The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Babies 101 for Expectant Parents

Quick Note: My Dr.'s appt got cancelled today so I am rescheduled for tomorrow so no update today.

Kevin and I just got back from a seminar at our chosen pediatrician's office. We figured taking advantage of a free class called Babies 101 couldn't hurt as we are newbie's at this parenting thing. We will be going to Pediatric Associates of Franklin. It is a pretty big office with 7 doctors and we have heard a few great reviews from people we know, plus it is close by where we live.

There were 5 other 'parents to be' in attendance. Dr. Townsend was the speaker. It was a very casual type setting and the main purpose was to review some newborn topics to help the first weeks go smooth. Apparently, and it seems hard to believe, but first time parents can be quite nervous about things that are completely normal. Here are some things I thought were the most interesting that we learned. Kevin took the notes and I listened (how about I listened intently if it makes me sound more of a part of the Hahm team)

Poop - We are now experts (pooperts- haha get it?) on what the poop should look like and how it changes over the first few days and weeks. Kevin was most surprised by the roller coaster of a pooping schedule a baby undergoes. It starts out slow and can get up to 15 a day once they really are eating and getting good milk and then back down after a few weeks. It is a good thing there is an app for keeping track of these :)

Temperature - Rectal temps are the best and most accurate. A rectal temp reading can sometimes loosen a stool too...good tip.  Anything over 100.4 or lower than 97 will be emergency worthy.

Screening - I did not know that there are state laws that require a screening of like 65+ diseases. They will even send a cop to your house if the pediatrician can't locate you - it is that important to get a potential problem communicated. This screening was a GREAT surprise, I had no idea they did this right away.

A Cool Formula - this is just because I love when math is involved. But a formula that helps determine how many ounces your baby should be eating is their weight divided in half...

Flat Head - You are suppose to move the baby around the crib so that he doesn't get flat head. They will stare at things such as you or a mobile etc and if they are in the same angle each time they stare they will develop a flat head. It has become more of a problem now that babies sleep on their backs (like 18-20 hrs at first). This is just a 'good to know' I feel like I have a flat head spot... hhhhmmm I wonder if I stared off in to space at the same thing all of the time (mom?)

Vitamins - This was something I was going to research, but had answered tonight. When do you start giving a baby vitamins. Apparently right away and especially Vitamin D at a minimum.

I'll stop there, but we did learn some things as well as solidify some stuff we knew in this class. Most importantly, we left feeling pretty comfortable with this pediatrician's office. We got some good free stuff too... some formula and a small diaper bag with a removable insulated bottle holder that can keep a bottle chilled for 8 hrs. An American Academy of Pediatrics book about your baby's first year and lots of coupons.

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to MOCHA.... 'Happy Birthday little Mochachino Bandito' He is 5 going on puppy :) I can't believe we've had him for a little over 4 years. He has gone from FL to DC to GA to TN with us. We celebrated by giving him a new toy and some can dog food for dinner. Love you lil buddy!

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