it special for me and Kevin (and someday to Baby Hahm). 

The ultrasound was just like a regular 2D ultrasound just the image is different.  Baby Hahm had his hand in front of his face for awhile and then his foot, but we could at least get a nice glimpse.  He seems to be positioned (at least for now) head down (not breech) which is nice.  He stuck his tongue out once or twice and definitely grimaced here and there.  Part of me thinks most babies look similar in these pictures, but still very very cool to view.  My friend Hope said it looks like a baby sculpted out of butter - true!  A cute blob of butter!!  **Note: Sometimes near the edges, the pic gets distorted - it is the pic and not his head :)

Cute one of his hand

He is holding his face

He is sticking his tongue out!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

7/19 appt and 3D/4D ultrasound

I had my usual appt on 7/19.  Once you get to a certain # of weeks my doctor's office starts you on a doctor rotation.  Any one of the doctors in that office can deliver Baby Hahm and not necessarily the original Dr. I started to see.  It is nice to meet each doctor so that they aren't a total stranger when they walk in the room.  I met Dr. Stafford this time.  She seemed very nice.  Dr. Woodall (my original Dr.) is the Monday delivery OB and Dr. Stafford is the Tuesday delivery OB.  I am now having appointments every 2 weeks instead of the usual 4.  I guess everything was still looking good.  Baby Hahm's heart rate was 141, my blood pressure and weight gain are still great and my belly (uterus) is measuring the proper size (1 cm for every week so I guess I'm around 29 cm)

I am having a 3D/4D ultrasound on 7/22.  This is completely elective - Kevin and I just think they look pretty cool.  I'm excited, but also getting cold feet since the FDA doesn't approve elective ultrasounds.  It does expose the baby to the energy from an ultrasound.  So exposing the baby to anything for elective purposes is somewhat controversial.  I've only had 2 ultrasounds so far and ultrasound energy has never been proven to be unsafe, but it does give me second thoughts.  There isn't anything different between a 2D (the normal pictures you see) and a 3D/4D one, it just reflects the sound waves differently through computer programs to give you different looks at the baby.  If it is a reputable place they use the approved sound wave levels and time limits.  I think it is cool that family and friends can log on and see the ultrasound as you are having it - next best thing to them being in the room (even if I can't see or hear them).  I'm sure driving down the street is actually more dangerous for Baby Hahm than this ultrasound, but I can't help but over think everything ;)     

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cravings would be nice, maybe

My whole life I have heard about pregnancy cravings.  Ice cream in the middle of the night.. pickles.. whole pizzas for breakfast... peanut butter and chocolate.. meat eaters turn into vegetarians and vegetarians turn into meat eaters...  The husband is suppose to have to run out, willingly, at a moment's notice and grab whatever crazy concoction I dream up.

Not me :(  I have what I'm calling the 'Blandy Bland' diet.  If anything I crave less than I did before I got pregnant.  Actually, I don't really feel all that hungry most of the time.  When it comes to dinner time I basically let Kevin decide since I never really want anything in particular.  I snack on smaller meals throughout the day that cover the basics for nutrients (yogurt, fruit, whole grains, etc).  It isn't because anything necessarily upsets my stomach either - I've been lucky to not really have chronic heartburn etc..  I still eat spicy foods, sweet foods and sour treats, but I just don't feel any cravings for any of those things.  Am I weird or what? 

Apparently, some cravings arise from a lack of something in your diet.  Have you guys heard of that show about strange addictions - people eat toilet paper or corn starch or other things.  They even hide stashes so people don't know they still have a problem.  Now those examples might be more than a lack of something in their diet and hinge on personal issues... but... in the end I like to think that I have such a well rounded diet maybe it is my body just saying 'good job'.  Or is it another case of pregnancy hormones taking over some part of my body?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is Right better than Left?

