The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, September 16, 2011

Wimpiness Underestimated

Ok, well as most of you know I'm a self proclaimed SUPER WIMP. Part of the reason I haven't wanted to get pregnant is because I'm VERY VERY aware of my pain tolerance. What is weird is that my pain tolerance without intervention is a lot higher than when a doctor is actually causing the pain. I'm sure there is some long drawn out psychological name for this, but it is true in my case. When I know something is going to happen I tense up, get anxious, scared, etc making the whole process worse. It really is less about the pain and more about the time leading up to something.

I give you this background so that I can explain how my first pregnancy pelvic exam went in today's Dr. appt.... not so good! WOW that was not what I expected. Quite uncomfortable. I couldn't relax so the doctor didn't get a full read :( she said since I don't have any signs of labor thus far we'll try again next time. I mentioned that an epidural is in my future and she laughed and said that is a good idea. Of course I'm disappointed in myself for being such a stress case, but at least I can prepare for next time and I know exactly what to expect. People can tell you what to expect, but it makes all the difference to experience it for yourself since we are all so different. I haven't decided if having Kevin there made me more or less anxious. I might leave him out of the room next time to experiment.

Anyway, everything else looked fine at the appt. Dr. Osburn is pretty sure the head is down based on what she felt in the pelvic exam and where the heart beat was located. She also pointed out his butt is high on the right side. So that is good news. My weight, tummy measurement and heart rate (104/70) was all on track as well. :)

Side Note: I am looking forward to tonight as a few friends are going to be at Baby Shower/Dinner to celebrate Baby Hahm. We are eating at a restaurant called Tin Angel. It is a centralized location near my old company SCRI where several people still work. It has been awhile since I have seen some of them so I'm very excited just to chit chat. I was thinking about wearing a cute dress, but I'm starting to lean towards my most comfortable clothes instead... that is what happens at 37 weeks :)

I know it is a day late, but here is a picture of Mocha chewing his toy. He has pretty much had it in his mouth since we gave it to him - I guess he likes it.

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