The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Low Key Days

Being super pregnant lends itself to a lot of downtime. I don't really feel like doing any thing in particular that isn't just stuff around the house. Pretty boring huh? In an effort to at least do something I have added a little task to my day. I grab a Starbucks and then drive around a bit to look for a lost dog. The weather has been nicer so the breeze coming in the open car windows is refreshing.

The lost dog, Skippy Lou, has been missing for weeks and has been spotted all around the area where I live. He has even been spotted at the Publix that is walking distance away from our house. The dog is a little skiddish so no one has been able to corral it apparently. The dog escaped from a dog sitter's house. This particular dog is getting a lot of attention because the dog was being dog sat because his owner is undergoing cancer treatment surgery. Can you imagine going through cancer treatment and then learning that your little buddy is missing. I figure this is a nice escape for me and I'd love to help find this dog.

On a different note: Not much to report from the appt today. Mine and Baby Hahm's stats are all still looking good. No real signs of labor yet. The head is still down and his butt is in the upper right quadrant of my belly. I do feel more sensations lower than I have before and there has been a lot of tightening of my belly (prob braxton hicks). I'm a lot more sore and stiff around my mid section so I'm thinking that tightening is actually something worthy of reporting. My next appt is next Tues.

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