It has been about a month now that Baby Hahm really favors kicking, punching, poking etc in the right side.  I am not sure exactly what is being kicked, but it takes my breath away for a second each time.  It has increased in pain in the last week.  My theories are that whatever is getting kicked is becoming more sensitive or that Baby Hahm is becoming stronger or that there is even less room increasing the impact of each movement.  Luckily, it isn't all day and seems to happen a bit more at night.  I'll be mid sentence and then be like 'OUCH' and then finish my sentence.  Actually, as I sit here writing this I've said OUCH at least 2 times.  Maybe it is my liver or right kidney or intestine.... or just a simple muscle getting battered.  I have my routine doctor's appt tomorrow so I'm going to ask!  I'm not even sure what I'm getting poked with - foot, arm, butt???  Regardless, I'm happy Baby Hahm is moving around, painful or not it is somewhat reassuring :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tour of the Obstetrics/NICU

The big Baby Hahm birth day will take place at the Williamson Medical Center.  We chose this hospital instead of the usual Baby hospitals in Nashville because 1) It is about 10 minutes down the road from us and 2) My Doctor's office is basically in the parking lot of the hospital.  I wanted to take a tour of the Obstetrics/NICU unit so that I'd feel more comfortable showing up there during labor.  We went on Friday night (I know we were having a WILD and CRAZY night).  We called and they were somewhat slow so it was a good time.  We were there for about 20 minutes and saw the rooms, security and location of the nursery.  The rooms are private and have a tv/dvd in them, a shower (some w/tubs), a chair that turns into a bed for a guest and a full in room baby area complete with warmer and all kinds of medical stuff.  The staff seemed nice and the rooms seemed clean so I guess we feel good about going there.  

One thing that I hadn't seen before are the special birth beds....  it is funny.  Basically half the bed disappears and then there is a red medical trash bag in its place.  It kind of looks like the baby just falls right into the bag.  It is hard to imagine how I even stay put on that thing, but I'm sure it works like clockwork.  Kevin tested out the 'dad' chair/bed and I could tell he was thinking this isn't super comfortable... and I laughed and said...'really.. after a day that I would have to go through his comfort really isn't a necessity' ;)  There were a lot of storage cabinets for stuff you bring too, which I loved.  I told Kevin, 'oh those will be nice that way the room doesn't get cluttered'.  He replied wondering if I'd really be thinking about that.. I wondered if he knew me at all at this point.  I said I'll be anxious, in pain and clutter would just make me grumpy!!! HaHa  I just need some classical music playing and a picture of the dogs to use as a focal point for breathing and I think I'll be set.

We did see a sleepy dad walking back into a room with lots of steak and shake food in his hands (I don't know if they have those in AZ, but it is a burger fast food type place).  He said they just went through all of it and everything there went great.  I assume the tasty shake was for his wife!!

Friday, July 15, 2011


I felt Baby Hahm's case of the hiccups last night.  Well, I should say this is the first time I associated this specific movement with the hiccups.  We were watching a rerun of 'How I met your mother' and Kevin reached over because my belly was moving around so much.  He still thinks it feels totally weird and alien like (me too)!  Then we both noticed a slow pulsating movement.  We knew it wasn't my heartbeat or Baby Hahm's so it had to be the hiccups.  After about 10 minutes they went away.  It felt like they were coming from a little lower in my belly so it is possible his head is pointed down ... I wish I had a window to see how he is positioned all the time.  It was pretty cool though since I have heard about baby hiccups and now experienced it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


We finished our DVD educational series on childbirth.  I was doing ok with each lesson until the last two... now I'm just speechless.  The last two talked about the actual 3 stages of labor and all of the associated pain and discomfort and all of the drugs or medical interventions.  As I watched getting increasingly more anxious here are some of the takeaways I heard... I may have had selective hearing....

