The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, April 4, 2011

Flowers and tornados

Mixed in with our Starbucks runs were our weekend errands ... wait flip that around.  Iced mochas are still delicious even in decaf form.  We are still working on decorating and organizing various rooms in our house to fit our taste.  We have had to switch gears a bit since the baby news changed our room designations and so we are moving whole rooms around. We do lots of looking for furniture, decorations, rugs, paint colors, etc. (no baby furniture shopping yet... it is still early).  We like finding good deals and it takes us forever to find anything we both actually want to commit to so sometimes these trips seem never-ending, but fun regardless (well maybe more never-ending for Kevin).  It has been years since we've owned our own house or lived somewhere for over a year so this year when I saw all of the fun flowers for spring I finally wanted to buy some and spruce up our entry with a splash of color.  There were lots of bumble bees diving at Kevin's head as he planted the flowers we picked out and because of this I did not help at all - I hate bugs!! Even though he lost his patience a little trying to get those tiny flowers out of the those tiny containers he did a great job .... skip to Monday afternoon, one day later, and me and the dogs are in the closet as tornado sirens go off.  This is not something you learn about growing up in Arizona.  Its pouring and the wind is quite strong.  I have heard that 50,000 people lost electricity and funnel clouds have touched down nearby.... but instead of being scared or anything I sat in the closet and all I could think about was that I hope our flowers aren't ruined by the weather, they looked so pretty. (mid storm pic ... they seem to be ok)

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