We finished our DVD educational series on childbirth. I was doing ok with each lesson until the last two... now I'm just speechless. The last two talked about the actual 3 stages of labor and all of the associated pain and discomfort and all of the drugs or medical interventions. As I watched getting increasingly more anxious here are some of the takeaways I heard... I may have had selective hearing....
- If you use Pitocin to induce labor the contractions are a lot worse
- If you use Pitocin in combo with epidural you may actually slow down or stop labor and you will have to have a csection
- If you are over 35 your uterus doesn't spring back for 9 to 12 months and you just stay saggy - oh man!!
- If they have to break your water the contractions are worse since there isn't any padding for the head if the water is gone
- If you have any spinal leakage from the epidural you'll have the worst headache and you'll have to get a blood patch to stop it
- If you get too tired they may have to use forceps or a vacuum and give you an episiotomy (Guess I should have done some marathon training before getting preg-now it is too late)
- It is possible that you can have 3 tubes in you in the same area that you are pushing the baby out, 1 tube is actually twisted in to the babies skull to measure distress. Seriously, 3 other things!
- About another 100 things that either lead to more pain or a csection ..... and I can't wait to not be able to sit down for weeks FUN STUFF!!
Can you tell I'm officially 'officially' freaked out a little. I have always been freaked out by this stuff, but now I wasn't even sure what to think or do with myself when we turned off the tv, I just basically stood up and stretched as I spaced out the rest of the night.
Kevin asked me, "is there anything I can do for you?" I said, "Give birth to Baby Hahm" and even he said, "Uh no, that sounds pretty painful" :(
They were talking about breastfeeding your baby as they stitch your 6 layers up that they cut through for a csection. You must just feel so used and abused by that point, you are cut open and your baby is feeding... is that really what happens, that seems crazy.
I figure the only thing that will get me through this is that I really have no choice.... Baby Hahm has been giving me some hard kicks to the right side, maybe he can sense my scarediness (I guess that is fair)