- If you use Pitocin to induce labor the contractions are a lot worse
- If you use Pitocin in combo with epidural you may actually slow down or stop labor and you will have to have a csection
- If you are over 35 your uterus doesn't spring back for 9 to 12 months and you just stay saggy - oh man!!
- If they have to break your water the contractions are worse since there isn't any padding for the head if the water is gone
- If you have any spinal leakage from the epidural you'll have the worst headache and you'll have to get a blood patch to stop it
- If you get too tired they may have to use forceps or a vacuum and give you an episiotomy (Guess I should have done some marathon training before getting preg-now it is too late)
- It is possible that you can have 3 tubes in you in the same area that you are pushing the baby out, 1 tube is actually twisted in to the babies skull to measure distress. Seriously, 3 other things!

- About another 100 things that either lead to more pain or a csection .....  and I can't wait to not be able to sit down for weeks FUN STUFF!!

Can you tell I'm officially 'officially' freaked out a little.  I have always been freaked out by this stuff, but now I wasn't even sure what to think or do with myself when we turned off the tv, I just basically stood up and stretched as I spaced out the rest of the night. 

Kevin asked me, "is there anything I can do for you?"  I said, "Give birth to Baby Hahm" and even he said, "Uh no, that sounds pretty painful"  :(

They were talking about breastfeeding your baby as they stitch your 6 layers up that they cut through for a csection.  You must just feel so used and abused by that point, you are cut open and your baby is feeding... is that really what happens, that seems crazy. 

I figure the only thing that will get me through this is that I really have no choice....  Baby Hahm has been giving me some hard kicks to the right side, maybe he can sense my scarediness (I guess that is fair)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How do I snuggle?

We headed upstairs to watch a movie on our Blu-ray player - the Blu-ray is upstairs since that tv is 1080.  This always throws the dogs off of their routine since they are used to us watching tv downstairs.  We all have spots on the couches downstairs for maximum comfort, but upstairs there is only one couch so this throws off the dynamic.  What usually happens is Mocha claims the dog bed and Kona claims a spot on the couch next to Kevin and I.  Kona is a little more snuggly on this couch for some reason so it has been funny as she has tried to snuggle on my lap.  I can see the wheels turning as she puts her head on my belly.... she is like hhhhmm this isn't comfy why is mom's belly so big?  It is all lumpy and my head just keeps falling off.  It was cute as she tried several different positions to find a good spot around the baby bump.  With a slight groan here and there she eventually found a spot that suited her.  Baby Hahm kicked her head a few times, but Kona didn't seem to notice.  I love the Kona snuggle so I'm glad she didn't give up on my new rounder figure.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Timeline in perspective

Today I went to Hobby Lobby.  I wasn't necessarily looking for anything, I just wanted to get out of the house for a bit and I like looking at all of the crafty stuff there.  As I was halfway through the store I was suddenly in aisles of Christmas stuff - Christmas?!?  It seems early.  Then there was several aisles of Fall things - pumpkins, scarecrows, fall leaves.  I started thinking about how somewhere in between these seasonal items I'll be having Baby Hahm (well not literally haha).  I could feel every one of the beats of my heart  - my heart seemed liked it was beating so loud the other shoppers could hear and feel it.  Ok deep breaths, deep breaths.  Hobby Lobby really threw my pregnancy timeline into perspective in a visual (I can't escape) way.  I will be looking at some of this same Christmas stuff with a little baby in tow - WHAT, that seems crazy, doesn't it :) 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sneak Peek and Preg Pic

Today I thought I'd share a sneak peek at the nursery.  We have nothing in the room yet, but we painted.  The colors and paint scheme turned out better than I had hoped for when we were picking them out.  The colors are much richer in person, but you'll get the idea of what we did.  We used three colors from Sherwin Williams a light nature green (Shagreen), a blue that has green in it (Hazel), and a middle of the road brown (Sandy ridge).  One wall is the focus wall and is painted entirely green.  We plan on putting the crib and a big wall decal on it.  The rest of the walls have the 3 colors on them.  The stripe is the same green that is on the focus wall.  I'm so excited to get the rest of it done - it will be fun.  I bought some material for curtains and some pillows already.  I'll post the theme and the finishing touches when it is complete... our furniture (espresso wood) doesn't come until August stay tuned.

