The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 17, 2011


First a quick multiple choice quiz.. What is this picture??A) Painting workshop for students on how to paint a dining room B) A new version of feng shui  C) a garage sale or D) a 'Mocha' blockade so that he isn't constantly ripping the painters tape off of the dining room molding...  if you guessed  D   you are correct.... silly dog and both dogs could not keep from smelling the brown paint.. it looked like melted chocolate and apparently smelled like it too.  Kona hasn't been interested in the smell of paint ever so there must have been something good to sniff.  Seriously, this paint looked like something I could dip strawberries in... I was craving chocolate all day.

Anyway, back to the topic of the day.  I've always been a person who did not drink enough water.  I have always had to consciously think about drinking it, yet I'm never really dehydrated.  I attribute my super abilities of water retention to my childhood in the desert.  Maybe I developed specialized kidneys and intestines like a camel so that my body doesn't require the usual amount.  (BTW, water isn't stored in the camels humps like rumored - it is usually fat stored in their hump and the hump size is an indication of overall nutrition)... ok back to my water issues.  Now that I have baby Hahm I have been keenly aware of my water intake and I just don't cut it most days.  Even though I have post-its everywhere reminding me to drink water and an on the hour iphone alarm reminder I just can't seem to get enough (just kidding I don't really do either of those things, but maybe I should).  The one time of day I am thirsty is nighttime since I'm a night owl.  This habit doesn't really align with my new bladder size since getting up in the middle of the night isn't fun. So, as I head to the kitchen to get some water I'd love to hear any ideas on fun ways to remember to drink enough earlier in the day.... cheers!!

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

I have so much trouble trying to remember to drink water as well! Definitely must be an AZ thing. But what I try to do is whenever I feel hungry (which is a lot!) I drink a bunch of water first. Then I wait to see if I really am hungry or if it was just thirst. That way, you are not over eating and you get more water in your system :) I usually have a snack a few minutes later!! But at least it helps me get in some extra water. I also get really thirsty before bed!! I am so excited that I won't have to get up to pee all night in a few more weeks!