The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, April 18, 2011

Appt #3 - Quick & Easy

Babies heartbeat is a good 155.  My weight, blood pressure, etc are good.  I had blood drawn to finish off some of the genetic testing.  It is called a quad test.  These screening values combined with my first trimester screening values give me an idea of a possible genetic disorder, this time it includes neural tube defects.  I started out with a 1:100 chance of a genetic disorder due to my age.  After the first round of screening tests my chance was 1:3100 and even less of a chance for Trisomy 18 (1:10,000) YAY!!  They will combine all the screening tests to come up with a new at risk value.  Anyway, I am hopeful everything will come back great.  These tests are only screens and aren't diagnostic, but I like knowing things are pointed in the healthy direction.

We have decided to find out the sex of baby Hahm.  This appt is set for May 13th...Friday the 13th... should I be worried about finding this out on freaky Friday??? 

The only bad news (which wasn't bad) was that my sore thigh muscles during sleep are definitely normal and here to stay.  My pelvic area and tendons are to blame... this is when I wish I was more like gumby or plastic man.  Owell. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah for finding out the sex!! Excited to find out!! Drink something sweet a little before the ultrasound and the baby will be dancing around!
Not too early or they will poop out ;)
