The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mean or Funny?

I was thinking as I was out and about today and realized that today marks the last day I am actually going to be alone 'alone' for awhile. Kevin is in Baltimore for work. I am guessing this will be his last out of town trip since I am so close to my due date. This means that anytime after that I'll have Baby Hahm at home with me. Of course over time I'll have chances here and there where I'm alone, but really this could be my last independent hoorah for awhile. I guess that is what they mean when they say a baby changes your life.

Kevin has been a little nervous to leave town just because he'd be so stressed out if I went in to labor. He even did some strategies in his head for 'just in case' scenarios. He evaluated renting a car, but this is a 12 hour drive back so this wouldn't cut it. I told him that a 12 hour drive seems like forever and I hope I'm not in labor that long (I know wishful thinking) He figured his best bet was to get the first plane out. I even got a text from him once he checked in to his hotel that read, 'Keep Baby Hahm in You'. A friend of mine that lives nearby, Meredith, is my emergency contact while he is gone just in case something unexpected happens. As I write this blog I feel pretty comfortable that labor is no where near happening tonight. Having said that, I am not sure why I'd know that as I have never been in labor - let's go with I have a gut feeling.

So would it be MEAN or FUNNY if I sent Kevin a text saying 'Oh no I think I am having contractions'? Mean, right? haha. I couldn't do that to him. He said if I had Baby Hahm while he was away that I'd have to have another kid so that he could be there... uuummm me going through another 10 months of pregnancy to make him feel better probably wouldn't happen :) - did I say probably LOL I mean that isn't happening. Are you sure it wouldn't be funny to play that joke on him?? ok ok I won't.

Side Note Update: I mentioned yesterday that Baby Hahm has wiggled and jiggled himself in to some other position. I have tried to figure it out all day, but I just can't tell. I have been to all kinds of websites that tell you how to determine it, but nothing is seeming straightforward to me. This is what I do know: He has moved enough so that I haven't had a major right side pain all day. I am wondering if it is a fluke or if I am going to get a break from that crippling stabbing pain. However, I would be lying if I didn't say I am now a little nervous he has worked himself into a less favorable birthing position because he was head down. Also, nothing is for free right? While I haven't felt a right side stabbing pain I have had a new intense pressure along the lower part of my belly. This uncomfortable feeling is A LOT more tolerable than the right side pain though. I was thinking maybe I have 'dropped' as they say, but I don't think so. I feel all of the kicks and hiccups etc. in different locations so I think it is a real position move versus just a drop.

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