Since this is a shorter post I figured I would include the latest pregnancy photos we took about a week ago.  These are my 26/27 week pregnancy photos.  I am so noticeably bigger - hee hee.  I start week 28 this wed. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Good Grief

Today was a Charlie Brown kind of day.  I didn't want to write a complainy blog, but it wouldn't be honest if I didn't, so here I go...

It started with a bad night of sleep.  Well actually a normal night of sleep that had a weird twist.  I was feeling uncomfortable and I kept just moving around and not finding a good position so I decided to sleep out on the couch since it is nice to have the back support of the couch.  I fell asleep only to have a bad nightmare.  A nightmare that actually made Kevin run out of the room and wonder what the heck was going on - he actually thought something bad was happening with the pregnancy since I was yelling.  Once I cleared that up very quickly I went back and fell asleep just fine.  I woke up though with a case of the pregnancy Blahs.  I call it the pregnancy blahs because I truly don't have a better word.  I had no real reason, but just felt blah.  I don't know if it is the lack of continuous sleep or the pain I have in my side or the anxiety of being in my last trimester or the heat etc.  We ran out on a few errands, but I just wanted to come home since I was just a big ol' blah lump.  We grabbed a starbucks and headed home.  While enjoying our starbucks we watched 2 lessons of a childbirth class I got at the library.  I gave Kevin a few pop quiz's throughout ;)  He even found a good contraction Ap on his iphone that we can use during labor. 

Finally, I was feeling less blah - I was feeling energized, played with the dogs, did some stuff around the house and decided to go to Costco.  Had a nice trip there and got a lot of yummy fruit. 

We noticed a rabbit in the yard as we drove up from Costco - there have been tons of little baby rabbits around lately.  They are so super cute.  You all know I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE sucker for animals - any kind, any type, any where.  We went out in to the backyard with the dogs to let them out since we just got home.  This scared the rabbit right in to the road and a jeep (not the first time this jeep has been going way to fast) ran right over it.  Right in front of me.  I have zero ability to not just have my heart sink to the ground.  I cannot stand anything innocent in pain.  I just had seen it all alive and cute and commented on it in our yard and now BLAM :(  I know not everyone feels the same way I do about animals, but it is something embedded deep within my soul.  Needless to say, the case of the Blahs was back... I could have really done with out that... throw in some pregnancy hormones and there you have it...   a complainy blog ...   It was just a "Good Grief" type of day for me.   

Friday, July 8, 2011

End of an era

After watching the final space shuttle launch today it made me think of the one we went to in Florida.  We saw the STS-117 Space Shuttle Atlantis launch on June 8, 2007.  We watched from Titusville, FL.  Even though we were miles away you could hear and feel the rumble of the engines.  After the launch was successful the crowd roared with excitement - it felt like you were back in time taking part in the Russia/US space race.  No matter what you couldn't help but have a rush of adrenaline - good old fashioned all American adrenaline.  Here is a picture we took. 

The program formally started in 1972, but the first orbiter didn't launch until 1981.  There has been a little over 130 orbiter launches. 6 different types of orbiters were built Atlantis, Challenger, Columbia, Discovery, Endeavour, and Enterprise.  Enterprise never actually launched in to space.  There are two solid rocket boosters and 3 main engines all powered by liquid nitrogen and oxygen.  It reaches a speed of ~ 17,500 mph to be able to orbit around the earth. 

Anyway, I think space is really cool.  I love watching any program on space, planets, etc.  I think it is the mystery of it that makes it so intriguing to learn about and watch.  I hope the next phase for NASA is just as exciting.... maybe Mars, anywhere past the Int'l space station.. who knows.  

