The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 22, 2011

3D/4D Ultrasound

We got another view of Baby Hahm today.  We went to a place called Focused Imaging.  I drank a starbucks (Decaf) on the way just to give him a little dose of sugar before we started.  He wasn't super active, but active enough for some good shots and supposedly the most active baby of the day.  I guess several of the people before us couldn't get many shots because the faces were covered and the baby wouldn't move. 

Anyway, what I found the most comical was that the guy who answers the phones, does the ultrasound, creates the DVDs, checks you in and out, etc is all the same person.  For me I couldn't get the picture out of my head of that cartoon character that has drums strapped to his shoulders, a microphone, a harmonica and marches along in a one man band.  Regardless, he was nice and everything seemed to go smooth. 

All of the grandparents were logged on to the online portal so they could view it with us.  They could hear us and see the ultrasound as it was happening.  This was the next best thing to having them here in person and really made it special for me and Kevin (and someday to Baby Hahm). 

The ultrasound was just like a regular 2D ultrasound just the image is different.  Baby Hahm had his hand in front of his face for awhile and then his foot, but we could at least get a nice glimpse.  He seems to be positioned (at least for now) head down (not breech) which is nice.  He stuck his tongue out once or twice and definitely grimaced here and there.  Part of me thinks most babies look similar in these pictures, but still very very cool to view.  My friend Hope said it looks like a baby sculpted out of butter - true!  A cute blob of butter!!  **Note: Sometimes near the edges, the pic gets distorted - it is the pic and not his head :)

Cute one of his hand

He is holding his face

He is sticking his tongue out!


Kiera and Joe said...

These are such amazing pictures!!!! I LOVE the last one!! What a great experience for you and your family :)

Hope said...

Oh my goodness! I am always just shocked at how squished they are. i don't know what I picture but I just never imagine them so squished. Seems uncomfortable but then they come out and you velcro them into the Swaddler and life is easy :) hee hee

Anonymous said...

beautiful baby boy! Love the pics :)
