The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How am I feeling?

Just a quick note today to give a rundown of my general well-being since that is the question I get most often.

Overall, I am still feeling quite great. Yay! I have had a headache or two that I'm pretty sure are related to my readjusting body.  This readjusting body stuff has also toyed with my sleeping slightly.  I have really tried to start sleeping on my side since this is the recommended position for proper fetal development.  For some reason this causes a dull pain in my upper outside thighs so I flip throughout the night to relieve whatever thigh I am sleeping on disrupting my sleep a little (and Kevin's).  I am hoping this sensation will lessen.  Basically though no complaints.   

I have been making sure I walk everyday and just added pregnancy yoga to my at home exercise routine.  I have always been way to antsy, goofy and not graceful enough for yoga, but the stretching will help with the 'growing' pains so I have enjoyed it.

I continue to focus on my diet.  One thing I am trying to make sure of during the second trimester is that I have enough iron in my diet so that I don't become anemic.  As a vegetarian I don't always get enough iron and with the increased red blood cell production it has become more important this trimester.  One thing I did discover is that the list of iron rich foods contains a ton of food I already eat so I am most likely getting enough (lima beans, raisins, baked potatoes, tofu, kidney beans (veggie chili)...)

My next appointment is Monday April 18th and I'll be sure to share anything exciting, although it is just a basic appointment.  I feel weird not having a laundry list of questions for the doctor like every book and website tells me to have prepared, but I just don't really have any... sometimes maybe ignorance is bliss ;)

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