The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nesting or Routine Cleaning?

As I cleaned a few things today the thought popped in my head - am I nesting? But, I quickly thought 'no' since I do this same cleaning at least once or twice a week every week ...forever. Granted nothing is done quite as good as it was a few months ago. I tire quickly and can't quite reach things as well so it may not be my best effort. It is true a few things make my to-do list that are more detail oriented and someone from outside the house might think I'm being overly clean or nesty. The problem with that thought is that I happen to notice certain things while I'm just doing regular cleaning. This is actually something Kevin hates because sometimes my original to-do list gets longer once we start actually doing some of the to-do's. For instance, the dogs are shedding a little more than normal right now so I've been a little more neurotic about vacuuming the couch or the areas where their hair may gather, but I'd do that NOT pregnant too.

I have read that some women will be up in the middle of the night scrubbing baseboards and grout with toothbrushes. Or they wash and rewash all of the baby clothes and blankets. Or repack the hospital bag several times. They even organize their closet by the color of their clothes (I do that already so I can't count that). So I guess I haven't really nested - the age old natural instinct that humans and animals have has escaped me so far.... I'll let you know if over the next few days I have a burst of energy and Nest in the middle of the night.

Historical Note - There is a Listeria outbreak from cantaloupes. Listeria is especially bad for pregnant women so while I LOVE most fruits and vegetables this is a time I'm glad I hate and am slightly allergic to cantaloupe. Hopefully the death count of 18 doesn't get higher.

Side note - I changed how the comment box works. I still had people saying they couldn't leave a comment. Today Kevin and I figured out a way that might be easier... nothing like waiting until the last minute before birth to fix that - so if you are so inclined to leave a comment and it hasn't worked for you in the past maybe it will work for you now. Feel free to comment on Kevin's comment about the name blog from yesterday :)

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