The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

7 days

Now that is a milestone for you - 7 days left until my due date. I had ran into Old Navy today and the cashier was like, 'when are you due' and I said, '7 days' and she said, 'Really and you are out shopping'.... I thought that was funny and valid. I do feel more comfortable running errands with Kevin around instead of by myself. I limit where I go so that I know that getting back to the car is quick and easy. I can't really explain why, it isn't because I think my water is going to break, etc. just feels more secure to have someone there in case I don't feel well or something.

Well, 7 days.... I wonder when it will happen this week, next week ... hopefully not the week after that...

Also, we haven't really solidified a name. Everyone wants to know what name we've picked, but we really haven't yet. I sort of feel like we haven't exhausted our options either and I wonder if we need to sit down and go from A-Z. I'm not sure Baby Hahm is going to like Baby Hahm as his name long term. Well, actually it would be Baby Philip Hahm since we are using Philip (Kevin's middle name and his dad's), but Kevin did just say that was up for discussion too if we wanted... oh man 7 days until the due date and we are that up in the air.....hhhmmm. Here are a few that have been thrown around :) ....Asher, Walton, Nathaniel, Samuel, Porter, Stanton, Thomas, Nicolas, Carter, Gerritt (and several of these were immediately taken off the table by myself or Kevin and weren't even ever considered)... This gives you a taste of our insanity . A friend of mine said I should just stick with the coffee theme... 'Mocha' and 'Kona' and 'Latte Hahm' or 'Macchiatto Hahm' maybe even 'Juan Valdez Hahm'....

I do think Kevin has a secret plan to wait until I'm totally exhausted after giving birth and he will fill out the paperwork and write whatever name he wants without me aware of what is actually happening.  (Nah, I don't really think he'd do that... or do I)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is exactly what I plan to do. I've been told that the dad is given the birth certificate to complete when mom is resting and exhausted (understandbly so). That is when I get to name Baby Hahm whatever I like. My top pick is Samuel (after Samuel Adams beer, of course). One of my other favorites (Porter) is also after a beer.... is that bad?