The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm probably in the minority on this...

I am sure I am one of only a few with this opinion, but I just don't really care about the Royal wedding.  I guess I should be impressed with the pageantry and gloriousness of it all, but for some reason I just have no interest in it.  The endless coverage on news channels just leaves me wanting to know less.  How is it that I know about Kate's Dukan diet to lose weight for the dress (a very unhealthy diet by the way) or the fake look-a-like engagement ring you can buy or how much the suite is that they are staying in or how much all of the security is going to cost.... all without wanting to know one bit of information...I learned all of this by just existing while the news was on.  There are shows on cake recipes that should have been used, are being used or didn't make the cut.  The same type of design shows were done on her wedding dress... just for fun.  Maybe I just don't get it because I don't remember Princess Diana marrying Prince Charles and I only really heard about all the scandals.  Maybe these scandals took the romance out of it for me.  It could be I just don't know enough history about the British Monarchy so the relevance of this event is wasted on me.  I guess one good thing is she is a 'commoner', which is a fun fact.  Maybe I need to grab some popcorn and watch the 'William and Kate' movie on Lifetime and maybe I'll fall in love with their love story.... I'm skeptical though knowing myself.  While I may be the only one not up at 4am to watch what is sure to be a beautiful event in history I'm sure I'll see clips over and over and over all day .... 

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