The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Moment of Reflection

As I get more and more uncomfortable I figured I'd take a moment to remember the few things that weren't so bad during the pregnancy. My complexion actually was clearer than normal so that was a good thing. I'm not sure if it was the good diet I tried to follow or the vitamins or just pregnancy hormones. I didn't have morning sickness or really any other digestive upset like heartburn (minus a few days). My nails were stronger than normal and actually looked alright for a change. My hair was balanced and never greasy or dry. I didn't have any food or smell aversions so that made it nice since I could really eat anything I wanted. I haven't had any hormonal unbalance so I'd say my moods have been pretty normal. I've been fortunate enough to have normal test results for the routine things they test every appt. Overall, not a lot of complications.

What I think I have enjoyed the most though is that I think I actually had a cute pregnancy, which made me a whole lot less self conscious the whole time. Honestly, I wasn't sure what my 37 year old body would do with all of these bodily changes. (I say all of these things while knocking on wood) I have been fortunate to not get very much swelling the whole time (granted these last 2 weeks I may get a little). I feel like I have pretty much only gained weight in my belly, I swear it looks just like a basketball under my shirt. My belly and Baby Hahm have always measured fine even though I haven't quite gained the 25-35 recommended pounds so I haven't been worried about it just being ALL belly. You know your friends are always going to say you look nice regardless if you do or not, but when I had a few separate strangers recently say that I was such a cute pregnant person it made me feel good.  I think after feeling miserable and uncomfortable and being towards the end of the pregnancy this at least made me feel good for a moment, a special pregnancy memory.

Anyway, I know I complain a lot about the right side pain (which I'll be VERY happy to be rid of), but there are things I'm very thankful for during this whole process. I don't want to forget the easier parts either :)

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