In the words of Captain Picard, "Space... The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before"  This is what I hope for the future of NASA.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Middle of the night stroll

For the last week around 2-4am I am making a trip to the thermostat (if I happen to be keeping Kevin awake he gets to go).  This isn't necessarily a new thing, even not pregnant I would wake up hot on occasion I just think pregnancy makes it more uncomfortable. I wake up SO SO hot I can't stand it.  The temperature feels fine when I go to bed, but I wake up just dying.  Now, admittedly I sleep in a fortress of pillows and dogs.  I have pillows everywhere.  I may have a slight case of self diagnosed sciatica so I sleep on the opposite side of the pain and prop my legs up, etc etc. The pillow fortress is like a dogs dream, I wake up to their cute little heads taking advantage of various pillowy spots.  I used to be such a hard sleeper and now sleeping just isn't as relaxing .. between being hot and trying to curtail my pain it just isn't the same.  The silver lining is that Baby Hahm seems to be moving all the time.  When I do wake up apparently he does too.  I'll lay there and try to fall back asleep as he is rolling around and around - it catches me off guard when it is all quiet and then 'BAM, WOP, PUNCH' 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Sister's Big Day

I have heard this quote over the years and while it is simple it really describes the bare bones of having a sister, "The best thing about having a sister is that I always have a friend." ....  I see it as a friend who allows me to keep a piece of my childhood alive, a friend who has ABSOLUTELY seen me at my worst and best and hasn't held either against me, a friend who could easily find me in a huge dark room just because she is my sister and would know me,  a friend who I can laugh with uncontrollably about something unique to only us over and over and over again, a friend who I know wouldn't hesitate to stand up for me or be there for me, a friend who will point out something special about me that I may have forgotten during a particularly bad day... this list really could be never-ending, but it is hard to put in to words what a sister means in your life - I really can't imagine not having Krista around, really I can't... so with this sentiment I can't express how much it meant to me to be there on her wedding day.  She is officially a 'pair' now - Angelo and Krista got married on June 28.  (I don't have a lot of pictures, but will post some of the professional ones once they are complete)

The wedding was full of simple elegance.  From her classically beautiful dress and side swept hair, to the NY lounge style of the reception.  The ceremony room was romantically lit with a candle wall and a cream/white /silver color scheme that just felt ... right.  It just felt like Angelo and Krista as you walked in the room.  Everything ran smoothly as we transitioned to the reception area (to a specific Imogen Heap song).  There was colorful artwork on the walls that the color block flower arrangements played on throughout the room.  The artwork and flowers perfectly contrasted the edgy feel of the leather couches and fancy appetizers/dessert tables.  They kept the reception intimate and personal - they chose to  be surrounded by their closest friends and immediate family.  It was great to see them enjoying their moment.  I can only wish them the best as they enter this new chapter of their lives.  I know Krista has said that with Angelo she just knew he was special (or something similar and probably more romantic) so I'm so happy she is happy!  I'm still not sure Angelo knows what he got himself into becoming a part of our family ;-) (and I hope he knows that she is forever my lil sis even if she was all grown up and stunning in her wedding dress, I will see her as the girl playing care bears or singing in sunshine generation and my big sister instinct will always kick in and I wouldn't hesitate a moment to be there for her ...and now him)

Cheers to the happy couple !! 

On a side note: I'm pretty sure both of my parents are going to have a heart attack since Krista got married and they will soon have their first grandchild all in the same year!!! HAHA

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Birth Classes

We haven't signed up for a childbirth education class yet.  When I think about attending one of these I only have visions of parodies in my head (Sat. night live, comedy movies and tv shows)  You imagine some lady that is slightly strange teaching you to say 'heeee heee hooo hoo heee heee hoo hoo' or making you do belly circles with your husband.  Or Kevin or I passing out during all of the 'true to life' videos of real births.  I figure I don't want to see that gooiness when I go through it, why do I want to see someone else's gooiness... ?!?.  Or one of the tasks being me and Kevin staring into each other's eyes trying to reach a state of calmness LOL...

I have heard there is some very useful information and I do want a tour of the actual Labor and delivery part of the hospital.  It would be nice for Kevin to learn about what things he should be doing while I'm in pain.  Because of that and being first timers we will probably sign up - the next one starts in mid August for five 2 hour sessions. 

