The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Baby Stacy Davis - Stacy's birth day as told by her mom

Born at Kingman Regional Medical Center ~ Kingman Az on November 28th 1973(Not born on Thanksgiving, but birthday falls on Thanksgiving every so often)
Born around 3:30 in the afternoon - Weighing in at 9 lbs and several oz - Length I'm not sure of but I believe you were around 19" long
OB Dr ~ Dr Rosenblatt
Surgeon ~ Dr Standerfer

On the night of the 27th I went to bed not feeling quite right. I wasn't having labor pains, just kind of like a 'something is about to happen' feeling. I told your dad I was going to get up and watch TV for a little while. After about an hour, I woke your dad and told him I feel like something is about to happen ( no labor pains yet however ). We decided to go to your grandma's because she lived close to the hospital. Your dad went back to sleep on the pull out couch in the living room ( he had to work the next day ) and I sat up in a chair not wanting to lay down as I felt time was getting closer. I sat there for a little while until I got up to go to the bathroom. When I got up, my water broke, your dad woke up, and we were on the way to the hospital. This was about midnight.

I was admitted to the hospital and put in a labor room. I started getting labor pains about that time. It seemed like I was in labor forever. I can remember looking at your dad sitting in a chair with his head leaning down on the bedrails. He looked exhausted! After being in labor many hours, with no birth, and family starting to get real concerned, they decided to call in another Dr. I don't remember who made that call, your dad or the OB. Once he arrived, he decided to send me down for x-rays. So I was put on a rolling bed, into the elevator, and x-rayed. I don't remember much about the x-rays because I was so out of it by that time. What I do remember is that when they brought me out of the labor room to take me down to be x-rayed, there seemed to be quite a crowd waiting outside the door. A lot of the Davis family, and my family. Once they took the x-rays, I went back up to the labor room and we waited for the results. The x-rays revealed I had a tilted pelvis, and I was going to have a C-section. I was scared to death because I didn't know what that was. It was not talked about much in those days. Family was upset with Dr Rosenblatt because they thought he should have known that from previous exams. Could have kept me from hours of labor.

I was taken back downstairs, and prepped for surgery. The next thing I knew, I was waking up with an IV and blood being put into me. You were rated ' 1 Apgar ' which is not good at all. If they hadn't called in Dr Standerfer when they did, you might not have been here. And because they were in such a hurry, they made a big long cut in me. Not a nice small one that they usually do. I was then put in a room and they brought you to me. I was still so out of it, that I didn't appreciate what I gave birth to until later that evening.

I remember having a lot of company that night. Everyone telling me how adorable you were and that you were worth all the pain I went through.

Several memories I have are:

- They gave me Cream of Wheat when I was in the hospital which I never had before. Still to this day, I love Cream of Wheat because it brings back pleasant memories, a comfort food so to speak
-Bobbi brought you a Santa Pants plush stocking that she thought you could wear. She was only about 11 yrs old then.
- Krona ( the Norwegian Elkhound g'ma, g'pa, and Bobbi had for many years ) passed away when I gave birth to you. In the back of my mind, I always wondered about that. Were you once a dog? Maybe that's why you like dogs so much... just a thought.
- I dressed you in the cutest little pink dress with matching shoes when you left the hospital. Your ride home was in our white Pinto.
**Oh, and check the closet in the room before you leave the hospital... I left my coat and your dad had to go back and get it! lol **
Here is a picture of me I think when I was about a month or two old... do you like the mohawk?? My mom said I was born with a full head of hair

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