The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fun, Great Conversation and Being Spoiled!

These 3 things only capture half of the evening I had on Friday night at Tin Angel. I'm so lucky to have a group of fun gals show up to my Baby Shower/Dinner for Baby Hahm. I haven't been in Nashville for all that long and these ladies really have made me feel at home. A super shout out to Meredith for putting it together and coordinating schedules ... and the tasty tasty cupcakes and for my ride there and many many other things she does for me :)

Sybil, Kerry, Meredith, Me, Lauren, Dinah and Anne Marie at Tin Angel

I'll admit I was worried about planning anything after 37 weeks since I never know if I am going to have a good day or bad day with my side pain, but luckily I had a GREAT day and dinner wasn't at all uncomfortable. I do have to sort of lean back in my chair to be comfy, which means any condensation on my drinking glass drips all over my belly. It is a funny thing, I just wipe off the drips. haha. I had the salmon (I guess I tend to order salmon when I go out for dinner since I don't make it at home very often - Kevin doesn't like it). It came with sweet potatoes, wilted arugula, rosemary roll and yummy side salad.

Several of us haven't seen each other in awhile so we spent a lot of time just trying to catch up and I'm pretty sure we barely touched the surface. More of these dinners are definitely needed. It is always hard talking to everyone at a big table so I know I have so much more I'd love to hear about. We barely scratched the surface of Anne Marie's trip to Europe, or Lauren's tennis adventures or exciting social stuff she does, or Dinah's horses, donkey's and summer family adventures, or Sybil's girls whom I can never hear enough about, Kerry's little Max and new house, or any of Meredith's new things she is doing with event planning or crafting, etc. I'm leaving out a million interesting things these girls have to talk about. Regardless, I was surrounded by some great conversation!! Meredith, Dinah and I talked for awhile out in the street even as we were trying to leave. It was great and I really really needed the girl time. There are times I feel homesick and miss my friends and family the most and these last few weeks of pregnancy has left me with lots of different emotions (scared, anxious, alone, nervous) and just having a night out really has given me a spirit lift that I badly needed.

Now I felt spoiled just having them show up for dinner with me, but they also came bearing WONDERFUL gifts for Baby Hahm. Everything from diapers to a white noise machine to super cute clothes, a diaper changing travel kit and so much more... take a look at these pictures.
Yummy Cupcakes that had baby rattles and ducks on them

How cute are these??  The blue striped one feels like a blanket it is sooo comfy and look how preppy that striped onesie is...

This book was from Dinah and it will be so special to read it to Baby Hahm, that bear hat is going to look so adorable in pictures and the dog towel speaks for itself...

Look how spoiled I am ... so many great things, plus a gift card to boot

Thanks again - great memories!

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