The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

It's Back

Baby Hahm decided to move again. Unfortunately, I'm having my right side pains again. I will treasure my 3 days I had that were right side pain free. I'll reminiscence about the good ol' days where I could do something without cringing. He isn't in the same position he was originally though either. This is a new 3rd position. It is so hard to figure out how he is all curled up inside of there. I do know that I'm more uncomfortable especially when I'm walking. This new position has made me slower, more hunched over and stiff. When me and Kevin were out this weekend he sometimes said, 'Why don't I quick go check and you stay here' ...haha. What is funny is normally I'm a fast walker. It drives me crazy to be so slow too. Anyway, I'm not sure what is up against my rib cage, but there is something new (let's hope it isn't a head). I have an appt Thurs so hopefully the doctor will be able to help me out. Everything I read and even the doctor mentioned at my last appt that I should feel so much less movement, but WOW he is just as active as ever. Kevin and I teased that Baby Hahm might be hyperactive once he pops out.

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