The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, September 5, 2011

Weather Bliss

I am so so so so so so happy today. I can't emphasize enough how happy. Beyond happy. Rain - Glorious Rain, it is finally raining after what has been months. We have been watering our grass and trees, but this extended HOT spell has taken its toll on our grass. It was just too hard to keep lush with the high 90s weather for so long w/o much shade. An added bonus of the rain, besides feeding our yard really well, is how wonderful it smells since it is a colder rain and just smells fresh. Oh and the colder rain has made me grin from ear to ear all day. I don't mind walking in it or getting wet since I haven't felt anything refreshing from nature in quite awhile. Right now the weather channel says it is 60 degrees. You do not know how happy I am. I have a few windows open just letting in this wonderful cooler air. I am actually not sweating for once - AAAAHHHHH sweet relief. Now this temperature won't last forever and it will be back in the 80s next week (still cooler), but I am grateful for every second right now.

Getting to open the windows today led to a side job for me and Kevin. I decided we should clean out all of the window sills and window panes. We at least did all of the downstairs ones (upstairs has now been added to the 'to do' list). That wasn't the only productive thing though today - we painted our water closet in our master bedroom. I know it seems like we are always painting. Although most people don't really see our water closet there were these awful stencils that didn't even have a real pattern on the walls that drove me crazy. These are now gone - FINALLY! While I helped sand off the stencil lines Kevin really has done most of the work. I can't thank him enough as I feel like I spend half my waking hours in the bathroom since Baby Hahm seems to like to poke his head in to my bladder about every 10 minutes ;)

I also got a great deal on a diaper bag today. I bought a charcoal and black Skip Hop studio style bag off of craigslist. It is in excellent shape and I paid only $20. It normally retails around 80-90 bucks, I always like a good deal.

Another good thing that happened this weekend was that we got our Skype account set-up and my mom and Kevin's parents are ready to go in our contact list. This will allow us to video chat with them from the hospital when Baby Hahm arrives using the iPad (assuming the hospital's wi-fi works well). Once I get my dad set-up we are good to go with the grandparents.

Kona and Mocha clearly showed you how to have a relaxing weekend so I hope everyone followed their lead.

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