I was looking online today for possible DVD classes.  I was thinking we could avoid the in person classes and just buy an education series.  I haven't really found anything that seemed to really replace a class.  The DVDs were useful for certain types of birthing processes - all natural, hypnobbirth, Bradley method or Lamaze method...etc.  I will continue my search, but will probably opt for the real thing.

Kevin and I aren't the most social of couples so you just know we are going to be sitting next to that 'couple' that is all up in our grill about everything just like a comedy movie.  Where they tell us all kinds of personal things in super duper detail and want to share belly rubs ... 

Did you guys find these classes useful or did it seem like you had already read most of the information?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

I hope everyone has a bright and spectacular 4th of July.  We have spent the day painting the nursery.  We finally decided on a few colors - we probably won't finish today, but it is shaping up quite nicely. 

I was thinking about how in 1776 we declared our independence from Great Britain.  I think Kevin and I are doing the opposite this 4th of July... it is kind of like we are undeclaring our independence since from now on Baby Hahm may be directing all of our moves... early dinners, sleepless nights, demanding cuddles and diaper changes, pretty much demanding whatever he wants whenever ...  hhhmmm  I can see our freedom in the rearview mirror.  I know I know it will all be worth it, but it is a funny thought.  

Sunday, July 3, 2011


While I was in Arizona I hit a big milestone - 100 days left to my due date.  I was both excited and totally scared at the same time when I read that on my daily email.  100 days seems like forever, but also like tomorrow.  As of today I have 94 days left.  As of late I have felt definitely more pregnant.  I'm pretty sure that I'm getting bigger and bigger by the minute.  Painting my toe nails has become WAY more difficult to do comfortably.  Kevin hugged me tightly and whoops the belly was in the way.. that is a new experience.  I get up slower and bending down better be for something I really want.  Unfortunately, some of the less fun things have also crept up on me.  My posterior pelvic area is sore with every step I take and my abdominal area on occasion feels achy. Only on my right side - (knock on wood) but my left side still feels ok.  Apparently when you stretch out all your organs, tendons and stuff it becomes achy .... go figure.  A couple more milestones to go!!

On a side note: My poor little Kona is so scared of the fireworks - it is very sad to watch her panicking over every little snap, crackle and pop :(  We found her sitting awkwardly in our half bath a little while ago, I guess that is the room she felt was farthest away from the firework danger.  I just hope she doesn't give herself a heart attack 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Back home - or am I?

How do you define 'home'?  To be home is an interesting concept.  A concept I struggle with every time I come back from a trip to Arizona.  Everything in Arizona is so comfortable to me and familiar.  I lived somewhere in AZ for over 30 years.  My family all still live there (for the most part).  A lot of people leave their home states because they don't like the weather or it is too small or just want a new adventure.  I always loved living in AZ, but really liked the idea of experiencing new places.  However, I would have been fine staying in AZ too if we wouldn't have had the opportunity to leave. 

So do you think you need a house to be at home?  I know I feel 'at home' in AZ even though I do not have a structure/house that I actually call home there.  On this recent trip I went to Flagstaff and saw even more surroundings that make AZ feel so comfy to me.  I had seen some great college friends right before seeing high school friends so this trip was just chalk full of things that make AZ special.  It is hard to fight memories - those memories are what give you that 'at home' feeling.  Familiar faces and places are invaluable.  Couple that with seeing my sister get married and having my family see me pregnant for the first time and suddenly Tennessee feels far far away from everything I know.

Having said that, I was ready to get 'home' to TN.  I could not wait to sleep in my bed and just get back to my routine with Kevin and the dogs.  I could not stop petting and cuddling Kona and Mocha once we got back.  It isn't this structure/house I particularly missed, but my everyday with my little family.  While I love the desert landscape (our little side drive to the superstition mountains was gorgeous) I did like returning to the green of TN.  And TN will be special in a very different way because it will be where our little family will soon grow by one.

Even though I ALWAYS come back homesick for AZ since it is hard being away from my family, I guess in the end I'm just glad I have two wonderful places I want to be at the same time.  Each place I call 'home' mean so many different and great things to me that I just feel lucky.